Sorry if i miss lately this disccussion but Demi what do you think its more viable utilites late game?
Your previous seasons cyclone EE proc,shield charge CoH or this season BV,Tempest proc?
Not involving gear into this just mechanics, which is better late game?

With the BV,Tempest i sometimes feel that gaining EE its not constant while fighting bosses ,on your videos it looks like cyclone or shield charge CoH is better cuz you can proc EE whenever u want basicly.
So just kinda intrested about your opinion about this :)

stamasis wrote:
the wyrmsigns allow you to socket 4 other gems and still get conc effect while leaving your chest for sheild charge and curse on hit

but it doesn't have str/resists, idk. i dont like losing aoe
🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol
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🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters

i was wondering why i could barely create any endurance charges and the i figured this out:

Enduring Cry is not a spell, and since the trigger gems Cast when Damage Taken Support [...] only support spells, they cannot support Enduring Cry.

So why link Enduring Cry to CWDT when it does not get triggered?
Last edited by BigBaMthrfckr#2102 on Dec 25, 2016, 6:29:43 AM
BigBaMthrfckr wrote:

i was wondering why i could barely create any endurance charges and the i figured this out:

Enduring Cry is not a spell, and since the trigger gems Cast when Damage Taken Support [...] only support spells, they cannot support Enduring Cry.

So why link Enduring Cry to CWDT when it does not get triggered?

if you watch any of my rf videos, you can see me self casting it. it's not linked to cwdt, but there is a random red socket available there so i just threw it in.
🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol
🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977
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🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters
mimi2323 wrote:
as much as i think kaom armor is good with a 6 link armor i could increase the dmg double of that.

also im using the

the amount of extra HP it gives is a loot i mean 12% extra hp and 100 reg per sec thats quiet lot not to forget the armor and resis i get from it and also chaos rises which is very important late game bosses.

i tested this and a str helm and found out this gives far more hp and hp reg compared to str Hp helm.

also i believe there is a chance to get more then 50% increase spell and dmg, by using 2 added gems to the 4 gems link that we already have to use.

by adding an empower lvl 3 and a Enhance Support gem lvl 3 we can have be at 40% quality that alone gives the RF 40% extra damage and Increased Burning Damage Support gem another 10% and Increased Area of Effect Support another 10% and also Elemental Focus Support 10% that all just based on their quality adds up at 70% increased damage not to mention that the 3 lvls added from empower to all 4 gems that will give an extra even 12% dmg from 3 lvls, however if both the gems the empower and the enchance were corrupted at lvl 4 then the damage would be now 106% increased damage from just the lvl 4 enhance and lvl 4 empower gem

or at lvl 3 both of them that would mean an 82% increase dmg

as much as i want kaoms. Wouldn't that 82%-104% extra dmg late game be more usefull if you spend more then 4 exalted..

and all this damage is just with the lvl 3-4 empower and enhance gem without even getting our other 4 gems to 20% quality

RF's damage is not affected by spell damage, not even its own. The most damage you can get out of it is with a +30% MORE damage on helm combined with the great hp boost of Kaom's.

Also I see people posting gear with average life/str and too much resistances, wondering why their damage is not enough. You dont have to go over the cap on resistances. Only thing it helps with is Elemental weakness on maps and you can have a purity of elements for that reason. You can use jewels for resistances to make gearing easier. Armor pieces with above 100 hp (including str) are not that expensive if you dont need to much resistances.

The build has much better damage potential than I initially thought if you start spending the currency you make into the right gear.

Edit: Question. Is there a standard analogy beetween incresed fire/elemntal damage vs health when it comes to damage (using doryani as a weap)? I dont know if I'm calculating it right, but it seems to me that might be dps gain to loose some hp nodes for some increased damage ones.
Last edited by Jdahl22#2182 on Dec 25, 2016, 12:13:03 PM
sliverlz wrote:

I'd prioritize the amulet, the two-stone ring and the gloves. We have a lot of room for resists, no need to get them over life/strength. The gloves have no str and no life, so I'd definitely upgrade those first, you can get gloves with strength, life and one resist for really cheap, probably 1 or 2c.


This is what I'm currently using, decided to go a bit more offensive and got a Xoph's Heart and a nice Opal ring, didn't feel the need for the 5L at all so I swapped it for a Kaom's. Still trying to get a RF damage/radius enchant on my helmet, but I'm melting pretty much everything fast enough without it.

Only annoying thing for me is keeping EO up, Shock Nova/BV won't proc enough since it's linked to CWDT and they also won't crit often enough. So I linked Shield Charge with Inc Crit strikes, at least I can spam it and hope it crits once every ~8s, lol.

from where u get dexterity? I lowered the attack speed support so I need less dex. I bought that stuff:

Last edited by Sidu#7696 on Dec 25, 2016, 1:18:07 PM
Yo Demi i got a question - maybe you have answered it before but i didnt see that in your guide and im not going to read 70+ pages just in case(hope you understand) :)
Have you considered using Orb of Storms ? Link curse on hit to orb , drop it on boss and it procs EE constantly and also procs Elemental Overload. Could also add Flame surge to build with that - as without any cast speed(except for doon), Orb should trigger EE fast enough to lower resists between surge casts.
Doing that would also allow you to take Hinekora's Deaths Fury - granting you Fire leech from Flame Surge and Scorching Ray totem.

I was also curious if you tried any Breachlord Domains ? was wondering if dmg can keep up with the timer
Unfortunately this league seems to be requiring players to go ham on dps.
Anyway amazing work on the guide, this will be my next character this league for sure. Cheers.
Grzybas2 wrote:
Yo Demi i got a question - maybe you have answered it before but i didnt see that in your guide and im not going to read 70+ pages just in case(hope you understand) :)
Have you considered using Orb of Storms ? Link curse on hit to orb , drop it on boss and it procs EE constantly and also procs Elemental Overload. Could also add Flame surge to build with that - as without any cast speed(except for doon), Orb should trigger EE fast enough to lower resists between surge casts.
Doing that would also allow you to take Hinekora's Deaths Fury - granting you Fire leech from Flame Surge and Scorching Ray totem.

I was also curious if you tried any Breachlord Domains ? was wondering if dmg can keep up with the timer
Unfortunately this league seems to be requiring players to go ham on dps.
Anyway amazing work on the guide, this will be my next character this league for sure. Cheers.

xoph video is up on my youtube, you can use orb if you want. doesn't matter tbh lol. this is not a SET IN STONE ONLY USE WHAT I DO OR YOUR BUILD WILL FAIL guide.

it's a guide. as in, general guidelines for what i wanted to do. min max however you feel like :P.

we have a lot of room for free links/changes/whatever. do what makse you feel stronger.
🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol
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🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters
Guys, what about new Abberath Hooves boots? with our jewels, aoe and inc fire dmg clusters, it can be nice and funny source of extra dmg. ( i thought about inc aoe, controlled destruction, fire pen and ... something :P)
marcinos321 wrote:
Guys, what about new Abberath Hooves boots? with our jewels, aoe and inc fire dmg clusters, it can be nice and funny source of extra dmg. ( i thought about inc aoe, controlled destruction, fire pen and ... something :P)

fucks our ele equilibirum and has not enough life/str/res
🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol
🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977
🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More!
🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters

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