[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

ChrispieD wrote:
partyboy79 wrote:
Hi guys,

Have been lucky enough to drop a pair of Abberath's Hooves, I was looking for a build that uses it, and here I am :)

if I understand correctly, the build first version was 'cheap' then the abberath's version was added and is more expensive ?

Currently have about 4ex in stash, already have abberath's hooves.
will it be ok to get all needed other stuff ?

I've been checking some stuff and it looks like that the expensive stuff is : abberath / 6L belly / essence ?

Don't have a 6L belly ftm, but until I can afford it I can use a 6L with Deafening Essence of Greed ?

I never use essence before (yeah sorry :) ), how does it work ? Does it just add a prefix/ suffix if available, or random all other stats too ?

Thanks for your answers !

Abbarath's version is more expensive, correct. 4 ex is a good amount to go for. When using deafening essence of greed it will make ur item rare with the life mod on the essence + some other random mods. Just buy a white 6l chest with colours that make your colouring easy. Same goes for vaal rf chestplate, you can just buy a 5-6l es or es/armour chest and craft with the essence.

Essence of hysteria costs 22c per try on helmet and sceptre. You might need some tries on the sceptre. The rest of the gear is relatively cheap depending on how perfect you want it (jewels can be expensive if you go for insane mods).

Best of luck!

thanks for your answer, let's go for it !
Hello. Looks awesome, but can this build kill the shaper? I didnt see any video about it so i wonder if it simply cannot be done.
Thanks anyway for sharing the build
Jedity1 wrote:
Hello. Looks awesome, but can this build kill the shaper? I didnt see any video about it so i wonder if it simply cannot be done.
Thanks anyway for sharing the build

Haven't tried shaper. I failed against uber atziri. Overall, I don't think this build is really made for an encounter as shaper as it is heavy DOT and one shot mechanics. But I guess VRF makes it possible.
IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
Currently sitting at 5k health at level 70, anyone know what I should be focusing for some major HP gains?


Right thing I currently can do from what I can see is crafting another helmet with more hp (maybe around ~45hp more on avg)

Don't see how people are getting past 7.5k+ hp
Last edited by S0T0#0568 on May 15, 2017, 11:30:44 PM
Started this build 2 days ago and having a blast playing it!
What's the smartest thing to focus on next? Getting Abberath's?
5L'd a Belly yesterday, but not sure how i should use it best, any ideas?

Character Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Fehmilu/characters?characterName=SekaiKeikaku

Was thinking about replacing the Incinerate Setup with a CwC Incinerate one, but it doesn't seem efficient? Did anyone tried something like that before?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
Go with that Belly ... or some cheapo 6L base and use decent Greed essence on it. You'll soon be hitting that point where mucho life becomes more important than anything else.
S0T0 wrote:
Currently sitting at 5k health at level 70, anyone know what I should be focusing for some major HP gains?

Don't see how people are getting past 7.5k+ hp

Some of your gems don't have (7%) increased max life... not good! Get an 8% Anatomical Knowledge jewel for the socket at the top of the tree. Grab more life nodes in the tree as you level up. 8k+ at level 90 isn't all that hard to achive.
Looks like I'm going to be doing another build as this one seems to just be crashing the servers if you draw too many and the clear speed doesn't seem to be able to kill the mobs within the ~5 second range on T12+ maps before the server dies.

Breaches just completely die if you try to run them on this build.

Thanks for the advice though @tomay it basically gave me a extra 750hp from those two gems I missed
Last edited by S0T0#0568 on May 16, 2017, 6:21:38 PM
S0T0 wrote:
Looks like I'm going to be doing another build as this one seems to just be crashing the servers if you draw too many and the clear speed doesn't seem to be able to kill the mobs within the ~5 second range on T12+ maps before the server dies.

Breaches just completely die if you try to run them on this build.

Thanks for the advice though @tomay it basically gave me a extra 750hp from those two gems I missed

Yeah, I see why you're having issues with lag, and clearspeed:

1. Unequip Emberwake. That cuts your burn down to 20%. Equip a ring with fire damage %, preferrably an opal ring. But even a normal ring with increased life would be better than using the Emberwake. It lowers your dps, and causes lots of lagggggg. Only use Emberwake in combination with the Taming on bosses high hp bosses. Never Emberwake alone.

2. You don't have any "fire damage to spells" on your sceptre. Thus you're not igniting everything, and increasing your dps by proccing cwdts. Get flat added fire dmaage to spells on the sceptre. As an alternative budget option, you could change your emberwake for Ngamahu's Sign, which gives the flat fire damage to spells.

This will solve your issues. I'm running this build, and instantly melting packs even in T16, so you'll be fine.


3. You have the Elemental Focus gem slotted in your sceptre. This makes it so your fire burst cannot ignite, thus doing crap damage. Swap that out for inc aoe, or conc effect.

4. You are not using any high lvl cwdt. May want to change 1 for a lvl 20 cwdt.

Are you sure you read the entire build guide? These are some build defining things you missed. May want to read page 1 again, and watch some vids.
Last edited by Fritso#3688 on May 17, 2017, 6:14:30 AM
Fritso wrote:
You have the Elemental Focus gem slotted in your sceptre. This makes it so your fire burst cannot ignite, thus doing crap damage.

Wouldn't call it "crap damage"... any ignite deals 20% of the initial hit over four seconds, only one ignite instance can be actively dealing burning damage at any given time (without Emberwake). EF is another set of "more damage" multiplier" which amounts to a lot more damage than the one Ignite.

Fire Penetration only makes sense vs monsters with really high fire resistance, Shaper/Guardians (40%) or unique Beyond bosses (45%), i.e. content we're not overly keen on farming with this build anyway. ;)

A quick reminder as to how "more damage" works, each set is calculated separately... say, Fire Burst deals 3k DPS after all increased spell/fire/elemental modifiers we may have:

3000 + 49% (EF) = 4470 + 44% (CD) = 6437 + 54% (Conc Effect) = 9913

You see where this is going, each set of "more damage" multipliers does make a huge difference.

Now, lets do the same Calculation with CD + AoE + Fire Penetration:

3000 + 44% (CD) = 4432... with Fire Peneration your hit will effectively deal 37% more damage against monsters with no resistance which makes it 5918 but that doesn't count for the ignite nor does penetration affect the burning damage. From the ignite you will get 886 burning damage per second (20% from 4432).

When you compare this to 6437 (CD + EF sans Conc Effect but with AoE) you get with every Burst which we can trigger at least twice per second) then there isn't much in it really with the overall damage scale being slightly tipped in favour of Elemental Focus... and that certainly isn't "crap". ;)
Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 17, 2017, 11:40:26 AM

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