(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

I show u how i get my Dps:

Hatred, Herald of Ash and Bloodrage active:

Cyclone Damage: 34.519
used with Weapon Elemental Damage Support: 42.220
also put in Added Fire Damage: 60.402
also put in Melee Physical Damage Support: 92.516
also put in Concentrated Area of Effect: 150.838

without a 6th Slot i get from a 5Link 92k Damage to 150k Damage only with Concentrated Effect, and still have a 6th Slot open (Actual i use Endurance Charge on Melee Stun what wont give me any Dps. Faster Attacks would give me around 30k)

Then i use my Lions Roar and i get to 197.791
also using Atziri's Promise Flask and i get 234.056

with 9 Endurance Charges ready and all my Flask and Stuff i said above i get 288.785.

I pushed my Damage with Faster Attacks and the Passive Stats from the Berserker Ascendency and 3 Frenzy Charges + Onslaught and i got over 500k Damage. But u wont need it.

(All the Gems are 20/20, used in a Atziri's Disfavour Axe, which give them +2 to the Level.)

I have many Lvl 20/20 Gems and a Tabula Rasa, so if u want to know how any Gem affect the Dps of Cyclone, just ask me or add me ingame and i can tell u how it will Change.
Last edited by schnitzel17#6207 on Jan 4, 2017, 1:50:42 PM
Hi Guys,

I am at the point where i really need to make the decision if i want to go the fire(ngamahu's flame, Xoph's Blood) variant of WW, or stick with physical(Atziri's Disfavour?)

Could someone who has gone the fire route please let me know how it is damage wise, and if it is worth doing?


I moved a few things around and now i'm playing with:

Cyc - BM - Fortify - Melee Phy - Added Fire - Weapon Elemental.

I leveled once and respected one point to get a second jewel slot, bought two new jewels with double damage and attack speed.

With this setup, my damage moved up to:

42k in town.
62k in HP with Hatred + HoA
80k with 3 frenzy charges
158k with 3 frenzy + 5 endurance + fortify + flasks + totem up.
184k if i add Vaal Haste.

Thank you all for the tips. This is the coolest build i have ever played.
Last edited by Krazy_X#0125 on Jan 4, 2017, 3:58:33 PM
Krazy_X wrote:
I moved a few things around and now i'm playing with:

Cyc - BM - Fortify - Melee Phy - Added Fire - Weapon Elemental.

I leveled once and respected one point to get a second jewel slot, bought two new jewels with double damage and attack speed.

With this setup, my damage moved up to:

42k in town.
62k in HP with Hatred + HoA
80k with 3 frenzy charges
158k with 3 frenzy + 5 endurance + fortify + flasks + totem up.
184k if i add Vaal Haste.

Thank you all for the tips. This is the coolest build i have ever played.

*thumbs up*
Now go get yourself a tasty taste of hate friend :D
Last edited by SumoFlorist#2303 on Jan 4, 2017, 4:35:25 PM
U can also try to get a lvl 3 or better lvl 4 Enlighten with ur Herald of Ash and Hatred. So u have enough Mana to use Cyclone without Bloodmagic for a Concentrated or Increased Are of Effect. U should be fine with a Mana Leech Jewel.
What would be better setup for 4,7k life mara? I use enfeeble+hatred

And I can only change 5 skills for cyclone

melee physical
conc. effect
83k ^

I am thinking about faster attacks+LoH to replace some gems for better survivability but the dps is quite low in such case.. <- around 65k dps..

I am trying to get 6link or at least 5link for enlighten to have one more aura like herald of ash or some other i have no clue which I should go for. But it should be for survive.

Im 87lvl so Id like to level up safely until 92 or 93..
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
If we could see ur Character, it would be so much easier to help u :)
schnitzel17 wrote:
If we could see ur Character, it would be so much easier to help u :)

Currently 83k without flasks.. around 125k with flasks.
Life is 4,7k

using blood rage
res capped + 50% chaos res

A lot of bosses can oneshot me, and even simple stupid mobs like spellcasting mobs who explode dead mobs.. I can be two shotted by most of them.

I kind of dont want to transition dmg nodes into life since life leech helps me and killing mobs quickly helps too. I just want some proper gem optimisation for starters. I might craft better gloves. Nothing much can be changed in gear
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
From what I'm gathering across this thread , Juggernaut would be the safest build for end game content. Which unique body armor would synergize well with that ? I like Kaom's. Just because. But would that decision be a huge trade off vs another 6 link in maybe a brass dome(which would seem to go well with Unbreakable)? Thanks all.
TwoTokes wrote:
From what I'm gathering across this thread , Juggernaut would be the safest build for end game content. Which unique body armor would synergize well with that ? I like Kaom's. Just because. But would that decision be a huge trade off vs another 6 link in maybe a brass dome(which would seem to go well with Unbreakable)? Thanks all.

Yeah juggernaut is pretty safe thanks to all the endurance charges, although i personally prefer the slayer (immunity to stun and bleeding while leeching... so always) even if only for the 20% culling strike.
I dont really like kaoms for a chest piece because it limits the use of auras with a lvl 5 or 6 enlighten in the disfavour and kinda forces you to have your cyclone setup in the weapon, i feel like if you want life a belly of the beast would be the better choice in any kind of scenario.

Edit: the biggest upside of brass dome is in my opinion the "crit immunity" (no bonus dmg from crits but still getting the status ailment afaik).
Don't really need the bonus armour from Unbreakable even so it is nice and the stun immunity really isnt needed at all with a life build - even less so when going slayer.
I feel that a belly or a lightning coil would be the most beneficial if going the juggernaut way.
Last edited by SumoFlorist#2303 on Jan 6, 2017, 5:32:31 PM

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