[3.7] SC/HC - ED/Blight Trickster - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS
hm yes, my resists are quite awkward. coldres overcapped by almost 100 and the in ele weakness maps im undercaped with fire and lightning.
problem with a weapon offhand is, that all my jewels have "spelldmg...shield". so as long as i dont have 5 jewels with 3 working dmg mods a decay weapon or BoTC wouldnt be an upgrade (or just a very minor one) dmg wise, or am i wrong? whats your opinion on helmet enchants? ED duration/dmg or even tempchains? thanks for the quick reply, its really helpful to get the opinion from a very experienced ED player! |
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wow, +1 frenzy chayulas are dirt cheap and probably a good fit, no?
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Does %dot jewels grants more utility than %chaos on jewels? I know both is the deal but %dot with %es worth less than half then %chaos.
Also i was looking for some info about 3.0, since ED/contagion has been a really solid build from the start. They are nerfing contagion AOE and seems not a big problem but what about double dipping... it will only affect burning/poison/bleed? SLower porjectile will still work as now with ED? IGN Flatulencia Last edited by Focusix#6192 on Mar 27, 2017, 3:28:09 PM
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Even if poison gets completely bricked for ED (I hope not, as I love being able to switch it up some), we will still have decay. Most other guides seem to stick with decay all the way, never going back to poison. There has been no indication that this will change, so ED will still be a very strong all-round build in 3.0 assuming no major changes.
When it comes to DoT damage on jewels, it is equal to chaos or spell damage for us as long as you use decay. If you swap to poison, you just get this effect once. Sticking to decay = cheaper jewels. @ashen2: Yep! +1 frenzy is very nice for Trickster ED for general mapping. @Cheef, when I went from using a shield to dual wielding on my necromancer, I was quite surprised by how cheap jewels with spell damage while dual wielding was. I was able to buy all the 4 jewels I needed for about 10-20c each. If you want to look into the dual wielding alternative, don't think about the jewel cost too much. When it comes to helmets, there are a ton of enchants that gives us utility. ED duration, contagion AoE, temp chains/enfeeble curse effect are all very nice. Essence Drain damage is ofc the one we want the most. |
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Hey thank you for that nice guide it really helped me alot ! Just a small question :
Would it be better to run my 310 ES Helmet with 40% ED Damage enchant OR Heretic Veil with 30% increased temp chains effect. Trying to get 40% ED damage on my other Heretics Veil but wasnt lucky yet to get it. Would be happy about a answer for that :) |
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just like with everything else, I have to say "depends".
This is a question of damage vs. utility. There is no correct answer. I would most likely stick to the hubris these days, since I'd rather use Brinerot Whalers as a low resist unique than Heretic's. There is also the fact that killing stuff faster is more fun. |
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Any suggestions for improving damage? Besides the helm enchant.
Last edited by Bruxieus#2193 on Mar 29, 2017, 5:20:09 PM
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hi i have problem with shaper on 3 phase i dont know what im doing wrong but it feels like i dont have denough dmg almost 18k tooltip on all buff around 30k
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ED relies heavily on gem levels and links. If you are referring to your DoT DPS, that does seem a bit low to comfortably bring down Shaper. I'd recommend trying to get closer to 40k DoT DPS before going for Shaper as an ED character. Also, using decay or poison?
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Running dual wield daggers consuming darkness and decay dagger. DoT is around 33k with buffs. Still trying to get more damage, how? My energy shield with dual daggers is still 10k so not too bad. Suggestions please and my profile should be public. Thanks
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