Kedvin wrote:
This build is trash =/. WAY too much effort and money just to get shit on by syndicate and bosses lol go jugg or arc totems or something that can actually do endgame this guide makes zero sense.
Now that you mention it i realize that the previous 856 pages of players confirming how good and fun this build is are completely wrong.
Oh wait...
Posted byEtralis#2345on Jan 2, 2019, 5:26:16 PMBanned
Shawntastic wrote:
So this is the first time Ive played a League or PoE to such a high level as in completing the story. I want some guidance on what to focus after act 10. I checked the how to find gear guide and that worked great I say.
So Should I just keep doing maps to level up? Also advice about my gear would be appreciated. I got 3.3k hp and all resistances except chaos at 70+. So is everything in order for now?
Your characters aren't public so we can't give a suggestion. Your resistances should be capped at 75% and you should aim for 5k health ad 2k mana. Slowly improve your gear as you go, mainly work on your stats like resistance and health at the start. Your damage with "ok" daggers should be enough to get you to yellow maps minimum, maybe even reds.
Posted bygoozaan#1433on Jan 2, 2019, 5:36:40 PM
Kedvin wrote:
This build is trash =/. WAY too much effort and money just to get shit on by syndicate and bosses lol go jugg or arc totems or something that can actually do endgame this guide makes zero sense.
This is a very solid guide, you somehow failed to follow it. Your gem setup is bad, most of your gems are level 19 corrupts, your skill tree is wrong (missing the main point of the build, which is Spiritual Aid), 0 life on jewels, you're using wands and 2 life flasks and a Quicksilver...
Try to follow the guide and you will see for yourself that it's good, you're just bad.
Last edited by Lyxcrit#3979 on Jan 2, 2019, 5:42:21 PM
Posted byLyxcrit#3979on Jan 2, 2019, 5:38:27 PM
goozaan wrote:
Shawntastic wrote:
So this is the first time Ive played a League or PoE to such a high level as in completing the story. I want some guidance on what to focus after act 10. I checked the how to find gear guide and that worked great I say.
So Should I just keep doing maps to level up? Also advice about my gear would be appreciated. I got 3.3k hp and all resistances except chaos at 70+. So is everything in order for now?
Your characters aren't public so we can't give a suggestion. Your resistances should be capped at 75% and you should aim for 5k health ad 2k mana. Slowly improve your gear as you go, mainly work on your stats like resistance and health at the start. Your damage with "ok" daggers should be enough to get you to yellow maps minimum, maybe even reds.
I unchecked the hide character box so it should be visible now.
So is it mandatory to use daggers? they are quite expensive in poe.trade atm, so thats why Ive been using 2x scepters.
Posted byShawntastic#6933on Jan 2, 2019, 5:40:42 PM
Scepters is fine, just save and craft some daggers as you get the stuff.
Daggers are just a better movement, but not a requirement
Posted byLyxcrit#3979on Jan 2, 2019, 5:46:20 PM
white0ut wrote:
goozaan wrote:
So I made my first attempt to go end-game content this league and was able to kill all guardians and could now try shaper.
However, I still die a lot to the syndicate in high tier maps and guardians gave me a hard time too, but also because I had no idea about their mechanics.
One thing I am curious though: How did you kill Lvl82+ mastermind? I was able to get to phase 3 but I just get randomly one-shot and didn't have enough portals to actually make it.
Mapping is perfectly fine and I kill all trash mobs before they actually hit me.
I don't have high-end daggers as I miss recipes like "multiple crafting mods" (where do I find that? Is it just luck?)
Also I used up all my currency now to get a Watcher's Eye.
Are the crafted daggers really such a step forward to the ones I have with high spell dmg, flat to spells, cast speed and at least 5% chaos damage?
Any more tips regarding my setup? I'm quite scared to try shaper after getting owned by the Mastermind
Happy new year!
Multi-craft comes from completing different prophecies I believe. Just find somebody to put in on for you is easiest.
I barely got Mastermind with one portal left. I just hid in one of the corners behind the pillar when shit got crazy. Although it was kind of a blur, so can't remember much, sorry.
Shaper was easier for me honestly. And with the trap setup people have been using, probably much easier.
Alright thanks for the heads up. I will also try the trap setup tomorrow as I can see that just being able to stay out of the danger zones helps a lot.
Even though I feel like boss damage (PoB sais 650k damage with chilled with my current setup) is pretty good. It's just my survivability that gives me a hard time.
I am at 4900 HP and 2100 Mana right now but it gets really expensive to go much higher than that without dropping too much damage.
Maybe another question: What is a good way to level past 92? I try to just run T15+ maps and Delves to at least get decent loot while leveling to build up some currency, but the risk of losing 10% EXP to a random Haku jumping out of a portal into my face is just something that happens and I barely gain XP in the end.
Posted bygoozaan#1433on Jan 2, 2019, 5:50:01 PM
Kedvin wrote:
This build is trash =/. WAY too much effort and money just to get shit on by syndicate and bosses lol go jugg or arc totems or something that can actually do endgame this guide makes zero sense.
