[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
" Hello again. I had some luck the past couple days and found 2 Exalted orbs so I now have The Anima Stone and primordial jewels for the build and can summon 4 golems. I should refund Puppet Master and Grave Intentions now? Also I noticed in the 'for 105 points' build you have taken the top aura node in the Sovereignty circle, but in the 80 and 118 point trees linked it's not taken. Is that a mistake? Last edited by Fenric#5884 on Apr 28, 2017, 1:36:43 AM
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" Hey :) Build can do Shaper deathlessly if you know boss mechanics. Only real danger in fight is Shaper's smash, which is very easy to dodge with movement skill of movement flask. I have lot of desync and problems timing movement with smash, so I haven't been able to record deathless run yet. Uber Atzi is pain to do with minion build in general, but that is because minion AI. Minions usually target the 100% reflect clone in clone phase and kill themselves. Summoner has limited control on what the minions attack, so usually most of minions die in this phase. With Elementalist Golems are immune to elemental damage, so Uber Atziri becomes lot easier. T16 and over bosses are with Necromancer : - Chimera : Easy - Phoenix : Medium - Hyrda : Medium - Minotaur : Hard - Shaper : Medium - Uber Atziri : Very Hard Elementalist : - Chimera : Medium - Phoenix : Medium - Hyrda : Medium - Minotaur : Very Hard - Shaper : Medium - Uber Atziri : Medium For leveling and doing lots of T13-15 levels Necromancer is much stronger choise as it gets lot more damage and defense. All bosses expect Uber Atziri are also doable. For grinding mainly Guardians and Shaper & Uber Atziri, Elementalist is stronger choice. Elemental immunity for Golems is ridiculously strong and abusable. Elementalist has worse defenses and clear speed in maps. If you want fast currency and don't care about dying, going Elementalist and farming t16+ while dead is best way to go. You can wear quantity / rarity gear as you will be dead anyway and Golems can't die to elemental damage. This will probably end in 3.0 but it's profitable while it lasts. You can probably even run Shaper kill service as Killing shaper while dead takes only 3x portals. " Hi, thanks for notice! Fixed the error in tree immediately :) yes, Puppet Master and Grave should be changed when you get full 4x Golems out. I can't see your gear or tree, so I'm guessing next improvements might be : - Get "Primordial Harmony" - Get maximum number of "Primordial Harmonies" - Get 2x 9-10% Elemental resistance for minions + Minion damage + (Minion block if able) to max minion resistances. - Get 6l Mantle - Get 2x Empower 3-4 - Get +1 level corrupted Rainbow Ctrides Thats quite a lot but its slow progress to update what is needed at a time :) Leveling up to level 93-95 is very fast even with average gear if you avoid Guardian as build very rarely dies in high end maps. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Last edited by mika2salo#7776 on Apr 28, 2017, 7:14:55 AM
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"Please explain why auras are wasted on Flame Golems. "I like this idea, is there a sample build for this somewhere? Last edited by tainium#4935 on Apr 28, 2017, 7:35:13 AM
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" Anger is probably the best one, but adds very little damage for the cost. Haste's cast speed is nice, but Dex requirement get very heavy near level 20. Golems get enough movement speed from rings, ammy and Frenzy charges already. Hatred and Wrath are best of the damage auras, but don't work with Flame Golems. Defensive auras are good for character, but Golems don't really need them. " This is something I have been cooking for fun. I don't think there is build using it but this is how i would do it : Curses : Link AG in +1 level boots with AG -> Empower -> Minion life -> Melee splash. Take Whipsers of Doom for dual curse. Equip AG with corrupted "Asenath's Gentle Touch" with "Curse enemies with elemental weakness" on hit. AG will dual curse big area in one hit thanks to melee splash. This is tested with "Curse enemies with elemental weakness" on hit gloves on AG and works very well. Running max level Temporal Chains yourself is best curse for whole party. If not using Mantle adding "Enfeeble" with "Whispers of Doom" and using "Windscream" or "Doedre's Damning" allows triple cursing with AG's Elemental weakness on hit. Not tested yet. Charges : Use "Victario's Charity" to generate frenzy and power charges. Equip "Voll's Devotion" to convert Power Charges to Endurance Charges, then use Conduit to share all charges with party members. This is tested and works fine. Power charges usually run out when running between packs, so you will have 3x Endurance charges ready for whole party when near next pack. Adding Immoral Call to links is very viable when you can generate 3x Endurance charges passively. Probably replacing "Increased Duration" in "Bone Offer" links. Build can also run 1x "Doedre's Elixir" to make sure all party member looks like x-mas tree. "Removes 20% of your maximum Energy Shield on use" is dangerous in boss fights, but manageable elsewhere. Other boosts : If not running guardians / shaper where AG can die, some of it's defenses can be converted to team buffs. - "Victario's Flight" boots give 10% movement boost. - "Leer Cast" Gives 15% increased damage. - "Zahndethus' Cassock" Gives 4% regen to all nearby allies. - "The Anticipation" Shield "Permanently Intimidate Enemies on Block" which gives 10% increased damage boost to allies. - "Singularity" hinders enemies which slows them down 25% - "Dying Breath" boosts all curses and gives 18% increased damage. All Party members can add CWDT 1 -> Phase Run 3 (-> increased duration if extra free sockets) as emergency switch. Minions keep all party members at max charges whole time, and when all party members are in Phasing, monsters can target only your minions. I'll add more stuff to list later if I remember / come up with anything. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Last edited by mika2salo#7776 on Apr 28, 2017, 8:47:14 AM
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Do you think infernal mantle is still worth to get if you cant get the +1 to all? Would a shavs low life build work? or skin of loyal be better?
