How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

RNG decided to be kind to me, only took 4 Divines to get to that point.
Funny about this one, I was streaming and one of my viewers was talking about using this axe for a build. Not even five minutes later in an Atziri run it decides to show up. Luck had me in favor I guess
Some SSF player
Since league is almost done for me I thought I'd share my builds

Flight of the Zombies


I dropped a Baron on day 5 and immediately logged out and made a new char. I have both an MF setup and a bossing setup. I'm also loving Aspect of Avian for this build (hence the name).

I was using Goldwyrms and a Perandus Blazon for more MF but decided to drop both for better QoL during mapping.

Siege Totems:


I merged this char over to SC to play with a friend and knock out some challenges, but I kept the 6Ls and OP ring I made. This build was a lot of fun blasting through the atlas.

Random Loots:


From my Uber Run today. I´ve been doing Uber on this character for the 4th time or so.
It´s going pretty smoothly. I also killed Abaxoth in a Junge Valley map.
I was bashing this character but it´s doing what it´s supposed to do.
Got the Prophecy for this so used the Bestiary to get the item which got on about the 4th attempt.I don't think I will have time to use it though.

2nd Poets pen dropped not long after the first.So now I can get dual casting.

This took forever to 6 socket and now linking is too.I don't even know if it will improve my build.

I should gain a lot more defence but losing Bringer of Rain might lose a chunks of DPS.I can't even test the loss as all the gems are in the BoR.Maybe if a Tabula drops.
Kavlor wrote:
Got the Prophecy for this so used the Bestiary to get the item which got on about the 4th attempt.I don't think I will have time to use it though.

2nd Poets pen dropped not long after the first.So now I can get dual casting.

This took forever to 6 socket and now linking is too.I don't even know if it will improve my build.

I should gain a lot more defence but losing Bringer of Rain might lose a chunks of DPS.I can't even test the loss as all the gems are in the BoR.Maybe if a Tabula drops.

cherubims is kinda pointless for sunder as u dont deal chaos dmg at allat all and your leech is always capped so that doesnt do anything either, its mostly good for chaos dmg builds like assasin or trickster.
For sunder id recommend using tabula and good helm like starkonja or rare helm with 100+ life and resists. For endgame setup for sunder glad nothing will beat belly of the beast in ssf, in trade league u could get elder chest with 12% max life and ~180 life which could beat belly, but thats something u wont really craft easily in ssf, as u need to get ilevel 86 elder chest, which is already borderline impossible.
My honest advice is not to use bor at all, the dmg is really low with it due to low gem levels, and with 20/20 gems in tabula u would have more dmg. So try to beastcraft a 6l for yourself, or farm 6l cards.
Last edited by Aetherium#6579 on Apr 29, 2018, 6:09:29 AM

Today was a good day for my bow champion.


And the next day was even better:
Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on May 1, 2018, 9:07:43 AM
That some nice bow there :

First SSF league, I reached lvl90, farmed Atziri and Uberlab (never done before) and beat the Elder and the Pale Council. The RNG gods won't allow me to go beyond T10 so I feel done now. Anyway I enjoyed every minute of it, SSF is so cool I'm gonna go SSF next league. I disliked Bestiary really much but SSF saved the day imho.

I was done with this league, I thought I´d level my Scion a bit when I encountered a Kaom´s Unique Box in Kaom´s Dream. I fought it even though it was risky and this thing dropped.

The sad thing is, I don´t even know what build to play with it, that´s how uninspired I am.
Flashback SSF

Was hoping for a couple leveling items like these :)
~ There are spectacular moments.
Hi SSF folks, would like some opinions.

I am playing a Molten Strike character in SSF_Flashback so i'll need to get 2 Wildfires.
Wildfire is a pretty common drop but i have no telling when one will drop, rng and all.

I already have a Wildfire for my main SSF character.
Would it be better to level another character, beat innocence and get it from quest rewards or wait for a 2nd one to drop?
I have an Alien pet.
Last edited by kelongngu#4616 on May 6, 2018, 11:11:38 PM

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