[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

tomay wrote:
There is no "bestter" setup really... just use what whatever you like "bestest. ;)

In your case (BBBBGG) you can try

BV + SE + Controlled Destruction + Culling Strike + AoE + CtI (Conc Effect for bosses)

... and see how it goes. In the end it is only a matter of personal preferences. If you like BV "bestest" you might consider re-colouring your Belly to BBBBGR and use AFD or IW instead of CS.

i´ve tryed ur setup,but i dont know the sense between bv and spark setup...is it boss dps only?
Comalimo wrote:
i´ve tryed ur setup,but i dont know the sense between bv and spark setup...is it boss dps only?

Our "boss DPS" is Fire Burst... whatever damage we deal with our chest setup matters very little in the grand scheme of things.

If you're using Culling Strike you get less "DPS" in your tooltip (which we should completely ignore really!) than with Added Fire Damage (or Iron Will) but it will cut down the health pool of monsters by 10% which is massive in many cases with late-game bosses. And since it is Blade Vortex (or Spark) dealing the "killing blow" by way of Culling Strike, you can also add Increased Item Rarity to the mix to maximise the boss loot. So all is not bad with BBBBGG.

But if you really really really want the highest possible figures showing in your tooltip so badly then there is no way around re-colouring your Belly to BBBBGR for Added Fire Damage/Iron Will.
Last edited by tomay#5509 on Dec 31, 2016, 10:59:35 AM
Hey guys awesome build. Wanting to do this build in BHC. Is anyone doing it currently on HC and how is it working out for you?
EcNeRWaLJ wrote:
Wanting to do this build in BHC.

Don't even think about it...
isnt bad for start ? self crafting
Nice roll indeed. It's got everything you need. Fire Damage to Spells allows you to get out of AoF and incr lightning damage is a nice bonus to apply shock with a BV/Lightning setup.
Love this build so very much! I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I can improve? Is my 5L setup good or should I change something? Like maybe throw in Chance to Ignite in place of Controlled Destruction? I'm not dying at all, but I also haven't been able to get a map above 11 drop (stupid RNG) so I can't really know how I'll do at higher tiers.

Also, is my life pool where it should be at right now? I'm almost to level 88 and the guide said I would have around 7.3k with BotB, but I currently have 6.8k and was curious if I'm missing something.


Thanks in advance for any and all help / advice! Enjoy your day! :D
You had a bit of bad luck there with your Hysterias... the sceptre has nothing useful whatsoever, a low life roll on the helmet. Your belt is quite nice, it's worth a few Blessed Orbs to get the implicit Life to 40. Also make sure to fill your tree with 7% max life jewels.
Last edited by tomay#5509 on Dec 31, 2016, 5:24:26 PM
Mayonnaisu wrote:
Hello, really enjoy this build, i can do maps quite alright without dying. But some of the bosses of T13 and up kills me, bursts me down before i can leech. Not sure why or what i am doing wrong. For example in T13 map with Shavronne, her balls bursts me down before i can leech.

Im lvl 86 with all nodes as the skill tree.
I got 6.6k HP. Damage seems fine as all monsters die fast in maps, exception bosses take a little more time. Using higher lvled bv at bosses just like in the guide. Got no rat cage
Here is my gear:

All jewels except 1 has 6-7% maximum HP, then with mixed atk/cast speed and some damage.

Please help!

Can someone please give me some pointers on how i should improve/solve my issues? :/

Have not done to much essence crafting and as a broke noob I want to make sure that I am not wasting a perfectly good 'Essence of Hysteria' in the creation of my off hand scepter. I have a rare opal scepter that I plan to use. My understanding is that when I apply the essence I will wipe all the current properties and roll a new set along with the '10% Chance to cast Fire Burst'. I could just as well be using a normal scepter and get the same result, but hell I already have a rare with an item level of 84.

So my question is, is the correct process to just apply the essence and hope for a good roll or is there something I should be doing before that.

Second, what is a good base helmet to use for my second 'Essence of Hysteria'?


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