3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

Hi guys

First, OMFG it's the FIRST TIME i laughed while killing pixels and got too much fun by playing a build.
Seriously, the first time i was able to see my character hit like a dumb, i laughed, i didn't thought it was possible. But with PoE, i guess everything is possible. Really thank you guys, this build is really fun. Atm i have like 7 attacks / second. Awesome :D

I have 2 questions for this build in order to enjoy more.

1) When you're talking about ascendancy, there is "Cloaked in Savagery", so ok. But "lower nodes" ? Maybe i'm wrong, but are you talking about the little nodes (so i don"t get the biggest ones), or it's about all the nodes with "Crave the slaughter" and "Aspect of Carnage" ?

2) Which gods are you using with Pantheon ? Soul of Solaris could be great for the major, but for minor, i have Tukohama (but the bonus can't work with Vaal Pact) or Garukhan (for bonus MS only, cause with Kaom's roots, we can't evade).

Again thx for all your work in this topic. So much details. You guys are the over the top :p

Karibean12 wrote:

The only question I have is swords. Not a single unique is worth ? Maybe lowering the APS to 1.60 or so?

The uniques blow, they're all just designed to be niche. All we want is fast af and high phys dps. 1.6 is too damn slow, I search 1.9 aps minimum. Once you go lightning speed you don't go back.

Baam wrote:
Hi guys

First, OMFG it's the FIRST TIME i laughed while killing pixels and got too much fun by playing a build.
Seriously, the first time i was able to see my character hit like a dumb, i laughed, i didn't thought it was possible. But with PoE, i guess everything is possible. Really thank you guys, this build is really fun. Atm i have like 7 attacks / second. Awesome :D

I have 2 questions for this build in order to enjoy more.

1) When you're talking about ascendancy, there is "Cloaked in Savagery", so ok. But "lower nodes" ? Maybe i'm wrong, but are you talking about the little nodes (so i don"t get the biggest ones), or it's about all the nodes with "Crave the slaughter" and "Aspect of Carnage" ?

2) Which gods are you using with Pantheon ? Soul of Solaris could be great for the major, but for minor, i have Tukohama (but the bonus can't work with Vaal Pact) or Garukhan (for bonus MS only, cause with Kaom's roots, we can't evade).

Again thx for all your work in this topic. So much details. You guys are the over the top :p

1) Get Cloaked in Savagery first, then get Aspect of Carnage last.

2) Major: I use Solaris typically, the 6% reduced phys damage taken is great for boss fights, and the less area damage taken is nice as well. For clearing, you could certainly use Lunaris for dense maps, better reduction and move speed is gravy. I haven't captured any souls yet, but the minors for both are pretty okay.

Minor: I use Tukohama for more phys reduction, which will be at 8% on bosses or anything that takes more than 4 seconds to kill. Gruthkul looks like it'd be good, but bosses hit slow, so you wouldn't even be at 5%, Tukohama is better for bosses and for clearing. Obviously life regen doesn't do anything so don't bother capturing.
Could work in bisco's for when you're just leveling aye? I also haven't run in to a boss yet in maps that I can't kill not using added fire damage the whole bleed set up with voidheart seems a bit moot, if it's only a minor upgrade with life loss sitting at around 7k hp with gear to make it 7.9k
spookyswag wrote:
Could work in bisco's for when you're just leveling aye? I also haven't run in to a boss yet in maps that I can't kill not using added fire damage the whole bleed set up with voidheart seems a bit moot, if it's only a minor upgrade with life loss sitting at around 7k hp with gear to make it 7.9k

It's not that much of a loss, Voidheart has 30 life with a good roll, as opposed to 100ish with a rare ring. That's the only downside, not 900 health lost like you think. But you're still right, it's a minor dps increase for minor life loss. Added Fire with Hatred and Arctic Armour is a good middle ground between the Brutality and Bloodlust setups.

Bloodlust is about 18% higher dps, so it is actually a bit more than minor for a dps increase. Keep one leveled and you can use on tougher bosses at least with no Voidheart.
potatomanjack79 wrote:
Started this league as an Essence Drain Trickster. It's fine, but I'm not in love with it. I happened to find a Belly of the Beast by luck, and so I'm wondering if it's worth switching over.

