(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

May someone post here link to the old tree? I need to locate points, but cant enter any tree. still 502 bad gateway
Here is the screen capture I have of the Juggernaut Tree. I am not sure if its the most recent one or not though. I took it a couple days ago.

HeatenGod, thanks a lot man :) Im going to berserker, but tree is similiar. Finally I can continue building
can i ask why dont u scale bleed dmg in three ike blood letting when you are using chance to bleed gem?
Here is a link to the old skill tree for this build (Maurader):


When using cyclone, is there any way to enable it so that the skill stops as soon as I let go of the skill button? (that is I only want my character to spin while I hold the mouse button and stop as soon as I release it)
Last edited by Ridman#0986 on Aug 5, 2017, 12:16:39 PM
Archimtiros wrote:
Nice setup, though keep in mind that Witchfire Brew isn't up all the time, and the way Shock works, you'll certainly get a small effect out of it, but you'll never actually have it up at full effectiveness (which PoB considers it at when you check the box) vs high health bosses.

You're also very low on Physical Damage Reduction - only around 51%, while taking 10% more damage, and without Fortify, so squishy might be an understatement. Really need to find some way of shoring up those defenses.

* Swap in Maim, either on your Cyclone in place of Damage on Full Life (small loss, but more consistent gain) or on your Totem in place of Faster Attacks (straight gain while the Totem is up).

* Try corrupting Curse on Hit Vuln. It won't be quite as strong as Witchfire, but it will be up a whole lot more, and then you can swap Witchfire for Lion's Roar, which will more than make up the damage (esp vs bosses, where the knockback can be ignored). Your Vuln will be slightly weaker, but up much more consistently.

* Drop Carnage Heart and Veruso's unless you plan to maximize Endurance Charges. The Heart isn't nearly as good as it seems, and Veruso's is fairly mediocre unless you invest in Endurance Charges (generally Juggernaut); in your build they're both easily outclassed by +life, +phys rares.

Yeah, I already put Maim in the totem setup. Damage on full life isn't a small loss, is actually the greatest multiplier of damage, but is quite hard to get the bonus.

Carnage heart actually was the best change that I made. I got all attributs, all res, But specially the 50% life leeched per second, just this was able to keep me alive for much more time. I was using a Daresso's salute.

Actually i'm using the Verusso's mainly because it's damage boost with endurances and specially because the unique mod "can't be shocked when full endurances", that I found mortal in most of my maps. The def it provides also helps a lot because my main armour don't do it.

You forgot to count my defense with the granite flask, wich boost my phys reduction to 62% *without endurance charges*, and it's up all the time it's needed (boos fights, reflect mobs)

Maybe after, when I get an Starforge (+90 life) will be able to drop the actuall armor (+126 life) and change back for the insanely defensive Brass Dome (actually with 5300 armor) and not taking extra damage from crits is good. Actually I'm thinkink in get that one granife flask that gives % block chances to melee/spells damage (and not changing the actual chest armour)

Actually I'm liking my DPS right now, is much MUCH more than some days ago, when I got here and asked if cyclone in 3.0 will be viable. I've spent some time re-learning some mechanics and everything, now I can say my char have some decent DPS. I need to focus on defense.
Ridman wrote:
When using cyclone, is there any way to enable it so that the skill stops as soon as I let go of the skill button? (that is I only want my character to spin while I hold the mouse button and stop as soon as I release it)

I use an Quicksilver flask when spinning This allow your character to finish the cyclone cicle faster, enabling you to stop sooner.
Last edited by Shiiro95#6139 on Aug 5, 2017, 12:32:59 PM
glitched, ignore this post.
Last edited by SirBongHits#1773 on Aug 5, 2017, 12:36:00 PM

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