3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]
First of all, congrats on your build. Pure fun and melee the way it should be.
I like melee characters too and I want to hack and slash in a blink of an eye. I don't want to play totems god dam it! I'm a marauder. Now I have some questions regarding your build. I have read all the pages and at some points you insist on not taking RT and Vaal Pact. However, the skill tree in the first page has them both. Secondly, could the build be as good if you had chosen Duelist Gladiator due to the interesting block and 1h nodes? Last, I'm planning of respeccing an old Marauder character I used long ago. The problem is that my bandit choices aren't the same as yours and I don't have legacy BoR and Soultaker. Do I still have a chance? Keep up with the good work. Your Marauder looks amazing. |
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" Hey friend, yes DEFINITELY take Vaal Pact and Resolute Technique. My build has been around for 3 years so there's so many old posts before "x" was buffed, "y" was nerfed, etc... not long ago Vaal Pact was buffed but before it was quite terrible. Resolute Technique isn't needed til you're hitting T12+ maps as the additional accuracy becomes extremely important against burst damage (sort of like getting 1 hit except you take multiple sources of damage that kill you almost instantly despite leeching/potting). You know, I just deleted a huge paragraph on why Duelist sucks with my build and why Berserker marauder is the only real way to do my dual striker. 1. Block is too costly on passives. If you want to block, choose another build because my dude needs every possible health node to be able to take high damage hits without dying in order to leech. That's where he is both strong and weak, if he doesn't get 1-hit he doesn't die, but he is genuinely limited to 8000-9000 life thereabouts, meaning he CAN get one shot on those mega bosses. So far, only uber trio, uber atziri, shaper, and malacahi ascended pose any threat to him 2. berserker class lets you take savage hits, allowing for 100% of melee damage to be leeched (this is why I can tank the uber trio), if you notice I tank WORSE with 1 or 2 of the trio dead of the 3 of them, it's because I'm not taking as many savage hits meaning 1 is deadlier than all 3. Watch the video, I can tank 16 stacks of their uber corrupted blood haha. You'll die like a little crying girl without Berserker subclass 3. My build is a damage sponge, this is at its core. It's both the awesomeness and the limiting factor of my dual striker. It makes him both invincible and vulnerable. Blocking helps, but leeching and APS is where he shines 4. Yes you do. You can fight normal Atziri with moderate gear 5-10ex range. If you want to take on Uber Atziri you need pure epic gear though. Just shoot for the best high life gear you can with the best siege axes you can afford. Have fun. If your aim is endgame then it'll always be about being able to kill everyone, and although I can kill every boss, not every boss is fun. Other builds BUILD to kill Uber and Shaper, mine simply can so there are pros and cons to that formula. If you're intent on fun, my dual striker is the way to go even if you only make it to lv80 due to crappy gear. The point of the game is fun and not everyone makes it to the end. If you want endgame, build a 2ex ranger to farm Uber then come back to my dual striker later with those exalts you wanted. Either way, with all non-legacy gear and sub-par axes my friends made it to t13 tanking maps corrupted fine wiuth only occasional deaths due to lower leech. They weren't VP though at the time so even that might be moot since VP is CRAZY now hahaha Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf#0636 on Oct 2, 2016, 4:43:19 PM
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Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf |
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I'm really glad your build is still shining :)
I wonder how well non-legacy gear would do in Guardians and Shaper. Btw, There is a typo with your bandits in the new official passive tree subsection it says "Kill oak for 40 life. Kill Kraityn for 8aps"etc Should be help Oak and help Kraityn. New players may not know the difference and make a pricey mistake. cheers. | |
" hahaha whoops! Fixed!!!! Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf |
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Hey man thanks for this build! I was just wondering about your APS, how did it reach 13.8? I am just level 90 and I was wondering if you can make a good passive skill tree for it. Thanks!
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" I already have the passive tree down derrr As for APS, it's really just the siege axes are 1.9, which gives me a total of like 700% iAPS with passives. Silver flask helps too. 20q gems can add a little speed. Really it's mainly the axes with passives though. Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1533986/page/1Umbra_the_Wolf |
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Can you please check my gear? I am stuck at level 90 and I dont know which item / passive to change.
my APS is 5.31 dual strike damage = 44498.9 unbuffed dps = 6705 unbuffed HP = 6369 Items
Skill tree
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAECAAHcAecFLQX5CVgMcw2ND6sR1RQgFE0V8Ba_FukYkRmKG60hYCPTI_YkNySLJpUoKio4LlMxnjWSNe826DrtPfxAoEMxR35KfUz_TZJN404qUEdXDVeXWGNYr1uvXz9f0GBBYeJjcGVNaGVvJ287dO12rHfjeA1673zZgUGCB4TFhNmFUod2i0-Mz5VmlcyXBpd5mFeaaptqm7WezaOKplenMKlurY2xs7XyvJ-9Nr6nvwjAGsGLwzrG2M9-0iHTb9P82L3ZYdrB26fjn-RR6hjtP-4O7w7yQfOb9kj3Mvhf-WP8S_zF_o8=?accountName=zyruslunas&characterName=ZZyedaph |
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1) your main axe, try to get some flat phys.use link, buy most pDps you afford. http://poe.trade/search/utohiitatetaku 2) "berserking" on skill tree is very important point. i think you should use some regrets to get it instead life nodes http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUBBQU1CQWdzQWRBSGNBZWNGTFFYNUNWZ01jdzJORDZzUjFSUWdGRTBWOEJhX0dKRVppaHV0SVdBajB5UDJKSXNtbFNncUtqZ3VVeldTTmU4MjZEcnRQZnhBb0VNeFIzNUtmVXpfVFpKT0tsQkhWdzFYbDFoaldLOWJyMThfWUVGaDRtTndaVTFvWlc4bmJ6dDA3WGFzZC1ONERYcnZmTm1CUVlJSGhNV0UyWVZTaDNhTFQ0elBsV2FWekpjR2wzbWFhcHRxbTdXZXphT0twekNwYnEyTnNiTzE4cnlmdlRhLXA4QWF3WXZET3NiWXozN1NJZE52MF96WXZkbGgyc0hicC1PZjVGSHFHTzBfN2c3dkR2SkI4NXYyU1BjeS1XUDhTX3pGY214c1JqSUplNHdXNlNRM1g5Q1lWNzhJLUY4PQAQQUFBQ0FBZlFBUUgwQVFBQQAA 3) belt and gloves with more life |
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