" commandment of light should help out a bit for more regen (glove enchant) but your gear/setup looks pretty top dog to me. i suggest you upgrade your helmet to have this so your RF is 5 link. add effiacy as your extra gem (you can get conc effect + burning dmg but the price goes up, plus it reduces your aoe so not worth it IMO) using this ring (or any with +2 level to socket gems) can make your purity of fire give you an extra % maximum fire res witch translates to even more regen also Last edited by Cchris07#7105 on Jun 12, 2018, 11:17:33 AM
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" Its not about fire res but max fire res. Additional 6% max fire res. Whenever u r in a fight and u feel like your regen is barely holding u kick the flask and baaam regen has to mitigate 6% less fire dmg from RF, additional life regen just like that. I'm at 86%, with flask 92%. Last edited by yakoob#0215 on Jun 12, 2018, 12:46:54 PM
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so i was just trying things out screwing around and quickly discoverd a way to buff dps significantly it 'feels' a lot more reliable to me
this self cast setup is really fun if your lacking a bit of dps, Flammability + Elemental weakness + orb of storms + curse on hit this applies the Elemental equilibrium instantly = -50 res then -50 from flammability then -30 ish from elemental weakness then you can scorching ray on top of this, i dropped shield charge for casual clearing maps and just use 2 quicksilvers, they never run out of doses so no problems here, because of this i can use kaoms heart and get 1k more life i just self cast orbs each time i reach a pack and they pretty much instantly disappear, this feels a lot more defensive when running high % pack size also feel free to try it out all you need is a 1c ring and 4 blue sockets. (make sure you have pure lightning damage on your orb of storms for EE to work correct) im not sure how low enemy resistances can go but -130% + scorching ray just feels so nice and you can do it on call. this could even lead to dropping EE and gaining 4 nodes back (2 nodes after reconnecting)
![]() Disclaimer: im not 100% if dropping EE is worth it as i do not know if monster's resistances can go below 0 or -75 ect. all i know is im using 2 curses + EE + scorching ray and its made a noticeable difference Last edited by Cchris07#7105 on Jun 12, 2018, 2:06:59 PM
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Doesn't using blade vortex mess up EE? Since it's a physical spell it'll gain fire damage and give monsters fire res
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" Youtube guide is outdated. Ascendancies changed. Read the forum guide. Last edited by yakoob#0215 on Jun 12, 2018, 3:23:13 PM
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I'm late to the game this league but putting a few hours in now. I picked up this helm after I got 65'ish and its changed my leveling from tedious to enjoyable :)
I payed 5c for it, most of the cash I got leveling, I know it's got low life, but damn, it is the difference from skipping incursions to choosing what path I want to take! Did I get a deal? the guy I bought it off wasnt sure and I just said I was going to use it, so he was happy it went to me. Nice build, ive followed it before in previous leagues as my firs toon to get some wealth. |
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So, 87 lvl in, got this gear.
Currently investing in health in tree. Any idea on gear upgrade not in terribly expensive way? |
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OK guys. Let me know if this is a good idea or am I retarded ;)
I figured out a way to 3L or even 4L our SR without losing any gems. We put our Shield charge setup minus the faster attacks gem in elder gloves with Socketed gems are supported by lvl 20 faster attacks. We put our Enduring Cry here instead of faster attacks gem. If I understand correctly how this mod works and if this mod doesnt acctually transfer dex req to the item, then this way also avoids the huge dex req for faster attacks gem. Now we only need 68 dex for Stone Golem. 2x +3 lvl of socketed gems unset rings. We put our PoF and Vit gems there. This way we get additional +1% max fire res and a lil bit more regen. This opens a 3L in our shield where we can put a 3L SR. Or. Switch Molten shell setup to shield and get a 4L SR in Doons due to Iron grip it provides. Is that a good idea or am I totally worng and I lose too much hp cuz I could get coral rings? Last edited by yakoob#0215 on Jun 12, 2018, 7:31:09 PM
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Demi, is it worth Slammin 2 Exalts into this in hope to get some STR/ExtraResist/Valuable? if so how should i proceed doin it ? |
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Is the min/max pastbin for PoB up to date? Because it shows different Ascendancy Points than the image on the forum guide. Also in gem links section you don't link Scorching Ray with Spell Totem Support but you do in the PoB build.
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