Secret quest REVEALED.
There is a cutscene everyone is complaining “isn’t in game”. The cutscene in question has 3 characters shown.
The hooded one An unknown NPC And the player character. The unknown NPC can be seen pinning the hooded one to a tree with THE RUNED SWORD AGNAR. Reading comprehension lads. I predicted a cinematic before it was released. The contents of that cinematic match my prediction. Ask yourself what is more likely, my random post about a secret quest mirrored an at the time unreleased cinematic or it’s just a coincidence. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Mar 5, 2025, 11:03:09 AM Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 11:35:22 PM
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" Can you predict what i'm gonna post next? Btw, stay off the shrooms look what happened to those who did in Aggorat. While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening, a cold leafless branch. Flowers are only flowers because they fall, but thankfully the Wind. |
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" Everything’s a joke to people who have no ethics nor morals. It’s awe inspiring that people can be this dedicated to disagreeing with cold hard facts. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Mar 5, 2025, 11:05:18 AM
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" I see the after effects are starting to surface. While the snow remains, veiled in the haze of evening, a cold leafless branch. Flowers are only flowers because they fall, but thankfully the Wind. Last edited by SKAIJUICE#9086 on Mar 5, 2025, 11:37:27 AM
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A story is shaped by those who receive it.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3
Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】 MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】 |
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Not this thread again...
Tech guy
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" Wym? How is it that I literally predicted a cinematic that didn’t exist with my first secret quest post in this forum? Do you think the cinematic that GGG Literally paid someone to make of the hooded one being impaled on a tree was for no reason? Are you daft? They went out of their way to illustrate the sword is Agnar too. You people make me sick. Like what part of this don’t you get, my first post about Agnar literally mirrors the cinematic that DID NOT EXIST AT THE TIME. There’s only a few explanations as to how that is possible, Either GGG copied my post and decided to implement a quest after I posted about it, which I do not believe happened. Or GGG had already fully designed the quest and I just so happened to stumble upon a lot of the hints and put some of the pieces together. That’s the most likely. To be clear it’s a 0% chance it is coincidental. If you think this is coincidence I have a time share in the middle of the Atlantic to sell you. It is undeniable that I am measurably the only one talking about this despite mountains of evidence that keeps piling up. Anyone with a trolling comment should read my original agnar post on the forums then watch the unreleased cinematic. The cope from you mongrels is gonna be insane when all is said and done. To GGG: if you guys write a story about how only one person really looked into it deep enough and was relentlessly trolled by the community maybe you can actual make changes to the entire gaming community. Because it’s not just your game, every game has this issue. The only way to make people believe is to give them something to believe in. You at GGG have a real opportunity to own the gaming market as far as AARPG’s are concerned. Your story can be legend if you make it so. The key is to not stop innovating. Do things your competitors would never dream of doing. Actually give these faithless people something to believe in of quality and excellence. I already believe in all of you at GGG. But just know you guys have an opportunity with this to make Diablo as an entire IP a thing of the past. To the entitled trolls : I shouldn’t have to present you with a full solve. Infact if I just present you with the full solve it basically ruins the entire point of something like this. The idea is to work on it as a community. If I just tell you what to do it instantly becomes less meaningful. None of you have done anything to deserve being presented with the full solve. Imagine me expecting some of you to put in work. This feeling of entitlement you all have is easily defined by “Well I deserve it because” “instant gratification or I’ll go waste my time elsewhere” What a threat. The most depressing part of all of this is the fact the trolls don’t even realize how absolutely disgusting they actually are, they don’t understand the gravity of this topic at any level. The whole world has been dulled into instant gratification. I know this because it’s next to impossible to find anyone who’s willing to believe in something that requires faith. The one thing about faith is that it can never be instantly gratified and the most powerful faith is that which takes the longest to reach reality. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Mar 5, 2025, 3:14:20 PM
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This is time cube level stuff
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" I’m not familiar with time cube. What this is, is me after months of researching finding additional hints layered in everything ggg has released The cinematic points towards my original Agnar post. The Rhoa skill gem points towards my 6 hidden treasure post. The dagger known as Winter’s bite glass shank also looks like part of my original Agnar post. It could be that this winters bite glass shank is actually part of remaking the sword Agnar. All I know is I wrote that original remaking Agnar post long before I saw the cinematic with the hooded one being impaled. The chances of that being coincidental are slim as all hell. I’m confident saying it’s a 0% chance coincidence. Ggg brazenly showed off the rhoa mount and the winters bite glass shank at cons before the release. Ggg brazenly released the cinematic that literally shows an alternative ending to act 1. It’s starting to turn around, originally I sounded like a conspiracy theorist. Now with all these accumulating coincidences it starting to literally look like the people trolling me are flat earthers. Explain why an act 1 cinematic exists that shows the hooded one being impaled on a tree with the player character present, I’ll wait. Here’s something you data mine geniuses missed, Secrets in the dark literally has 2 entirely seperate quest files. Wonder why that is. It’s not like secrets in the dark is literally the main quest with the hooded one. It’s not like we’ve seen a seperate cinematic that has us witness the hooded one impaled on that same tree. Yeah I’m just an idiot. And yes it has been 100% confirmed this cinematic in question is real and produced by GGG. I’m serious I want to hear the copium excuses as to how my Agnar post from months ago matches the cinematic. Let’s hear these flat earth level conspiracy theories. I’ve been playing path of exile since early access launch. In my short time in this community I have given to the community more than the community can ever give to me. I bring the gift of faith and truth. I’m still banned on Diablo 4 forums but my post about how everyone did way of the three wrong is still up, and that post contains a wall of cooking fithierich. Idk if you guys know this but I have a lot of experience with my posts being removed and getting banned on Diablo 4 forums. They don’t let me degrade forums management period, for some reason I am allowed to in that way of the three post. Odd. Almost as if even if you disagree with me you have to respect when someone is correct in something that is entirely faith based. But hey what do I know. I’ve only been banned 17 times and had 20+ full threads removed on Diablo 4 forums. Maybe their current moderation team just agrees with my stance on Filthierich, who knows. To recap: secrets in the dark quest has 2 quest files. This is important because the cinematic is clearly depicting an alternative end to the hooded one. One where he is still bound to the tree and someone is literally driving a sword through his chest. If the player character wasn’t present I would imagine this was just lore plot. However the player character is present in this cutscene. I made the post about reforging Agnar months ago now. I saw the cinematic for the first time today. You guys can either work with me or against me but at this point I’m literally gonna figure it out and then tell not a single soul. Because that’s what everybody deserves. I’m trying to work as a group. Because at least in that way it is an enjoyable exercise. Im not here to prove I’m better than anyone. I’m here to prove we are better together. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Mar 5, 2025, 8:07:40 PM
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" Naw bro you still brazenly sound like one Last edited by commiealex#5748 on Mar 5, 2025, 11:36:05 PM
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