3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]
So just a moment ago i found these gloves:
http://prntscr.com/gcx9ce What do you think about them in Bloodlust/Ruthless build instead of Voidheart? Last edited by szulerecki#2526 on Aug 25, 2017, 9:54:49 AM
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" nope no life no res damage isn't amazing for horrid tradeoffs These could be fun under lv65, nothing more Rare gloves with 16% aps 90 life dual res and str/leech are unbeatable and not hard to buy Voidheart is endgame. Those gloves are a shortcut, it doesn't take much thought to see that Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf |
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Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf |
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Rogue, Umbra, after some testing I have to say swords feel a bit worse than axes, do you agree?
DPS wise at the very least axes are far better. Or I'am not getting the right words, might be possible too Any recomendations |
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" I've always hated swords Siege axes win the prize for best aps + dmg but are crazy expensive swords are naturally faster but lower damage and lack that insane chopping feel you want from striking Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf#0636 on Aug 25, 2017, 3:18:36 PM
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Could you put an example of a 68+ level axe ?
There are literally no one h axes above 1.90 :( Last edited by LinkRyu#2306 on Aug 25, 2017, 6:49:22 PM
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" Swords are better than axes by a hair by dps and life, and the marauder sword cluster is 2 less nodes which allows you to get to other nodes faster. Axes cannot 'feel' better than swords, the dps of a weapon is simply average damage times attacks per second. Swords are more commonly higher speed, so replacements are easier to find. IMHO, the only reason to go with axes is if you're deadset on Soul Taker. |
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" Check this link. There are literally 314 for sale right now and 97 of them are online right now. My guess is you're putting in 68 for a level requirement, which would be silly. Or more likely, you're putting in a max buyout of something really low. http://poe.trade/search/hitomosisikeni |
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Support gem variants:
As stated above, be creative! Learn what each gem does and decide how best to fit it with your playstyle, build, and gear.
Leap Slam activates fortify (flat damage reduction), and knocks enemies back. If you choose to use the Bloodlust build, it will start a bleed on enemies which dual strike turns into hundreds of thousands of DPS. If you're using axes, then this is your only movement skill, and can therefore fit an extra support gem here if using on gloves. Culling Strike is a solid option, which kills anything 10% life when slammed. The Endurance Charge on Melee Stun is another utility option, which synergizes with Immortal Call. Immortal Call + CWDT activates brief total physical damage immunity when hit and if using Bringer of Rain, blocking can grant endurance charges which discharge when hit to increase Immortal Call's duration. When leap slamming in mobs, you can feel free to put in an gem to more easily get endurance charges rather than to cull mobs. They tend to die pretty fast so more layers of defense may be more helpful. If using swords, the gems in the 'Links by Rogue' section above, allows the use of Whirling Blades and Flicker Strike as well. Unavailable Most importantly (besides Dual Strike) is the Ancestral Warchief totem set up. If using the Bloodlust set up, Chance to Bleed must be on totem. Maim is next priority for more damage both for your totem and for Dual Strike. If using axes and you have a slot free, Culling Strike or Faster Attacks is a good choice. If using Bringer of Rain, your sockets are very limited. If you use Bloodlust, you need Chance to Bleed on both totem and Leap Slam, everything else is extra. BoR is not worth the trouble unless it's literally cheaper than a good 5 link chest, or if it's legacy. Vengeance is the wildcard, great addition to any build, just throw it in where you can for extra damage, supports are nice but not needed. Moar damage, moar stuns, moar bleeds! Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Hey guys, so I've followed the build literally step by step. Currently sitting on 6.7k HP, but hopefully as I level up...should hit 8k. So far it's doing great, and no issues face tanking most maps. There are some maps where I'll need to pot or run away if facetanking, but I'm guessing thats more due to my dps not fast enough to leech. Hopefully that will improve once I take the blademaster and razeredge passive wheel. Overall giving a big thumbs up for making my first serious character such an enjoyable ride! let me know if there are any major areas or gem setup that I should improvise on tks!
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