Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Im currently upgrading from mid level gear to high end gear.

I have near perfect Doryani's Delusion currently

I have 5 ex to spend on either "Tailwind" boots or "Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike" belt.

Which is a bigger upgrade?
Why doesn't this build call for precision? It looks like a flat 10% DPS increase just at lvl1, at least for me right now.
Punkonjunk wrote:
Why doesn't this build call for precision? It looks like a flat 10% DPS increase just at lvl1, at least for me right now.

Instead of which aura?
TheOne320 wrote:
Punkonjunk wrote:
Why doesn't this build call for precision? It looks like a flat 10% DPS increase just at lvl1, at least for me right now.

Instead of which aura?

In addition. It reserves a flat mana cost and not a percentage, only 22 mana at lvl1 for 40% crit chance.

Maybe diminishing returns on crit chance at some point, but I can't imagine we get to that point with this build.
Punkonjunk wrote:
TheOne320 wrote:
Punkonjunk wrote:
Why doesn't this build call for precision? It looks like a flat 10% DPS increase just at lvl1, at least for me right now.

Instead of which aura?

In addition. It reserves a flat mana cost and not a percentage, only 22 mana at lvl1 for 40% crit chance.

Maybe diminishing returns on crit chance at some point, but I can't imagine we get to that point with this build.

Probably because we're starved for sockets, but I guess we should let Enki respond to that.
Aqtinic wrote:
Im currently upgrading from mid level gear to high end gear.

I have near perfect Doryani's Delusion currently

I have 5 ex to spend on either "Tailwind" boots or "Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike" belt.

Which is a bigger upgrade?

Tailwind is a bigger upgrade, but also a bigger risk because the Hunter's mod pool for boots is bigger and generally less useful to this build than it is for belts. For example, I slammed my belt trying to get the flask mod and ended up with this instead:

It's still pretty good--increased life might even be better than the flask mod now that I know that mod has a cooldown (maybe .25 seconds? Not sure) and only recharges a single charge in a single flask at a time, meaning it takes so long to refill your flasks that it's only worth it if your DPS is lacking. However, I have not personally had a chance to use it, and Enki likes it, so take all that with a grain of salt!
As an experiment, I went into Runebinder. I’m only level 91, so it cost me a small Crit/Crit-multi wheel to free up the points. It’s value or lack of looks to depend on how you feel about and use storm brand.

I’ve been experimenting with basically branding high level bosses and metamorphs to death. Almost like a minion build, I brand them and then just stay alive. Using Runebinder reduces the time I have to avoid the chaos by near half in most cases (logical, since in theory two brands are on the boss most of the time instead of one.). It doesn’t seem to really matter below about t12, but against t13+ metamorphs and bosses in alch/corrupted maps, it really helps keep focus on living instead of worrying about DPS-ing.

As with everything, your mileage may vary, but I think it’s worth considering depending on each person’s play style.

AlienFX__ wrote:
Krolack wrote:

Thanks for the answer, but I do already have Mastermind of Discord...

My current setup for auras looks like this.

Full mana is 1523
minus Zealorty (so 50%), that brings me to 761
minus clarity (so 89 mana), that brings me to 672
minus Herald of Thunder (so 19%), that brings me to 383
minus Herald of Ice (so 19%), that brings me to 93.

Is my max mana too low? Do I need to start looking for it on my gear? I'm currently level 80 and my passive tree resembles exactly the one in the original post for level 80.

Any help would be appreciated.

What level is your clarity gem? we need it at lvl 5. the higher the gem level the more mana it will reserve. Getting more mana isnt going to do anything as the auras reserve a percentage.

My Clarity gem is indeed level 5.

You're right about the auras reserving a percentage, but since Clarity itself doesn't I'm still of the opinion that boosting my total mana pool is a possible solution. The other would be to boost my regen so high that I would regen faster than I Arc spam.

Any thoughts on what my mana pool should look like and what my regen should be? Looking at the videos attached to the guide I can see around 2200 mana.
WorderMostFoul wrote:
Aqtinic wrote:
Im currently upgrading from mid level gear to high end gear.

I have near perfect Doryani's Delusion currently

I have 5 ex to spend on either "Tailwind" boots or "Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike" belt.

Which is a bigger upgrade?

Tailwind is a bigger upgrade, but also a bigger risk because the Hunter's mod pool for boots is bigger and generally less useful to this build than it is for belts. For example, I slammed my belt trying to get the flask mod and ended up with this instead:

It's still pretty good--increased life might even be better than the flask mod now that I know that mod has a cooldown (maybe .25 seconds? Not sure) and only recharges a single charge in a single flask at a time, meaning it takes so long to refill your flasks that it's only worth it if your DPS is lacking. However, I have not personally had a chance to use it, and Enki likes it, so take all that with a grain of salt!

Thanks im still trying to figure out which way I should go!
Last edited by Aqtinic#5303 on Jan 17, 2020, 5:07:38 PM
So I got a timeless jewel and think I have a reasonbly good roll and location, but i've removed 6 points that were in passives that no longer seem useful (life and crit transformed to garbage)

The question is where should I now spend these 6 extra points?

There's a new transformed passive that looks really good, offering 30 percent increased spell damage and 40 crit, but it's 4 nodes away. Should I pick it up, or are there 4 points somewhere else on the tree that will be more powerful?

img embedd isn't working for some reason:

Last edited by WelshyC#7767 on Jan 17, 2020, 7:29:05 PM

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