[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!
Why Ethereal Knives for the high level CWDT instead of something like FlameSurge/Fireball? Why aren't we using Vortex/Ice Nova/Magma Orb/Arc/?
Last edited by kevaughanshiu#2977 on Jan 21, 2017, 6:00:14 PM
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This build was awesome fun but I cant get it passed lvl 91! :) ive tried!, REALLY tried, and I think I could do it if I just ran shit maps and not killed bosses, but that not my style. Waisted a week of ping pongning lvl 91 and ive had enough now!
The un predicatable 1 shots have hampered me! That said, I have a full stash of red maps for the next toon and i'll keep this guys as its fun to play. im a total noob at poe though, so I think I need to invest time in the t14+ boss fights, but im getting 1 shot on t14 with a 6l belly, 7.4k hp from trash. blah blah. I had fun with this build :) thanks! |
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" You can use whatever you want, CrispieD choose his spells for the colours so he cam swap for Blood Rage and Vaal Haste for faster clear speed. Vortex I'd rather not use unless you don't mind even more lags. ;) |
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" Make a few adjustments to your tree and you will get well over 8k HP. No more one-shots from trash mobs. Refund Exceptional Performance and Breath of Flames, invest in Juggernaut and the Jewel socket, get 8% Anatomical Knowledge instead of 6%... that's 27% max life right there. |
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" Yeah, it's important with the mechanism of the game and boss fights. Flame bearers eg. will kill any build if stacked enough in one space, even 20k es ones. This build makes it harder as we have more effects cluttering the screen. As tomey mentioned you could get more life of the tree by sacrificing some duration and 10% ignite chance. By going this route as in this tree, you gain 34% life. A higher anatomical knowlege jewel would give you another 2%, that is 36%. 36% equals a belly of the beast in life, so about 700 life, which would have pushed you to 8.1k hp. With kaoms heart, you would have gone 9k+. http://poeplanner.com/AAQAAPchAAB5BLMNzRQgFm8aOBzOHNwdFB8YIuIkqicvKjgqTStQNZI6WDrhPAU8LT38PydFnUfiSshLV03jUEdRTFH7U1JVxlZIWGNZ818_X7BmVGaeZ5tuqm-ecYVyD3KpfVuCm4Nfg8yD24TFhXuMz48aj0aQVZRvmjua4Juhm7Wf36IApDmmV6cIrEesmKyqrj6vja-nsUK18rc-wGbA48M6xPbGrsbYykrNFtgk2L3jauRR6-7sOO8O73zwH_Gz8kXzEfZI99f60v4K_lT-jzbpJIsPqxa_JpVh4lVLbWw2PZ2qbIxirBbpJDeYV78I-F9f0CGQ6hAAAAAAAA== I wish you best of luck in the future! :) IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder Last edited by ChrispieD#2346 on Jan 22, 2017, 1:45:20 PM
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" So what are the tooltip differences between iron will and firepen? On bosses that usually have maybe 35 fire res, your flammability will work with 40% effectiveness, making the resists 35-12=23. Damage before fire pen: 77% of your tooltip. Damage after fire pen: 113% of your tooltip So you will make 48% more damage on that boss with fire pen. I don't think iron will can beat that. On trash clear, iron will , will probably give your faster clear speed except on high resist mobs. Your flammability has full effectiveness on these mobs. IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
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And yes, that increased damage from IW will come back at you... in reflect maps. ;)
(The same goes for Elemental Focus) |
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How are you doing Minotaur afk? When I have kaom heart with this build I die sometimes from a rock fall or his underground attack.
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In short, you don't...
Mino with Rat Cage and VMS is rather easy, if you want to kill him with Fire Burst it can be tedious. |
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Shit wish i would have known that yesterday when i attempted mino on my own since it was my first guardian, i was doing okay at first with my 5L belly but then i got killed so i swapped over to kaom's then was doing a lil better but i died twice cause i assume i was not leeching enough since the map had a bunch of increased stats so he was quicker and other things. Had to have a guild member come in and help me, i managed to still die but mino still died and i got credit.
I also noticed both with and without kaom's i am getting random 1 shots by high tier map bosses, with kaom's i'm at 7550 and with my 5L belly i'm at 6400 something (forget the exact number). Atlas i managed to get up to 96/126 which i'm kinda happy about. Only crashed my game 4 times with this build during breaches and Tul breaches have been the only ones that have randomly killed me, got a few party members killed from the lag but only 1 person has bitched which i find funny. Anybody have any tips from what they see on my character? i recent changed the tree a bit to get more life after reviewing some pages and people's tree's as well, also i would like to mention i have attempted Atziri(not uber) on this character with some friends we killed her however i lucked out cause the reflect spawned right next to me as all the proc's were going off and i got rekt, also i am getting really pissed at uber lab because i have attempted it 11 times and have failed every single time, i either die from Izaro's last fight by a random 1 hit right before he dies or i die from traps on the way through (majority of my failures have been traps) tonight i attempted it 2 more times but i rage quit so i am gonna watch some anime or something to relax for the night. Last edited by heinrich6745#3847 on Jan 22, 2017, 9:15:33 PM
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