is there an updated skill tree?
"We believe - so we're misled, we assume - so we're played, we confide - so we're deceived, we trust - so we're betrayed"
Silenc42 wrote:
Regarding Molten Shell and Immortal call, what to do with the new changes in 3.7?
I don't think it's good to use both, so which should we use and how?

IC no longer gives immunity and I'm not sure CWDT is a good choice for it; though I also don't want to self cast it all the time...
MS would be nice, but it cannot (or at least no longer) be supported by life leech, so I don't see the point of putting it into doon, as before.

What's you opinions?

I would say Steelskin i you want to stick with a guard skill. Not sure if MS still only absorbs physical dmg, now. I'll need to test with late items wich one has best absorbing capacity.

Oh, and anyone having thoughts about Utmost Might?
Last edited by Myriapode#6302 on Jun 9, 2019, 6:00:41 PM
silidons wrote:
is there an updated skill tree?

yup, pob and images have been updated
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DeMiGodking102 wrote:
silidons wrote:
is there an updated skill tree?

yup, pob and images have been updated

If we take Holy Dominion then wouldn't it be more beneficient to path thru it to Devotion, EC and jewel thru STR node instead of INT to get more life and dmg? Or do we need that int for skill gems?

Was old Chietain ascendancy on kill or when hit? If it was when hit then it went into the passive tree? Inexorable node?

Does it mean we could get Inexorable passive instead of Tawhoa ascendancy and do some totem shenanigans with Arohongui ascendancy? Another 16% more multiplier to our dmg and enemies do 8% less dmg and we could put SR on totems if ppl dont like to sit in place and cast it.

If we make our PoF lvl 23 = 5% max fire res (+2/+3 unset ring or +2 RotP) then with body armor bound fossil craft, 25% aura effect + Devotion 3% + Sovereignty +10% +6% = total 44%, we get extra 2% max fire res?

Aura eefect would greatly increase More multiplier from Malevolence aura aswell, making it on par with horror helmet buff, wouldnt it?
In corrupted RotP +2eoe or +2aura, lvl 22 malevolence = 21 more multi *1.44 (aura effect) = 30.24% more DoT dmg.

Also isn't Shock Immunity one of our most important flasks? Since shock will not only increase th dmg we receive from monsters but also will increase the ammount we self burn with RF? From what I remember I think this is the thing that killed me the most in Incursion league.

Silenc42 wrote:
Regarding Molten Shell and Immortal call, what to do with the new changes in 3.7?
I don't think it's good to use both, so which should we use and how?

IC no longer gives immunity and I'm not sure CWDT is a good choice for it; though I also don't want to self cast it all the time...
MS would be nice, but it cannot (or at least no longer) be supported by life leech, so I don't see the point of putting it into doon, as before.

What's you opinions?

Isnt IC still full phys immunity if used with 5 EC? 25%(lvl1) to 35%(lvl20) + 5*15% (at all lvls)?
Last edited by yakoob#0215 on Jun 10, 2019, 12:32:50 AM
How are we proc'ing the endurance charges from Tawhoa? or is it just from Enduring cry
Can I question why we don't take Utmost strength node cluster?
What 6L should I be running for RF? Just linked this:

shrunn57 wrote:
Since my consecrated path variation on this build met with such resistance (and I didn't really like it that much myself), I came up with another eccentric variation based on the new Cyclone. This one is so different, I'll just briefly describe it here so as not to pollute this thread with it any further.

- avoid the endurance charge meme in the ascendency altogether
- take all the other useful nodes (but not phys to fire!)
- use Cyclone with LGoH and CoH+Flamm with lightning damage to get EE too
- get to keep scorching ray for when it is useful (labs)
- extra cluster with Ice Spear triggers EO

Damage is similar to my previous one, life is higher, regen is lower. However, the loss of regen is compensated for by the Life Gained on Hit from Cyclone. Room on the skill bar for VRF or whatever.

This is the easiest variant to play I've tried and just effortlessly vaporizes everything in its path. So far I've had an easier time facetanking bosses than with other RF variants I've tried. You never stop moving so avoid a lot of the problem with scorching ray.

Here is what I'm using now:


Tried some delving, it is much better than was last patch. Not squishy at all at levels where it used to be.

edit: fixed an error in tree from pastebin
edit 2: new pastebin with more changes
edit 3: got rid of config errors that caused science fiction damage numbers


Interesting variation. I like this.

If we have a pseudo 6L helmet (preferably essence of horror of course) we could run a 5L (or 6L) with cyclone - infused channeling support - fortify - life gain on hit - faster attacks (and maybe another support gem, e.g. increased area of effect or increased critical strikes support) to be tanky af.

Another option, using your way, is to go with Ahn's Heritage shield (link here: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ahn%27s_Heritage) plus two fragility jewels (link here: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fragility) for +3 max all res and permanent onslaught, as well as 10-20 + 60-80 i.e. 70-100 flat life. I like this, especially considering we probably go "Soul of Steel" on passive tree (+1 max res and more defensive options). Not too mention our life regen will be awesome. Also I think more armour is really QoL, especially if we go "Unwavering Stance" for stun immunity meanwhile you cannot evade attacks. The only downside for using two Fragility jewels is of course that we are using these instead of jewels with % increased max life and dmg multipliers such as % increased dmg over time or % increased burning dmg.

Ps. First post on this forum by the way. Played PoE since February/March 2018. I am completely hooked since I started. :)

Pps. Two (or three) final notes. Imho Immortal Call is still fine for this build, not matter the variation you play. Remember that RF builds can be played in many ways, and different ascendancies as well. Instead of Immortall Call you could go for self casting "Steelskin" skill (plus e.g. Increased DUration) but I think it is really good to have elemental dmg mitigation.

Also I would like to point out that "Utmost Strength" as well as "Inexorable" and maybe even "Disciple of the Unyielding" (if you go with endurance charges) are all viable options - imho - and could be utilized in an RF build. I think it all comes down to preference/playstyle/min-max etc. :) It is awesome to have sooo many options on the passive skill tree!!

GL folks!

Pppppps. SSF (HC or not) RF Chieftain is definitely doable!
Last edited by TuxedoHomer#5853 on Jun 10, 2019, 1:28:38 PM

Is there anything I'm not seeing that makes Doon the preferred weapon over Doryani?

Since we now have the strength cluster that makes it feasible to get to 800 strength with cheap gear, I modeled it in PoB to see what happens. I only got back to about the same RF damage, but life was a little lower and regen was significantly lower. My strength got to 875.

Does Doon really only shine when you get your strength much higher than this?

Iron Will versus Elemental Proliferation seems pretty minor, as do the other differences.
Another option, using your way, is to go with Ahn's Heritage shield (link here: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ahn%27s_Heritage) plus two fragility jewels

Thanks for the idea.

I modeled this PoB, and yeah I don't like the two fragility jewels being needed, as life and damage go down a good bit. However, onslaught will always be up, and armour goes much higher, as do max cold and lightning res.

However, the thing I really didn't like was losing 2% to max fire res, which lowers net regen by a good bit. Worth thinking about, however, especially for delving, but maybe not for labs (where I want the regen).

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