How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

I always give up after killing Kitava as I really want upgrades and I wanted to finally attempt some challenges. But I've now realized that hitting 36 is so not worth it, especially with how the map system works. So maybe it's time to see what SSF is like for mapping
Yeah game i really forcing me into lightning...

And something else i found:
I cant complain about the last couple of days, havnt even gotten a char to 90 yet.

exalted stun and block recovery on that belt and the inpulsas ate like 900 jewellers, but Im still in a good mood :D
Last edited by pennyyy#7977 on Jun 27, 2018, 4:00:24 AM
Finally 6l Inpulsa.

Switched to Deadeye and Ligtning arrrow as it feels more complementry than RoA.

Also this this goes better with LA.

incursions are noticeable easier with this setup.
Nice finds everyone!

My way to the wrappings is:

In just 3 days of trying, so pretty good.
my god, I have dropped some serious nice chests in the last like 10 hours of playtime, plus my 3rd ex and div in the same lab run!

I really wanted to make a queen of the forest wander/bowguy for my last character, after I finished my atlas and everything, so I will enjoy dumping fuses into this until it is 6linked :)

e: I guess this is time to showcase a quiver I found a few weeks back, WED is crafted but other than that its absolutely insane!
Can anyone recommend a bow setup which doesnt need to utilize a unique quiver of sorts?
I have an decently rolled infractem to use.
Last edited by pennyyy#7977 on Jun 27, 2018, 3:30:55 PM
Game is really really forcing me into lightning...


Last omnitec kill

Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Jun 28, 2018, 4:39:58 PM
Getting ready to start up a new character for the league... probably an Earthquake Jugger. Didn't chance him a tidebreaker though. Must be one of those that has next to zero chance of chancing. Feels like it's 1/1000 at best.

My arc-totem guy was just too soft for T11+ mapping. Died way too easily for him to be fun. We'll see if something more durable will be able to play the incursions.
found this bow while playing my fireball mf'er.

Decided 6 socketed it quickly and figured id try to 5link it, but got 6link in like 50 fuse heh.
Time to spam prophecy so I can make it a silverbough and then yolo corrupt it in temple i guess!

Kinda want to play caustic or explosive arrow for some reason.
League feels alittle stale now, im just sorta speeding through temple straight for boss and ignoring siderooms except if theyre level 3 pretty much.
Lab is a chore

Delve / Harbinger / Incursion / Delirium best leagues.
Last edited by Ruby_Lux#0056 on Jun 29, 2018, 3:27:00 PM
Shagsbeard wrote:
Getting ready to start up a new character for the league... probably an Earthquake Jugger. Didn't chance him a tidebreaker though. Must be one of those that has next to zero chance of chancing. Feels like it's 1/1000 at best.

My arc-totem guy was just too soft for T11+ mapping. Died way too easily for him to be fun. We'll see if something more durable will be able to play the incursions.

I've played 2 Juggernauts to 95 and 2 Elementalists to 85/86, chanced every Siege Axe for a Soul Taker but never get one.... i have not counted but was alot of Orbs.
Also bad luck with Fusing.. only fused one 6L yet.
Don't believe the Hype!

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