How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Small-ish update on my WI elementalist, at merc dried lake now and just farming it. My current gear is actually pretty okay, gloves boots and armor need a serious ES update before i can jump into CI though.
Current gear:

note the socketed ring. What a lucky drop.

As expected, chroms are going to be a major issue. Still not a whiff of any x to int jewels and crafting has been a total blowout.

All things considered, this is quite good for only hitting level 70 though.
Last edited by Cataca#6988 on Mar 9, 2017, 12:22:38 PM
Doomstryver wrote:
SSF has been pretty fun so far. Certainly a novel experience having to create my own gear for mapping! Playing an RF totem build since it doesn't need any uniques. Would have played more but my ISP is really dicking me about. Considering rolling a warchief totemist because of:

Other nice finds:

Wtb your terminus est, offer


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Are you trying to tell me something game?


All within the last 3 hours.
Reached level 72 and started mapping. The best weapon that's dropped for me is this.

Been wearing these boots since level 44 and still haven't found or 'crafted' anything better lol
Last edited by Chalk_Circles#1033 on Mar 10, 2017, 5:30:49 AM
Boem wrote:
Doomstryver wrote:

Wtb your terminus est, offer



Much rather alts! Exalts are useless right now :)

Managed to play a little bit more last night, found a seriously nice ring, ripped to double ghosted beyond boss, and met Cadiro in every single map I ran (20% my ass lol).

Excited to try and make something of the Shrapnel shot jewel. Would like to find a second one first though.
21/05/18 - The beginning of the end of PoE
So happy about getting a decent enchant on a decent helm I forgot to pick up my ascendancy points :(

RandallPOE wrote:
So happy about getting a decent enchant on a decent helm I forgot to pick up my ascendancy points :(

Oh, nice one helmet for pizzablaster :) Did^^ that, so when finishing Izaro, ALWAYS run for ascendency points, just then the loot and skull :)
Got one Violent Dead but wnat to essence worm ring....
Nearing the end of cruel and started a new character. The flameblast totem was going fine, but I wanted to do something a little less mainstream. So I'm cranking along with a 1h and shield with glacial hammer. Was going to do static strike, but the int requirement sucked.

Cranking along with:

Also been using shield charge to get everywhere. Never done that before. Zooming across the map is awesome.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
Did SSF has increased Exalted drop?
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