[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert

Camaron wrote:
Sorry to ask again but i think my question was lost ...

What is better for HC chieftain or berserker? My thinking is chieftain for the taunt and lifeleech plus more durable totems? has anyone done some testing?

Also would abyssus be a good idea for HC or is the more phys dmg taken too much for HC?

chieftain is way more safer for hc, as u said correctly taunt + lifeleech ;)
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do berserker.. im running chiefton and it just has less dps, by a lot, actually.... if you die lots, then go chiefton.. if you are a standard player, go berserker.. imo
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Yes berserker has the +40% more damage BUT you take 10% more damage which I think is a no no for HC (might be wrong tho)
how much does your tool tip change without the helmet?
I got 630 % facebreakers is i worth it to upgrade to a 700% + facebreakers ?
Save till you can get a 750%+ 10c. You need helmet and shield first.
Camaron wrote:
I got 630 % facebreakers is i worth it to upgrade to a 700% + facebreakers ?

Helm boosts way more, worth to save some.

I play HC dont think the helmet ( 40%+ more phys damage ) is worth it . Was thinking maybe go BoR
Love the Build works great I do seem to have issues with Mana when running the Arctic Armour,Hatred and Herals of Ash.
Loving the build, playing it on essence and just got my helmet + shield, rocking 40k dps per totem in town with no buffs, the helm added 20k on its own.

Do you think voidheart is still worth going considering the hotfix that just came out today?

Fixed an issue with Voidheart's Chance to Poison on Melee Hit always applying poison. This will fix all Voidhearts acquired since 2.4.0 was released.

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