[3.4] "Size doesn't matter" - Double Strike Tank Guide [HC] Atziri/Izaro/Guardians/Shaper/Elder

ShihanPiotr wrote:
Bazooko wrote:
very nice guide,thanks

Thanks for your opinion! I really happy you liked it :)

Tyrrn wrote:
Is this HC viable? Looks interesting and I ripped on my cyclone marauder :(

Yes, it's hardcore viable. Decent gear should provide over 5k life and defense mechanics provide a lot of protection from hardcore killers like devourers, leaping frogs, charging roas. But even with this additional help from build, you still need some notion about how hard can hit some bosses (Vaal, Malachai) or monsters (pack of golems with crit totem next to them).

XtraSalty wrote:
Also, How do you deal with the defensive downfall of abyssus? I feel like if u got hit even with that Armour it would hurt alot

Abbyssus is high risk / high reward item. But is this risk so high? Answer is no. Increased physical damage taken is counted as last. So after calculating all defense mechanics we get hit by around physical 200 which will cause extra 100 physical damage.

I watched your edited skill tree. I would recommend to change path from 2 points above Born of Fight for 2 points above resolute technique. This change will give you opportunity to grab so HP/reduce mana nodes. Also remember that Abbyssus will increase degeneration from Blood Rage from 4% to 5.6%.

Cool thanks man. I am going to try this build with claw/ Reave. It was exactly what i was looking for.
should really add videos bro
XtraSalty wrote:
should really add videos bro

Currently my laptop is waiting for repair and probably I will get it back around Monday. I will make and upload video this next week - all depends on a day when I get my PC back.

Got computer back and everything work fine. I made already some tests and video looks good for me. Will add gameplay around Wednesday/Thursday.
Last edited by ShihanPiotr#2983 on Aug 4, 2015, 7:03:47 AM
Could we pull this off with the Shadow instead of Marauder? What would the tree look like? :) Thanks for your time.
I'd really like a video of this in action. Just general clearing.
Updated guide!
Added trees for skills
Added videos
Refreshed borders
Tyrrn wrote:
Could we pull this off with the Shadow instead of Marauder? What would the tree look like? :) Thanks for your time.

Here you go:
You will end with more DPS by the cost of some life/armour nodes. After 113 points I recommend to grab those marauder starting nodes. Other solution would be dropping crit nodes on marauder side and grabbing those life/armour nodes.

22 points

44 points

66 points

88 points

113 points
Last edited by ShihanPiotr#2983 on Aug 11, 2015, 4:10:24 PM
Added new videos. Still need to work with settings in OBS to be sure I won't lose fps (only on recorded video) on main Atziri fight. Will be back around Monday, so probably Atziri runs will be up as planned.

I would love to hear your feedback, questions and see your build progress. Also I have a question about videos. Do you want me to record boss fight, in all acts and maps?
Last edited by ShihanPiotr#2983 on Aug 11, 2015, 4:09:59 PM
can you, please change the font on the pictures or change "Spoiler" to "Discription (or w/e else)"? it's really hard to see. thanks!
ShinningWizard wrote:
can you, please change the font on the pictures or change "Spoiler" to "Discription (or w/e else)"? it's really hard to see. thanks!

Done. Your advice about spoilers tag was really nice. I will also change font/size tomorrow.
Last edited by ShihanPiotr#2983 on Aug 11, 2015, 4:09:19 PM

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