Warning for Ultra widescreen Mod after I disabled it

I have a couple points I want to give feedback on regarding ultra widescreen.

I just got a warning for using "cheats" when I tried to log into PoE 2. I'm assuming this is because I've used the ultra widescreen mod. But this concerns me as I received the warning after I had actually disabled it as doing so was a requirement for participating in the race event on March 2nd, and I received the warning on March 6th even though I had not turned it back on after the race.

Look. I understand why you don't want modifications to the game files. But you have to also in turn understand why someone would want to experience your game without black boxes on the sides of their monitor.
I did NOT do this to cheat, I did this because it looks better.

I'm assuming the reason you don't want people to use this mod is entirely because of the modification of the game files and not because seeing more of the screen provides an unfair advantage. Because the latter is completely ridiculous.

So PLEASE implement this in your game so it's possible to select aspect ratios in the options for ultra wide screens.

Until then I will not be turning the mod back on, and I will be continuing to enjoy your game despite the black boxes on the sides as I am a massive fan of the game your creating.
However I find the combination of not having ultra widescreen supported by your game AND SIMULTANEOUSLY considering using a mod that "fixes" this unacceptable. So until you either implement ultra widescreen or allow the use of this mod I will abstain from supporting your game further financially.
Last bumped on Mar 6, 2025, 12:57:29 PM
Chacruna#2474 wrote:

So PLEASE implement this in your game so it's possible to select aspect ratios in the options for ultra wide screens.

They used to -- they actually removed it on purpose because it lets you "see things offscreen" and in their words "cheat".

They consider wide screen a cheat. You may be breaking TOS, as POE does not and never has supported mods.

Be mindful you don't get account banned.

EDIT: With GGG use mods with extreme risk, expect to get banned eventually/caught and your account locked forever. They will not help you.
Last edited by Rakie1337#5746 on Mar 6, 2025, 10:00:54 AM
just got the warning. playing 32:9 is now considered as "maphack or bot".

not interested in "races" and not interested playing a actually non competitive game like its 2010.

0.1.1f is a complete downgrade & ridiculous.
At least they are warning people now. They used to just straight ban you and never respond to any questions about why.

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