How to fix trade without an auction house - add a 'Buy' button on the trade website

Trading is frustrating and tedious in POE(2). We all know it. Everyone begs for an auction house that we know GGG will never add. Instead of that, there is actually a much better and much simpler solution to this problem which also keeps the 'fun' of hunting for your perfect item on the trade website:

Add a "Buy" button on the trade website for items, and make listing items in your trade/public stash tabs a binding agreement whilst that item is in a trade tab.

This solves all issues:

* no longer need to care about whether the seller is online or not
* do not need to whisper to the seller
* do not need to leave their current party (if in one) and be added to another party
* do not need to travel to the seller
* do not need to manually trade the seller and inspect the item to ensure it is the one they want to purchase
* do not need to manually count currency in the trade window
* no longer need to wait for a seller that has no intention of selling their item (despite listing it for trade)
* in short, buyers always get the item they want to buy, greatly reducing scam possibilities

* no longer need to be online to sell items
* no longer need to invite buyers to a party
* no longer need to leave their current map just to facilitate a trade
* no longer need to count currency in the trade window
* can no longer choose to not sell the item
* cannot list items for fake prices to manipulate the market (since those items will simply be sold to the first person to click 'Buy' on it who has enough currency.

There are no real downsides here, because there is no new functionality or major change to existing functionality - it is simply automating the 4 or 5 manual steps that both parties in a trade must take before executing the trade. The great thing is that it is also a modular proposal - for example if you want to leave in the restriction that the seller must be online/in-game, well it is trivial to leave that behaviour in, whilst still maintaining the rest of the proposed system exactly as described.

I also want to prematurely address the seemingly large demographic of commenters who repeatedly spit out the braindead "this is better for bots" nonsense: bots are better at *everything* than humans. Whether its a full manual trade website, a partially automated system, or a fully automated auction house, bots *always* have the advantage. You can change the system, and the bot authors will simply change the bots. This makes botting a moot point here, and it is impossible to argue the system I'm proposing would make botting easier (or harder, for that matter).

In summary this is a huge win-win for both sides and a big loss for scammers and market manipulators at the same time. It is both effective at increase trading efficiency and ease, whilst being extremely simple to implement given the current game/trade architecture.
Last edited by LeftofZen#3930 on Mar 5, 2025, 7:20:09 PM
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 7:53:23 PM
Maybe now that Chris is gone they can actually do this and admit QoL features dont wreck the game.

His pride/hubris would never allow admitting that he wasted decades, many centuries, of player time alt tabbing to a dumb website then messaging people who dont respond, all to create trade friction which was never needed.

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