Small QoL fixes


Kinda new to POE maybe this was discussed earlier somewhere here goes nothing:

1. Can we raise limit of possible skill slots so we can have two totally different skill gem setups on weapon swap and further maybe add option to skill swap keeping weapon/gearset? Some classes use a skill setup for fast map clear and a skill setup for boss fights (AOE vs ST) and it's a pain to swap skill gems manually before boss fights over and over. Kinda like Guild Wars skills tied to weapons where during combat you can swap and access different abilities making combat mechanics more deep. We can already do all of this but have to swap manually or have some skills tied to second weapon and change on the fly as needed. just make it more clean and smooth. Also support gem limits from attributes / 5 should not apply to unused gems? So we can have different setups within the limit and swap between them freely.

2. Can we make Atlas Citadel finding somewhat easier? Understand frequency of spawn is a hot topic as well as clearing in a straight line to find them unpopular, I further find it kinda dumb to scroll around foggy areas searching for beacons of light in 2025. Maybe just an arrow or visual indicator with nice user interface design or a pop up "Citadel in Sight!" would make it smoother. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Hope that helps.
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 8:23:11 PM

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