Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" Aim for 0% and then you use Atziri's Promise for +35% chaos resistance. |
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" What is your HP/Mana/Mana regen at? I had survivability issues until I learned that your mana pool is The Most Important Thing. Your mana pool gives you arcane cloak, and Mind over Matter, the two biggest things to keep you alive. Do you wait to cast Arcane Cloak when you're at max mana? If you're casting it when you're low on mana, you're going to end up dead, because it won't absorb much damage, and it will run you out of mana, making MoM worthless. Do you chain cast Arc until you are out of mana, and then die because you have no mana for MoM? If you run out of mana while casting Arc, you need to lower cast speed (or simply don't spam it) and raise mana regen. Your gear is completely sufficient to run T14 maps with no issue. But you're not a tank. Play strategically, arcane cloak, and Rumi's before every big pack. Don't stand still and let ranged kill you. This build strives for a lot of block, but you don't want to have to block. As for survivability improvements, Try dropping Essence Worm for a ring with lots of mana and mana regen. Try to get Regen 70% of mana boots enchant. Get a jewel of Cannot be inflicted by Corrupted Blood for Sirus. It makes the fight so much easier. He's not hard with it. Cast, cast, move out of the way of his attack. |
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Hi to all!
I'm running this build in Heist and having so much fun so far. Currently doing t15/16 maps without too many problems, no rip against Elderslayers, no try Vs Sirus yet. I'm in search for upgrade now and need some opinions about that. I have about 2 Ex to investe on it. There is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/Qc2icEHN I'm thinking about a Watcher's Eye for first, with my currency i can take one with #% of Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity...opinions? Thank you all very much in advance. |
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" Depends on what you do the most. Awakened Spell Echo is definitely great but the current price is a meme. * If you do high mob density maps then Asenath's or explody chest definitely. The explosion(which is physical) can even be further scaled by having physical as extra lightning on gear and jewels. No more tower building in blight encounters. * Damage taken from mana before life is just a EHP boost that is nice to have. If you find yourself still dying sometimes then upgrade this first. If you're not dying at all then you can still get it and get rid of some life to make space for more useful mods/jewels. * Alt quality gems don't make a huge difference but are super cheap to upgrade. The original quality on many of our gems does nothing for us(wrath, clarity, CwDT). You can upgrade them according to Enki's suggestion and won't have to sacrifice anything. * Other possible "upgrades" require changing the passive tree and jewels further. They're actually not "upgrades" in the strict sense since your current setup is already good and to do that you'll have to sacrifice something. It depends on if you're willing to drop some regular %life+%mana jewels to try out other options(The Blue Nightmare, Unnatural Instinct, Timeless jewels), or if you want to add another cluster jewel, etc. |
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" Thank you so much for the detailed answer! I've decided to make Asenath + new boots. Having Asenath with Enfeeble curse additionally and boots enchant from the first Lab try, I feel it to be the great upgrade indeed )) |
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" Hello, thanks for replying! Is 40% damage taken from mana before life enough for bosses like Sirus? Currently have 30 from MoM and 10 from a watcher's eye. Is that enough or should I get 10 more from my chest piece or even more from others? Also, is mana pool and mana regen more worth it to focus on than life pool? Like, if I have one jewel that gives me, say, 7% increased max life, and another jewel that gives me 6% increased max mana maybe with 10% increased mana regen, which one will be better? Because I watched Enki's video fighting Sirus, and that character's life pool is only aroud 4k and 9k mana with 5k+ mana regen, he has no problem taking on Sirus at all. I have 5.5k life and 8k mana with 3k+ mana regen (during bone offering and with corpses) and I still have problems taking on Sirus :( maybe it's also about my laptop though, I get some lags during fight with Sirus. And one last question... for this build, is armor or evasion rating important? Like when I choose equipment should I take these into account? Sorry for asking too much if I am... am asian, so may not have understood the build too well :( |
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Here's a video of me taking him on with 4k hp and 10k mana. 6000 mana regen and 50% MoM. It's fine to go more mana and mana regen over life. 40-50% is enough imo I got to level 98 very quickly and I almost hit level 99 if I didn't quit the league so early last season. 60% or more seems like maybe you wont be able to fully maximize on the ehp pool. A thing to note is that mana regen is an extremely important stat for MoM users stacking 40% and above. It ties directly with your damage and life resource so dont ignore it. Armor and evasion can be 8gn9red you're not getting much from those. |
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" I strongly believe the clear is much better once you fully switch to the SB set up (i.e Brand Cluster , brand notable etc) Of cause when you ditch shield to go dual wield you trade off with some survivability but for me it is worthwile (i believe the build only die to one-shot stuff, rarely swarm by mobs as those will be clear instantly), as im using flesh offering, DPS gain (since we gain cast speed) and also movement speed, for more zoom2... and we can automate more spell (another set of trigger spell setup), for boss fight i.e Uber Elder, Sirus, etc.. this is more on mechanical, of coz with shield and recover on block helps a lot, but once you know the mechanic and able to burst down the boss faster... it is not an issue at all. |
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" I meant 100% delirium in particular :) Even with explosion I can't seem to clear efficiently, especially with double beyond. Thanks for the reply by the way! Now I'm more motivated to try a full-fledged SB setup. Last edited by Gimdornim#1712 on Nov 10, 2020, 11:04:44 PM
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Hey everyone. Firstly, thanks for the guide, and for all the helpful discussion in this thread. This is only my second league, and the first where I'm not going in blind, and following the advice here I've been able to successfully complete my atlas + A8 Sirus thus far.
I do have one question regarding cluster jewels though. I notice in both the linked PoB build and my own, a cluster jewel setup seems to be a net loss in DPS and health in PoB’s summary. Obviously, it picks up a few hundred mana, more mana regen, block, flask effectiveness, chaos resist, and power charges in the deal. Is this generally worth the tradeoff? Sorry if this is addressed somewhere in the thread. I've tried to search, but given the length I may be missing it somewhere in there. I ask because I’ve recently gotten ahold of a Thread of Hope with the correct ring size, and before sinking the currency into the appropriate cluster, I want to get a better sense of what I’d be gaining and giving up in that transition. The combined effect on defenses seems like it could be worth the hit to listed DPS. Any feedback from folks with experience is appreciated. Also, I notice in the guide’s linked PoB, according to the Combat Buffs field in the Calcs sheet there seems to be some source of inspiration charges. Where are these coming from? I’m guessing this is what’s bumping Arc’s crit chance so much in the Main Skill panel? Thanks again for the quality discussion. I’ve picked up a lot by checking back in on this thread every so often. |
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