Facebreaker + Tempest Shield build?

Alright, this is what I got in mind
---> Facebreaker + Tempest Shield <---

With these node the important things that the char will have are:
+136% life
+39% chance of block
+20% all res
+40% all armor
+160% def from the shield (200% if we count the global passive)
+15% of block chance aplies to spells

The idea is to be used only tempest shield with the hich chance of block for the groups and heavy hits with facebreaker for bosses.

My question is - what spells work with facebreaker and what support gems stuck/work with Tempest Shield? I tried alot with tempest, only blind and reduced mana seamed to work.

Please share tour thoughts is this gonna be viable build and can tempest shield be only mass skill if you have really high chance of block?
I don't really see any offensive passives. It's all defense. I think you're overestimating the power of facebreaker, or are obscenely well geared... in which case why would you spec to be so defensive.
Last edited by boof on Sep 26, 2012, 9:27:09 PM
Well, facebreaker isn't really all that improved by offensive passives since weapon elemental damage no longer effects it. The most you can get is attack speed (facebreaker is already adding 1000%~ increased physical damage, so going out to get +10% physical damage nodes is a drop in the bucket). It makes a lot of sense to use facebreaker while speccing very defensively.

If I make a suggestion though? Why Templar.

Consider this: It's much easier to get tons of block chance as a Ranger.

Rangers also have easier access to attack speed. They can also get tons of armor with IR. They also have access to tons of easy life. They can also get a lot of critical damage modifier, and to be honest, Tempest Shield is probably going to do the most damage when it crits, you can scarcely improve it with +elemental or +lightning damage.
My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282
Last edited by anubite on Sep 26, 2012, 9:59:42 PM
anubite wrote:
(facebreaker is already adding 1000%~ increased physical damage, so going out to get +10% physical damage nodes is a drop in the bucket).

That's a good point, you just saved me 3 passive points on my facebreaker marauder! I just blindly got them before.

Still, without somehow converting your physical damage to an elemental one, and then boosting that elemental damage via passives (I don't mean weapon elemental passives), you won't be hitting very hard at all later on.
You have to remember that your aoe is very limited with fists, as most aoe skills are weapon based. I don't know how tempest shield will scale later on, but without any lightning damage nodes I'm guessing poorly.

Personally I'm going for 100% fire damage conversion, boosting fire damage and using infernal blow and molten shell. Currently at level 40 and it's getting rough, but I'm not all that well geared.
Last edited by boof on Sep 26, 2012, 10:15:47 PM
First - thx for replying.

Second - the tempest shield is for group of mobs - you block their attacks and hit them back with the shield dmg, and FB is only for bosses/elites.

No one answered the question - What works with Tempst Shield (which support gems) and what works with facebreakers?
Getting physical damage is not a drop in the bucket at all. Facebreaker adds 1000% MORE unarmed damage. Let's say you get +20% physical damage an you have a base of 40-70 damage (with gear):

Without any +%physical damage your damage is:
40-70*(1+10)= 440-770

Now with the +20% physical damage:
40-70*(1.2) = 48-84

As you can see, a +20% physical damage makes a HUGE difference. Your dps went up 20%.
Regarding yor build, with tempest shield you won't do damage unless you block an attack. Even when you do, tempest shield's damage is so minimal, you're better off just punching stuff to death than block them to death. And remember that block chance is capped at 75%. So 25% of the time you won't do any damage at all.

You've got a good idea but unfortunately it's not very practical. Using tempest shield as your main source of damage kinda makes using Facebreaker a waste since you'll only punch rates and bosses.

The build I have with Facebreaker is a wannabe Avatar of Fire Inferno Blow Facebreaker. Build isn't complete but once it is, it basically allows me to do well over 7k damage per punch, punching about 2.3 times per second so that's well over 14k dps. How to do this? Getting +150% fire damage from passives. Since dominating blow converts 50% physical damage to fire, if I equip the unique quiver that converts another percentage of my physical to fire, I can achieve 100% fire damage. I just happened to have the quiver that converts the last 50% physical into fire. With the fire damage passives, that's a 150% increase in damage to dominating blow.

The reason why avatar of fire was so strong was because it benefitted from physical damage and fire modifiers. With my set up I basically get avatar of fire without the drawbacks, except only for dominating blow. Oh and the 20% corpse damage from dominating blow, with my passives and support gems, I'm increasing that to ~90% of corpse's life in fire damage. The main idea is to punch 1 monster and have a couple of its surrounding buddies die as well.
Oh sorry, Facebreaker IS more damage. I assumed it was increased. Nevermind.

Getting +physical damage nodes is really important then. You can't skip them.

Also, PhabEj, quivers aren't supposed to work with unarmed attacks. Chris said that's a bug. Are you sure your quiver is converting your damage? It shouldn't!
My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282
Last edited by anubite on Sep 27, 2012, 1:13:43 PM
PhabEj wrote:
Regarding yor build, with tempest shield you won't do damage unless you block an attack. Even when you do, tempest shield's damage is so minimal, you're better off just punching stuff to death than block them to death.

Tempest shield in this build should be used for the shock status effects instead wit elemental proliferation. Tempest shield also benefits from high strength (the primary damage stat for facebreaker) if you link it to iron will, so it does have some synergy.

The downside of using tempest shield is that you'll either have to have high crit, which facebreaker doesn't benefit from, or chance to shock on hit with lightning damage.
That means you're likely going to have points in the north side of the tree and use elemental weakness as your curse. (Critical weakness does improve facebreaker's chance to crit, but in my opinion critical strike chance is just not very good for non-spell skills, due to the way evasion works.)
If using quivers unarmed is a bug it hasn't been fixed yet then. Cus quivers do work with unarmed. +physical damage from quivers do boost your damage.

But why shouldn't it work? Equipping a quiver is just like equipping a shield. No different than equipping a ring or amulet. The quiver shows up on yor character's back, not in his hands. Unarmed by definition is "without a weapon". So using a quiver should work unless you somehow are melee'ing monsters with arrows.

Also, by allowing quivers it really opens up different kinds of Facebreaker builds. You could either go defensive and use a shield or go for more offense (either +physical damage or the unique quiver to convert to fire dmg) with quivers. By not allowing quivers it really kills the complexity facebreakers can achieve.

Last edited by PhabEj on Sep 27, 2012, 3:08:54 PM

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