Yah i'd say you are just crap.
I've done all content, even Uber Elder. Lightning Spire trap melts bosses.
You took Lord of the Dead without even getting the 6 points to spiritual Aid. You also didnt get Purity of Flesh which has also been mentioned that you should get as well for the chaos resist to help with syndicate.
No life on jewels, ammy, Using 2 garbage wands.
You are Using Fortify + faster attacks + flash dash ? Did you even look at the skill ? Its a spell.
Pretty sure you need to go back and read the very first post. Although seems like reading is not your strongest asset.
Last edited by Artwebb1986#6162 on Jan 2, 2019, 5:54:10 PM
Posted byArtwebb1986#6162on Jan 2, 2019, 5:53:51 PM
Can someone please explain to me the 4 link spire that some people have mentioned please?
I'm a bit of a newbie and I'm dying more than I would like at Tier 10+ maps and especially with the Syndicate and hoping this would help me a bit.
Posted byCallmeiman#2296on Jan 2, 2019, 6:07:35 PM
Well, this is my first league and ive just killed uber elder today on this build, though with some adaptations that arent mentioned in the op like the lightning spire trap.
Its a great build and fun to play early though i can see where the frustration of some people here is coming from and im still undecided whether you could really call it a beginner build. Im still constantly dying even in lower red maps to syndicate, to some bosses that i dont melt fast enough with lightning spire trap and even to just trash because i end up whirling blading into a pack of them and they hit me before i can even start casting. It's a glass cannon build relying on mobility to not getting caught and already knowing the mechanics, but how can you expect that from beginners. Im stuck on lvl 94 and have given up leveling for now, maybe ill invest in some breachstones and push a level or two before going back to dying in maps. Still, its a great build that can do every map and doesnt have to watch out for affixes and reroll them and every boss if you spend time and currency (i needed 5 sets of fragments to kill uber elder, rip chaos orbs) learning the mechanics.
Posted bywarrri#5031on Jan 2, 2019, 6:16:53 PM
sny83 wrote:
Your flask setup is all over the place, you're lacking serious offensive/defensive potential because of that. Drop Stibnite flask and get an Atziri's Promise. Reroll your life flask to Catalysed prefix and add "of Staunching" via Einhar's Menagerie. Upgrade your Mana flask to Eternal and add "of Heat" via beastcrafting as with the life flask. Surgeon's is a bad prefix on Basalt flask for us, we don't crit often enough. Get either perfect Ample (20 increased charges) or Chemist's with a 23% or better roll. Alchemist's is also a bad prefix for Sulphur flask, we want the consecrated ground and the damage buff to last longer, not shorter. Reroll it using the recommendations for Basalt. Finally put 20% quality on all of them (you can do this cheaper if you use Baubles on them after scouring but before rerolling).
You are missing 4 passive points for lvl88, type /passives in the in-game chat to find out where to get them. Spend the points you gain this way to get the Alchemist cluster above Witch start and the jewel socket to the right of Shaper. You only need one jewel with Cold damage to spells, replace the one in your Stygian Vise for one with life/lightning damage to spells/cast speed and get another for the empty jewel socket.
I sincerely hope you just forgot the lvl20 Wrath in your main hand, because if you're using it from there, that's the answer to most of your survival issues. Either get an Essence Worm ring and socket it into that or disable/remove it until you can afford one. You need ~40% of your life as unreserved mana to survive big hits and still be able to escape.
You have neither Mana Leech nor Arcane Surge linked to Storm Brand, I have no idea how you can even maintain casting Arc continuously without mana potions. Either replace your current gems supporting Storm Brand or move the setup to a 4-link item and add Mana Leech/AS and Increased Duration support as the fourth support. You can use Onslaught/Culling Strike once you've bought your Watcher's Eye.
Hrimsorrow does next to nothing for you, since you already have cold damage from abyss jewel. Replace it with gloves that give you more life/mana/resistances (you can add damage from this slot later) and replace your amulet with less/no defensive stats (except life and maybe mana) and more offensive ones.
You can vendor lvl20 gems together with a Gemcutter's prism to give you a 20% quality version that you can level up quickly again. Do this for all your Arc support gems, both golems, Decoy Totem, both Increased Duration supports, Storm Brand, Increased Attacks, Fortify and Flame Dash.
All this can be done in well under 50 chaos and should improve your survivability considerably.
I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Between my post and your reply I did get the essence worm and put wrath in there. I didn't have arcane surge linked to storm brand because I didn't see that linked in the OP's character sheet. Admittedly I was going off of his character profile and not what he had in the guide. I replaced my gloves, and am working on the amulet but do not know how to get my resistances back from losing it. I do know my flasks are a hot mess lol, I actually find myself forgetting to use them most of the time, I'm not sure how I have done T13 maps like that. I am also working on getting the watcher's eye (not cheap). Thank you for your help.
Posted bybanthom#0314on Jan 2, 2019, 6:23:55 PM