Sick to death of shit loot in maps!!

Running all atlas passives to make content harder, running T15-18 only, running 6+ mods rare corrupt maps, all towers with rarity and quantity, 207% raw IR...

Just find dogshit....some rares drop only gold now! I've got 50 million damm gold, don't need anymore!!

Rare mobs dropping regal and chance shards is a farce to! Mostly crap currency and the same 10 low level uniques dropping ad nauseum...

How is this fun?! I've stomached this for 3 months and cannot take this RNG lottery simulation anymore...

Why can't you make the drops more dope!? Whole point of a looter right?

Even pinnacle boss farming is tedious with the same uniques dropping.

I don't see any anything interesting content wise with the teasers either ...stop focusing on POE and make poe2 perfect like it should be!

Will the real GGG please stand up.

Love the game hate the loot drops.
Level 97 Ice strike Monkey
Last edited by bellabears#7803 on Mar 5, 2025, 2:52:09 AM
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 3:15:25 PM
POE 2 is like 35% done at best. They lied very hard about how complete the game is.

And don't worry, POE 1 has only been developed by a skeleton crew for the last 3 years of only 10 employees -- literaly, they admitted, only 10 employees.

They gave up on POE 1 years ago, they just lied about it until they dropped the "Hey we actually don't make POE 1 anymore" a few weeks back which caused an instant revolt.

So trust me. They are dedicating almost literally nothing to POE 1 whatsoever. It's been evident for the last few years, and it won't be better anytime soon.

TLDR: don't worry, us POE 1 players were abandoned years ago.

TLDR: don't worry, us POE 1 players were abandoned years ago.

I really don't blame GGG for that. They were an small indie game developer, they made a great free to play game supported by their playerbase, consequently, they sold it to Tencent, making a bunch load of money.

That indie spirit to make good game is gone and it shows. PoE 2 is just an afterthought, not the financial driving motivation PoE 1 was before being sold.
Fhrek#4437 wrote:

TLDR: don't worry, us POE 1 players were abandoned years ago.

I really don't blame GGG for that. They were an small indie game developer, they made a great free to play game supported by their playerbase, consequently, they sold it to Tencent, making a bunch load of money.

That indie spirit to make good game is gone and it shows. PoE 2 is just an afterthought, not the financial driving motivation PoE 1 was before being sold.

See, I wouldn't either if they didn't lie all the time about nearly everything.

Why did they stress they were gonna develop both games just to pull a 180 and say they actually quit POE 1?

Why did they say they were going to make it POE 2 just be POE 1 with new story? Just to lie and make a whole new ass game most of us never asked for? It still would have gone viral they just released a watered down arcade type POE experience for no discernible reason.

I actually legitimately think almost every single action GGG has taken the last 2-3 years has been antithetical to what POE even is and was when I started.

The game, the developers, every aspect of everything is going in a direction I don't like.
Bumping perhaps the devs will read but doubt lol
Level 97 Ice strike Monkey

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