What are the map clear times like when you first get into mapping, assuming you're only low-mid tier gear?

Is it worth switching over? absolutely. Build puts a smile on me still, because when people see it for the first time it's troll but when i clear through maps in 2 minutes it's not so troll anymore.

As a casual opinion, i'd give clearspeed of maps 8.5/10 and bosses 7/10 during leveling, and 8.5/10 on maps and 8.5/10 on bosses when you scale up your damage.
FurySK wrote:
potatomanjack79 wrote:
Started this league as an Essence Drain Trickster. It's fine, but I'm not in love with it. I happened to find a Belly of the Beast by luck, and so I'm wondering if it's worth switching over.

What are the map clear times like when you first get into mapping, assuming you're only low-mid tier gear?

Is it worth switching over? absolutely. Build puts a smile on me still, because when people see it for the first time it's troll but when i clear through maps in 2 minutes it's not so troll anymore.

As a casual opinion, i'd give clearspeed of maps 8.5/10 and bosses 7/10 during leveling, and 8.5/10 on maps and 8.5/10 on bosses when you scale up your damage.

How do you typically run around maps chasing mobs?
I find the low movement speed with kaoms kinda boring, tried using whirlwind and leap to move and its faster but just wondering if theres another way?
the trick to killing mobs is to leap slam in the middle of ALL of them and attack psychotically. Some will get knocked back on the outer fringes of your range that you may decide to tail and kill. It's the biggest bane to speed clearing for my build. If you are using swords then whirling blades is an excellent speed option. My build does very well in mobs, might be middle of the road though for speed clearing though compared to ranged attacks and other attacks that tend to have tremendous AoE potential.

Gotta admit though, he's furious against bosses. Absolutely bonkers how he rails on bosses taking all their hits with a smirk. That's what he's all about. Just try to enjoy the process without rushing because once you reach the end the game becomes pointlessly boring.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
FurySK wrote:
potatomanjack79 wrote:
Started this league as an Essence Drain Trickster. It's fine, but I'm not in love with it. I happened to find a Belly of the Beast by luck, and so I'm wondering if it's worth switching over.

What are the map clear times like when you first get into mapping, assuming you're only low-mid tier gear?

Is it worth switching over? absolutely. Build puts a smile on me still, because when people see it for the first time it's troll but when i clear through maps in 2 minutes it's not so troll anymore.

As a casual opinion, i'd give clearspeed of maps 8.5/10 and bosses 7/10 during leveling, and 8.5/10 on maps and 8.5/10 on bosses when you scale up your damage.

The scores are pretty accurate, he shines as a unique build when he tanks with less focus on actually killing the enemy/enemies. DPS has always been an afterthought on the road to perfection once life and APS are taken care of, melee dmg comes last. It's the tradeoff I was forced to make when creating him due to GGG tree design and character limitations. Trying to get crazy aps, damage, life pool and leech is very hard to streamline for all map/boss scenarios since the game inherently wants everyone to have at least one weakness to keep them on their toes.

My build's soft spot is 1 shots since he is all about tanking and not moving fast (or even bother to avoid damage at all lol). Gotta admit, dual strikers are basically vampires with how they suck life from all their enemies!

P.S. If you eventually get epic axes though clear speed is definitely insta-nuke T16 but I do understand most people will not be getting axes like mine with 1H 280-414 damage (like 450 pDPS tier I think). But if you ever did, you can cheese Shaper for sure.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf#0636 on Sep 1, 2017, 1:56:19 PM
Is this consider as a good substitute jewel until you acquire a decent hp/speed/dmg one?
nem8 wrote:

How do you typically run around maps chasing mobs?
I find the low movement speed with kaoms kinda boring, tried using whirlwind and leap to move and its faster but just wondering if theres another way?

If axes, you can travel between mobs with Leap Slam, and if you're swords, you can also use whirling blades to zip across the map fast as frak. FFS do not use whirlwind lol.

Acarvalho wrote:
Is this consider as a good substitute jewel until you acquire a decent hp/speed/dmg one?

Jewels are an important source of life, so while that is a kickass jewel (19% attack speed!), getting one with % life on it will be important for endgame.

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