difference between usual skellies from vaalskeletons and separate usal skeletons?

so vaal skeletons give 2 versions of skellies - vaal itself + usual, which can be used always, not only when i have enough souls, is sthere a difference between this usual skellies and skellies from separate non vaal skeletons?
Last bumped on Dec 14, 2019, 1:55:25 AM
Vaal skellies has the normal skellies build in.
You get access to both, one using souls and the other one mana.

If you have the vaal version, its almost always more powerful than the normal version. Especially on bosses
dude i know it) i wrote exactly the same) i need to know if there are defference between usual skellies in vaal gem and usual skellies from non vaal gem
No its the same
Summon Skeleton summons a group of melee skeletons. The higher the level of the gem, the more summoned at one time. This number is always less then your max number of skels, so you have to cast more than once to get the max number.

Vaal Summon Skeleton summons a large group of skels, some of which are melee, some of which are archers, and one skeleton general, who has a chance of having a fire aura. It is a crazy powerful vaal skil if you are a necro, and have it in a 6 link. I will delete bosses AND provide great defense.

The skels summoned by Vaal Summon Skeleton do NOT count against your max number of skeletons.

You can summon regular skels in addition to the vaal skels.

Skeletons were NOT nerfed in 3.9, and are possibly the strongest minion right now. (opinions differ)

It does not show in the gem, but if you link feeding frenzy to skeltons, they gain the DASH ability, and will dash from monster pack to monster pack, going over 1 screen away (even the vaal versions do this)

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