3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

I wasn't able to craft a descend sword so I finally buy one and replace my gloves. I still have to improve my rings but now I have complete all guardian and T15. I also plan to run uber lab to get IAS boot's enchant. But the traps are pretty scary with vaal pact and lot's of life the life potion isn't very good.
I will wait my next level to encounter the shapper (my first time) but it's quite long (specially when I'm dying sometimes).

Little question : have you complete grand master ? I'm dying before reaching ennemies
Dark11Wolf wrote:
I wasn't able to craft a descend sword so I finally buy one and replace my gloves. I still have to improve my rings but now I have complete all guardian and T15. I also plan to run uber lab to get IAS boot's enchant. But the traps are pretty scary with vaal pact and lot's of life the life potion isn't very good.
I will wait my next level to encounter the shapper (my first time) but it's quite long (specially when I'm dying sometimes).

Little question : have you complete grand master ? I'm dying before reaching ennemies

Solid gear and set up, though I would suggest ditching Duality for more health and the Weapon Artistry node. Or switch if for Sleight of Hand, same # of points but more stats for the points. What do you mean by completing grand master?
He probably means hall of grandmasters map. Its a real pain >.<
Ah right, FUCK that map. I think trappers can do it, not many others. Don't even try it solo.
Hall of Grandmasters is shit. Sorry I'm late to join in the hate. It's PvP hall of famers who are made into NPC's so they stack up to make up how they have no brain in use. My dual striker is not PvP, he's 100% blood fed PvE.

Most of the grandmasters in that map have the node "enemies cannot leech life from you" or whatever so my #1 defense is trash in that map. Might as well name it Hall of Fuck You
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Guys, I revamped the leveling section for levels 1 to 46 to help newbies be able to crush normal difficulty with no grinding til cruel. Should have written this a while ago but I'm a lazy bitch.

What do you guys think?

Umbra_the_Wolf wrote:


Kill all for 2 passives

Follow tree
Get Cloaked in Savagery area first, then do lower ascendancy nodes after

jewels in this search have life, aps, & damage. Just find one w/ the precise overall match for you

Umbra has played over 1400 hours as of 09/12/2017 lol here's some early level gear tips

Early gear that is sold on POE.trade can be bought for almost free because the gear is nearly worthless past a certain level. It's shady, but when you go on POE.trade intentionally enter the trade screen with the seller and undercut the sale and click accept. He may cancel but most actually don't for early level gear being sold by high level characters. I've done this since my days in Diablo 2. It's quite effective lol.




This ALL cost me less than 6c


Tree above allows time to decide on axes vs swords, but come lv55 you need to decide or you will hit a brick wall for difficulty in later areas. Bee-lining to Vitality Void helps reduce dying with low damage weapons

1. Get dual strike any way you like. Go on global if you're super lazy and ask for a freebie.
2. Get 2x Sabres or 2x hand axes, both have 1.50 APS which is as good as it gets for starting. Use Ancestral Protector til you obtain Ancestral Warchief as a quest reward
3. Level to 20. Passive tree should go straight to Resolute Technique to prevent obnoxious accuracy issues
4. Lv 20? Time to equip 2x Blightbeak hammers for mad APS and clear speed. Mana should be fine with 2 pots
5. Lv 27 Time to equip 2x Lakishu Swords- one for free Multistrike to connect with Dual Strike and the other simply because it's high APS for such low level. Equip Slitherpunch gauntlets + Wurm's Molt belt + if you have it equip Briskwrap armor + Asenath's circlet for sicko APS early level
>>>>> In one Lakishu sword socket > Dual Strike + Faster Attacks + Melee Splash
>>>>> Use Herald of Ash asap and eventually use Hatred and Lightning Golem from a quest rewards
>>>>> This is the beginning of the dual strike AoE mob thrashing synergy you will come to master. You should basically flash kill mobs all the way to cruel doing this!
>>>>> Sockets and colors are based on luck. Keep jeweling or fusing to minimum. Buy your gear with correct links+colors!
6. Bee-line for Vitality Void for leech survival and voila

After that you're basically in cruel difficulty and will start dying to fire and chaos very fast. Time to get better gear, play with friends if you are lazy, and grind your ass off to lv67-68 to put on Bringer of Rain and Kaom's Boots. Easy mode from then on out til Shaper.

From there take the Duality node, and some more life on the way to Vaal Pact, but there is no sense in taking VP before beating Cruel Lab and getting Cloaked in Savagery. VP sucks in lab.

TREE for Cruel Lab lv 60ish:

TREE for around lv70:

lv67-68 it's time to Bring on the Rain!

Cost me 4c. Max life is 160. Do NOT get suckered into 12c for these.

Costs as little as 1c to 6c for perfect Kaom's if you're patient. Don't spend more than 10c.

TREE for lv 80ish give or take a few:

After that it's just picking up the rest of the life nodes to prevent boss one-shots on your way up to Uber Atziri and Shaper!
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Great job done. Ty Umbra
Someone doing this build can post a video doing regular maps?

I feel great doing bosses and special maps such as harbingers, but regular maps not so good. Even palying with friends I tend to fall behind and can't even leech since they get to enemies first .
Karibean12 wrote:
Someone doing this build can post a video doing regular maps?

I feel great doing bosses and special maps such as harbingers, but regular maps not so good. Even palying with friends I tend to fall behind and can't even leech since they get to enemies first .

not sure what you mean by regular maps unless you mean they are so easy you never get a chance to leech in white maps, that I understand. Regardless, I can attest that group play is tougher at high level because my dual striker places such extreme emphasis on solo tanking, so if an enemy dies before your life is full due to a friend killing it there is the tendency to be left vulnerable while you leap to the next enemy. You really shouldn't need to be co-oping past lv 68 anyway when you equip your bringer and kaom's boots. I'd simply recommend solo play. Might not be what you wanna hear, but you could definitely crank map intensity too as an alternative and tell your friends to take enemies on one side of the screen while you take enemies on the opposite side so you are always OK but still helping out. Funny thing is, when you crank the intensity of maps you will likely be the only one who never dies lol. The true power will shine when you throw in some vaals on those maps and they will shit their pants. I often would coop and was exclusively the only one who stood still and tanked every enemy with no sweat. It was always funny watching everybody dance for their lives.

Most non-100% melee dmg builds in the game will make my dual striker look like a schoolgirl for DPS, because he has placed so much emphasis on tanking. In games like these, the goal is always to become so strong nothing can kill you, so that's a small tradeoff. Group play will always make you feel weaker.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf#0636 on Sep 12, 2017, 4:32:20 AM

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