The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

IGN: Shayarin

Came back to PoE with 3.0 release, used to play only HC Leagues back when only Dominus was there to smack our faces into the Rerollbar. Playing SC League ftm ;-)
Greetings just returned from a longer break, all the points mentioneds are in my interrest as well - would be happy to receive an invite.

Hey, I would like to join the guild!

IGN: VizualizeFB
IGN : MauRawDurr
Looking for a guild to run maps with or just chat with. Help with some questions.
Been playing PoE for about 2 years or so.
IGN: CloberTime

Just want to chill and play in a group

Would like to join your guild.
IGn Huntordie

Hey there, basically just started yesterday and I'm still trying to figure stuff out. Looking for a guild to help show me the ropes and such.

IGN: Mekoria
This sounds like what I've been looking for

IGN Bobbalobbabob
Possible for me to get a invite to guild? I am just a casual player. Dont really know too much about the game except for maps and instances
:: Man in black fled across the desert, and the gun slinger followed"
Newb Here: want to learn and play with a group of guys.

IGN: DonniBrassco

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