Mechanical Questions Thread

Does Riposte/Reckoning trigger if you block a spell?
i have a question about Consecrated Ground effect and Comandment of light glove enchantment

wiki says CG provides an additional 4% hp regen
and tests with Sulphur Flask proves it's true

but it seems that Comandment of light (which creates a CG area on proc as well) inreases players hp regen much more than with just 4%
it seems it almost doubles a whole number

additionally, if you use Sulphur Flask BEFROE ecnchantment proc you will get additional regen
but not in the case you use flask AFTER enchantment

so, can you clarify this moment?

and how will it interract with Inqusitor Ascendancy?

here is a link with related screenshots, i've found occasionaly
I have a question about Scourching Ray,

While editing a video about scourching ray rotation speed with various cast speeds, I've noticed that at a certian amount the rotation wont get faster.

For example at 200% inc cast speed and 400% cast speed scourching ray would need 1 second for 1 rotation.
Right now I think that the max rotation speed is at 150% cast speed

In a podcast a couple weeks was mentioned that a skill like scourching ray has to be limited because of the server interaction, so that the server still knows if I burned the monster or not. So I think it is intentional to have a rotation speed cap.

Can I get a confirmation about the 1second limit and maybe is there a different cast speed value which leads to the max rotation speed?

More information that I asked for about this topic would be interesting aswell ;).
Last edited by Shinrha#4633 on Nov 28, 2016, 3:01:57 AM
in response to my email ggg wrote-off to put my question here.
I have some problem with helmet Kitava's Thirst. In this helmet I put few spells. I use melee skill and this spell didn't cast. ofcourse I used much more mana [not blood magic, eb].
In description of this helmet - information is: " Spend at least 100 Mana to Use a Skill" every skill?
What i doing wrong?
You need to spend 100 Mana in a single activation of your Skill.
Vipermagi wrote:
You need to spend 100 Mana in a single activation of your Skill.

thanks for this information
Question about Voidheart:

So I had my Reaver with the following 6L:
Reave + Faster Attacks + Multistrike + Added Fire Damage + Life Gain on Hit + Melee Physical Damage

After hearing so many people talk wonders about Voidheart, I decided to try out mine (I had one from Prophecy league still, never used it before).

So I took out one my rings and added Voidheart. I saw no significant change on DPS or nothing, so I wondered exactly how could I take advantage of the free Poison (my char already has a high Bleed chance).

So I respec'd some passive points and got some increased DoT and things like this.
Again, no significant changes.
So I added the "Rapid Decay" gem, and my DPS clearly decreased, so I guess it does nothing.

Anyway, no matter how many increased DoT points I get from the Duelist area, the Voidheart effect is pretty much null, so I might be doing something wrong. (It's a legacy Voidheart too).

So if anyone can give me some idea of how to use a Voidheart I'd really appreciate it.

This is not the thread for build advice :) Please feel free to make a separate thread.
Well sorry it looks like a mechanics issue to me, like I'm not understanding the mechanics behind Poison.

But okay I'll go to another department. If they send me back here I'll ask for some type of declaration.
Thedalus wrote:
Well sorry it looks like a mechanics issue to me, like I'm not understanding the mechanics behind Poison.

Vipermagi was probably responding to:

Thedalus wrote:

So if anyone can give me some idea of how to use a Voidheart I'd really appreciate it.

which is not a mechanics question and should be posted as an individual thread.

However! I might be able to address some mechanics.

Tooltip DPS never accounts for Bleeding or Poison, so you'll never see a change in tooltip even if you see a change in real DPS. If you mean tooltip dps when you say dps, then that should answer some of your first concerns. If you mean real DPS, that is for a separate thread.

Rapid Decay Support actually shouldn't be doing anything at all, strange that it would reduce your DPS. Support gems with downsides can only apply if they can apply their downsides, while reading only the link up. Since Reave and none of the other Supports have Duration, Rapid Decay should be doing precisely nothing.

EDIT: Unless you replaced Faster Attacks, in which case of course it will lower your DPS as it does nothing plus you lose out on increased attack speed :p
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Last edited by adghar#1824 on Nov 28, 2016, 12:18:56 PM

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