[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

Question about the skill tree without AoF:

Wouldn't the Strength cluster just before Sentinel be better to pick up for the Jewel socket than the Armour cluster on the left side?

I guess you could also drop the Dexterity cluster to the right in favor of the Strength cluster and keep the Armour, unless you actually need the Dexterity for gems or something.

Green would give us +10 Life vs the 16% Armor from red.

Last edited by RebornYew#1160 on Jan 3, 2017, 12:18:21 PM
AnwarD wrote:
How do you deal with the dex requirment for BV?
I only see +45 dex on gloves and rest of gear doesnt have it?

Marauder starts with 14 DEX, bBy "default" we get 70 DEX in the original skill tree, Eye of Innocence has 24 DEX (max implicit), 108 DEX in total. The rest has to come from items (usually gloves) and jewels.

If you can get out of Avatar of Fire and Purity of Flesh (so you can make use of Doedre's Elixir) and take the short route from Retribution to Quick Recovery, you gain another 10 DEX. On the way to the jewel socket below Profane Chemistry you will get another 20 DEX. I've seen someone taking Blood Siphon (above Vaal Pact), so there's another 20 DEX... more than enough for level 20 Blade Vortex.

Alternatively you can grab a 30 DEX node in the tree... or, and this would be my recommendation, use lower level Blade Vortex. The damage from our chest setup does not matter. Any STR or life node is worth a lot more, screw DEX. ;)
RebornYew wrote:
Wouldn't the Strength cluster just before Sentinel be better to pick up for the Jewel socket than the Armour cluster on the left side?

Good point!

I suppose the armour nodes will pay off when using The Brass Dome but in general the 20 STR will be worth more (44 HP in my case). And "moar" damage if we're using Iron Will in our sceptre and/or chest setup.
Last edited by tomay#5509 on Jan 3, 2017, 12:27:14 PM
Now that I've gotten rid of AoF, what should my 5 link / 6 link look like? Also, should I prioritize getting a Taming or a better helmet next?


RebornYew wrote:
Now that I've gotten rid of AoF, what should my 5 link / 6 link look like?

AoF is just one skill point you can invest elsewhere to increase your healthpool.

Unless you have a 6L Belly, nothing needs to be changed. Use that spare socket for Arctic Armour and add Flammability (lvl 5) to the CWDT setup in your boots.

If you have a 6L belly then go for BBBBGR.

BV + IW + SE + PtL + AoE + CtI (swap the last two for CD + CE at bosses)

This setup has proven to yield the highest amount of Lightning Damage, enough to apply shock to monsters with a health pool in excess of 300k.

RebornYew wrote:
Also, should I prioritize getting a Taming or a better helmet next?

If you can afford another Hysteria... and this time use a Royal Burgonet, it's got a higher base armour rating than the Eternal Burgonet. Get a base with ilvl 84, only these can roll T1 % increased Armour. (Doesn't mean you will get it tho, it's all one big lottery ;)

The Taming should be the very last item on your shopping list, the Emberwake + Taming combo does have the edge against single target with a very high health pool where we can stack a lot of ignites in prolonged fights but other than that 2 x Mokou is just fine.
All right, thanks so much for your help, tomay! I appreciate all the effort you, Chrispied, and everyone else have put into making this such a fantastic and successful build! :D
TimeDilation wrote:
vitasnsk16 wrote:

rerol divine orb?
CTC not close rerol?
(sry my bad engl)

Why would you craft crit multiplier? We use elemental overload. Crit multiplier does nothing for us.

AdventAngel153 wrote:
Okay so the build is going great so far despite my lower than normal HP, BUT I insta RIP to Scriptorium boss and because I'm using Abberath's Hooves I don't have a movement skill and RIP to the Necropolis boss aka skeletal mage when he does that ice wall trap thing with the blades popping up from the ground which completely kills me. Any advice gentlemen/ladies?

Tried them without the hooves and with a movement skill? I believe in the latest video Chris uses VMS+Rat Cage to nuke the script boss down in a matter of seconds before it can actually do anything to kill him. That's pretty expensive, though. Even without that I can take her down pretty quickly (assuming no mods that intrinsically make that harder), but I have to actually pay attention and use whirling blades to keep Fortify up and not be on the orbs on the ground.

I don't wanna give up the hooves, auto igniting everything around me as a walk is too fun also the increase movement speed is nice. There must be a way cage is expensive I only got 3 ex for which which I'm gonna buy a belt with. How do you guys have so much life? Is my gear really that suckish? Cheers again gentlemen.
Also what is the Ideal 6L gems? I have Avatar of Fire. Also what is the pro and cons of dropping Avatar of Fire? Should I drop it with my Current set up in favor of more HP?
Last edited by AdventAngel153#0936 on Jan 3, 2017, 2:48:29 PM
There is no "ideal" 6L setup really... if you can dump AoF, then you can apply shock and an according setup makes sense, other than that, play around with whatever you like best. I enjoy Spark for the fun factor, right now I'm using BV with Culling Strike and IIR to maximise the loot.

I might do some testing with a big life/str/armour (non-Hysteria) helmet, using a CtI gem or two instead and see how that goes. Five links in the chest should be fine, self-casting high level Flammability... so many options too fiddle around with this build, just get creative! ;)
Last edited by tomay#5509 on Jan 3, 2017, 3:00:59 PM
Ball Lightning/Shock nova question:

Which if either to use depends on which situation with mobs you see happening the most, which can depend a lot on the layouts of the maps you're running or the boss you're fighting. Ball lightning moves fairly slowly along a line and periodically hits anything near it. Shock nova will hit everything within a certain radius of you, and if they're in the sweet spot they'll get hit twice.

I tend to find it useful to use spells that can handle physical obstructions and mobs coming up behind me. My personal preference, as such, is to always use arc in the low level CWDT: it's up to 5 hits (and you only need two mobs to be alive to get that), moves in any direction, and can end up arcing around obstacles to hit things you otherwise can't (through a door to a mob you can't otherwise hit, then chains further into that room, say); and as a bonus it's very quick (all of the hits occur nearly instantly and simultaneously) and non-laggy--and non-laggy can be a pretty big boon since the low level CWDT spells are going to be the primary cause of any lag we generate (sadly, fire storm is probably the biggest lag culprit, but also one of the best spells to use). But if you're seeing a *lot* of mobs approximately in lines or circling the wagons around you, then ball and nova respectively are going to be very effective at generating hits and ignites. If you're seeing lots of mobs escape destruction and ignition because they're behind rocks/doors/etc. or the mob packs are just a little too separated, then try arc.

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