Trade filter issue

Hi. I've observed that when I'm searching for items on the trade website for poe2, there is a reoccurring issue.

In the "add stats filter" area whenever I search for # to evasion and #% increase maximum evasion, it will say no match found.
Same for # to armor with #% increased maximum armor

Also if I'm searching for an item and search for #% increased maximum armor it will say no match found but as long as I remove it matches will be found.

I say this because when I do remove these stats and search I actually find items with all the stats searched for along with the #% increased maximum armor or evasion on it. So I know that it's and issue.

Ok thanks for listening. I hope you can find and fix it. Good luck
Last bumped on Mar 6, 2025, 9:17:44 AM

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