[3.7] Oro's Infernus | 2M+ Shaper DPS | ~7k HP | WS

IncognitoVoid wrote:
Hello. I am new to this game and following your guide and i must say its pretty good. No problem for now and i have reached lvl 57. But i do have a ques for u, as soon as i used Fireborn Crimson jewel, my dps decreased. If u would be so kind to pls explain how this jewel works coz i am surely missing something. Thanks :)

You need Oro's Sacrifice and put it the south most slot. When equipping the jewel my dps increases by 23,5%.
Last edited by Ridman#0986 on Jan 30, 2018, 12:43:00 AM
Hi. I really like this build. But high-tier map (12-15 tier) bosses (especially in corrupted maps) killing me so easy. Am I doing something wrong?

POB link: https://pastebin.com/P2sShWiE



Offence stats:

Defence stats:
Last edited by Voidstranger#2718 on Feb 4, 2018, 12:51:48 PM
Oh yes I see it now. got the dps boost. Also can u please tell me which passive tree i need to follow. there is one on the 1st page and some in messages. I am following the one on the front. And the cwdt + immortal call setup. Like a noob i leveled it all to lvl19 and then realised something is wrong. So releveling them and thought to keep them at around lvl11 mark. Will that be right for perma immortal call. And thank u again for the guide helping me a lot :)
Always follow the tree from the first post. This build is over a year old now so in the posts you can find many different variations for older poe versions. Keep cwdt so its around 40% of your max hp. You should have it at 20 only after your hp hits 7k or so
Hi, this is my Poe Build can u tell me if it's good?


I think my mana left is maybe to low
Last edited by TonyEffe#6176 on Feb 23, 2018, 5:47:22 AM
Hello! Will 'Unbreakable' be better than 'Undeniable' if we have 'Brass Dome'? Will it be more tanky this way but with less damage or it's a bad idea generally?
Currently playing and enjoying the hell out of this build. I've been having a blast gearing & mapping, as well as loving the sheer brutality.

VP makes a HUGE difference once you get over 6500hp. I was getting crushed in T12s using Blood Rage on my CWDT links as I just couldn't maintain & sustain myself even under the slightest pressure, so I had to jump back to the basics. So I followed Ridman's advice & build / gearing (save for the 90+ex Watcher's Eye Jewel he has), outside of my Gems not being max (YET!) and some fine tuning that a small amount of currency can solve, I'm plowing through again.

Naturally Elemental Reflect & high Crit map mods are just brutal, so I keep my ass far from those.

Big thanks guys.
Last edited by Faction3#7366 on Feb 28, 2018, 7:37:28 PM
Been playing this build in 3.1 it was quite a pleasure. Just thinking if you could update your tree on 3.2 patch and what is your thought about the new 3.2 ascendency?
I speak english mandarin japanese malay hokkien and cantonese :D

My ign : MasshiroYuki / IHeartsBora
Ma time zone : GMT+8
I afk alot when i have alot of items to sell // if not mostly ill be offline (IF I HAVE NO ITEM FOR SELL sobs* :'< )
Build once again got slightly better with new changes. I will update the guide shortly
gonna start 3.2 with this build :P
its not bad lab runner isnt it?

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