My idea with shavs would be run more curses or auras and use presence of chayula to convert life to ES and no stuns Last edited by clandestinehp#1801 on Apr 29, 2017, 1:34:15 PM
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" Hey :) I chose Infernal Mantle as recommended armour as it comes with built-in +1 level and high amount of ES. It is also reasonable cheap to corrupt to plus one to all gems or buy corrupt one in standard as there is huge stock of Infernal Mantles after chaos conversion nerf. It's most balanced option when pushing for highest levels for reasonable cost. Each plus 1 level on Golems gives roughy 10% more damage and life compared to previous level so higher the levels go, more DPS next level gives compared to last +1 level. At base level of 21 and empower lvl 4 in uncorrupt armour one more level gives smaller bonus as compared to higher levels. Difference In uncorrupt sixlink Infernal Mantle and Shav's is still pretty small. Infernal Mantle provides more DPS, ES and good base for later corruption. Shav's gives extra curse or defensive aura as damage auras are not very good with minions. If doing true aura build many links must be changed in gear as most are already taken for Automatic defenses, but its doable. With +1 level Shav's I would seriously consider making Low life build. I would personally get 800 ES rare armour rather than normal Shav's, though. Skin Of the Loyal is good if you have excellent ES gear on all other slots, as you can still get 10k ES but need very good items. +1 corrupted Skin gives most raw dps with excellent ES gear as you get +1 level for Golems and can run extra curse as not worrying about Low life. All armors are usable and have different plus and minus sides. All content can be done with any of the armours without +1 corrupt. I recommend selecting one which suit's you playstyle, needs and currency and build around it :) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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How is this build for HC? I have no interest in the end game bosses just want to farm maps. Ive never tried a build like this so im very tempted to try. I have saved up 300 chaos on my other runs before i died so i got some currency to play with.
Last edited by iiss#0202 on Apr 30, 2017, 1:48:44 PM
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Thanks for the quick reply mika!
Unfortunately im playing Legacy SC.The only +1 Fire +1 all socket infernal mantle I saw was a 4L. 3B 1R. Its 1ex but terrible colors. I think I will buy a cheap skin of loyal first then eventually find the infernal mantle i really like. I think this build you have focuses more on dps (besides the shield instead of dual clayshaper) vs. shavs low life. Note* Im sure you got asked all the time...but does necro aegis with Victario really out dps another clayshaper? What do you think about 6L bow with the +2 fire +1 socket? Could use a soul strike and then any 6L chest too. Last edited by clandestinehp#1801 on Apr 30, 2017, 3:12:42 PM
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" I think it could work well. You may need some more ES, RES, and curses. I would advise going shavs instead of infernal mantle as well. |
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" Hey :) Golems are excellent currency farmers as you can focus almost 100% on loot management. Golems kill trash mobs in one blast, rares and exiles with 2-3 blasts and boss in no time. You don't walk into Herald packs as ranged Golems kill packs so far away, and don't have to worry about reflect. TC makes most bosses trivial and 10k ES even with most DPS gear gives good buffer before Phase Run kicks in or Bone Offer boosts block chance. I would use 700-800 ES Armour in HC and add Enfeeble as dual curse. Maybe take some extra ES nodes and drop some of the other nodes. Shav's is also excellent choice if you go all auras, but changing shield to "Prism Guardian" would really lower clear speed and change how Phase Run works. Kiara's Determination is extremely important if going CI in HC and not using stun prevent items. Physical damage spike is biggest danger to build after stun lock, so running Determination or Armour flasks might be good idea. You can easily add more defense by changing shield to high ES one, Change Boots, Add extra curse or aura to match HC requirements. I however haven't played HC, so I can't guarantee how it works there. No life leech with CI of course makes staying far from battles mandatory. You need to alternate build by knowledge of what are HC's requirements. " This build is actually trying to balance between tanky and max DPS builds :P Infernal Mantle is very balanced armour as it gives high ES and +1 level. Vicrario's Charity gives high DPS boost and also provides character with increased Phase Run duration. Temporal Chains gives good defense while increasing burn duration. Shav's and Skin are both extremes as you trade something to move either way. Victario's Charity is best DPS boost at least for map clearing and very balanced item in general. It gives such huge cast speed boost, increased area and power charges for Golems. In boss fights where power charges can't be generated, second Clayshaper may do bit more damage but in every other scenario Victario's Charity gives better clearspeed, damage and extra protetion for both Golems and Character. Charity also makes AG worth using as it gives it max block and AG gives huge defensive and utility boost. It's worth testing he difference youself as both items cost 1 alch and you need to take only 1 node for Necromantic Aegis. I haven't tried bow with Golems but having only 3x Golems and no charges would make clear speed very bad. Every Golem variation i have tried needs 4x Golems with charges or five-six Golems without. More Golems and cast speed fixes lot of AI problems. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Last edited by mika2salo#7776 on Apr 30, 2017, 6:34:17 PM
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