(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Uh, another thought. I don't think that using the BM gem is a good choice. This is why:

You'll have to waste 1 slot of every single active skill that you want to use, in this case loosing a lot of DPS on the Cyclone setup.

To compensate this, you run Hatred + some another aura like Haste (let's say). The DPS of this 2 auras combined REALY is better than just put Added fire on the setup? Or better, Brutallity?

The only advantage I see is that you have the flexibility of changing your auras any time you want. But this, over freeing a slot on every other skill? For me isn't a good trade.

Also with the brutallity variant (that probably I'll follow) you'll not get the boost from Hatred or HoA.

Edit: Not to mention the huge boost to life with the BM minor nodes.
Last edited by Shiiro95#6139 on Aug 4, 2017, 10:23:50 AM
Ionlyplaynude wrote:
Can you maybe just link the skilltrees in Path of Building and Pastebin?

Its for the flat phys it adds not as much the bleed
You run Arctic Armour because it still applies chill and there's no better 25% aura, alternatively you can run a 2nd 50% aura or drop hoa for blasphemy
Quick question on the gems why are there two leaps when warchief totem has maim?

Vengeance + Leap Slam + Maim + Bloodmagic

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim
Last edited by Stephen2102#3478 on Aug 4, 2017, 11:00:03 AM
Hello there, and first of all thank you for this very detailed and updated guide !

I'll probably start with one of your cyclone build, currently I htink i'm gonna go with Juggernaut which seems to be well balanced between damage/survivability. I will only use it for starter and switch to other build after.

However, like others said before, do you have links of passive trees for path of buildings or any other builder than poeplanner which seems to be down right now ? Even a screenshot of tree would be enough :)
In fact, I didn't really check in detail the tree and I don't know how to start eh eh
@Lighty So whats the best Ascendancy for SC 3.0? The Q&A section wasn't updated and only shows best for 2.5.

Thank you for writing this guide! Looking forward to giving this build a go in 3.0! Planning to make it my first level 100 char!
Shiiro95 wrote:
Uh, another thought. I don't think that using the BM gem is a good choice. This is why:

You'll have to waste 1 slot of every single active skill that you want to use, in this case loosing a lot of DPS on the Cyclone setup.

To compensate this, you run Hatred + some another aura like Haste (let's say). The DPS of this 2 auras combined REALY is better than just put Added fire on the setup? Or better, Brutallity?

The only advantage I see is that you have the flexibility of changing your auras any time you want. But this, over freeing a slot on every other skill? For me isn't a good trade.

Also with the brutallity variant (that probably I'll follow) you'll not get the boost from Hatred or HoA.

Edit: Not to mention the huge boost to life with the BM minor nodes.

In the Brutality Build you still want to run Auras and/or Blasphemy Curse..
Quizzlemanizzle wrote:
Can someone look at my scion skill trees and skill setups, maybe I made some crucial theorycraft mistake?

If I replace my skills with those from the OP I drop from ~400-450k dps to 90-120k dps.

Scion Slayer/Raider

Skill Setup

Cyclone-Brutality-Melee Physical Dmg-Ruthless-Maim-Bloodlust
Haste-Blasphemy-Warlord's Mark-Blood Rage-Enlighten
Vengeance-Leap Slam-Blood Magic-Faster Attacks-Blood Magic
Molten Shell - Immortal Call - CWDT - Increased Duration

If I could take Vulnerability I would push dps to 520k but I would need to find other ways to apply Walords' Mark which I have to have to get mana leech to sustain Cyclone and generate Endurance Charges. A better way would be to get an imba amulet with additional curse and replace Haste Aura with Vulnerability.

So to emphasize my point why I have to use blasphemy-walords mark.
If I add Blood Magic to the Weapon I would have to drop one of the gems and that means:

Bloodlust = 180k dps
Maim = 155k dps
Ruthless = 130k dps
Melee Physical = 160k dps
Brutality = 180k dps

Path of Building Imports

Version 1:
Setup Rare Helm, Belly, Kaoms Roots
~7700 life, 7000 armor, Vaal Pact, 470k DPS vs Standard Boss, 12400 life leech per hit, - 60% reflected phys dmg, cyclone radius 23 , movespeed 1.5

Instead of running rare helm, Belly of the Beast, Kaoms Roots you could run Carcass Jack (2 more cyclone radius, Devotos Helm and Rare Boots which pushes Movement to x2) but you would have to change the skill tree a little bit. Probably take Iron Reflexes to convert 5k evasion into armor.

Version 2:
Devoto, Carcass Jack, Rare Boots
~6000 life, 9k armor, Vaal Pact, 530k DPS vs Standard Boss, 14000 life leech per hit, - 60% reflected phys dmg, cyclone radius 24 , movespeed 1.99

I could also grab Fortify in both builds in place of Faster Attacks and alter the skill tree a little bit to grab the Fortify nodes. I figure the uptime from Fortify off of Leap Slam might be worth it? I guess it would depend on how Leap Slam feels without faster attacks, maybe the attackspeed is enough already to make if feel good without faster attacks gem.

Did anyone check out my brutality cyclone built? It looks so much better but I have a feeling I made a mistake somewhere but I cant figure it out.
Quizzlemanizzle wrote:
Did anyone check out my brutality cyclone built? It looks so much better but I have a feeling I made a mistake somewhere but I cant figure it out.

On my old setup (actual that'll change today) I'm running Vengeance + CoH + Vuln. I'll put Fortify too.

Works pretty well.
Quizzlemanizzle wrote:
In the Brutality Build you still want to run Auras and/or Blasphemy Curse..

Blasphemy is indeed a good option. There's a lot of utility curses that the build can take advantage. But since starforge/brutality don't allow you to do eDMG, the auras that you can use are, or determination, or haste, or grace, or... Yeah, they aren't game changers.

The only good setup that I can think is run warlord's mark + blasph to gain endurance charges, and sustain mana leech for cyclone, taking off the 6th link to boost damage, using haste as a little boost plus move speed. 6th slot + haste should do slightly more dps.

IMO, it doesn't worth this little more DPS and easy EC (I use Ecry for this, it's fine to me), over the huge life boost and freeing BM on the other setups.

If the build is'nt gonna use brutality or Starforge, the blasphemy setup could be more flexible, cause u can run either a essence worm with hatred AND another 50% aura... But in my calcs, Starforge + Brutality can scale better with our passive tree, and in the end have more DPS.

Am I forgotting something?

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