How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

_SleeZy_ wrote:
Everyone linking soulwrest making me abit jelly, i've been chancing them entire league.

Take comfort, i've just lost one after playing with it for about 1.5 hours. Right when i started to like it.
LaiTash wrote:
_SleeZy_ wrote:
Everyone linking soulwrest making me abit jelly, i've been chancing them entire league.

Take comfort, i've just lost one after playing with it for about 1.5 hours. Right when i started to like it.

Damn that sucks :(

Domah wrote:
Wow you're pretty lucky with 6 linking. Gg for your shaving, what build are you planning to make ?

I'm only at 1 6L on this league.
But I can't really complain since I've got good drops and a used only roughly 1300 fuse on differents armors.

Yea this league has been quite insane in terms of good linking rng.
I'm planning to play a LL RF mana guardian. And if i don't enjoy that as much as i think i would i'm planning a ll gc miner also. Got pretty good weapons for that, sadly i ex slammed that flat lightning dmg :(

Funny story today, i was telling my friend i was surprised i hadn't found healthy mind yet which i usualy find 4-5 of every league. I've almost a full tab of unique jewels but not that.
So he told me to try chance it.
Since there's a ton of cobalts i didn't think that would work out. But oh boy it did...
60 chance scour and it hit a healthy mind.

But the most funny part is, 20 minutes later in a delve i dropped one.

So bisarre, although i think the build can utilise 2 of them so it's all good. :)

Currently waiting for my last auras to hit 20 so i can try vaal for lvl 21s, then reroll time.
I've already got 21 PoF and 21 Discipline.
dlabersd wrote:
Ive only tried SSF for a very short period of time, but man this is way beyond me, I can't really understand how people choose to play an online game but decide to play it alone for a long time:P

I did feel quite lucky there, kind of like it was dropping way more currency there but I guess that was nothing more but rng:D
I'm thinking about maybe giving it one more shot after reading all your guys' comments, but first I gotta find the right build that's great for playing solo and provides enough fun

As someone who has played since beta and recently swapped to SSF for this season, here is my take:

SSF is the only way to continue having fun in this game for me. Normal league play just devolves into picking up only currency and hording it all to trade for items I can use. The crafting part of the game might as well not exist.. I am never going to be the hard-core player that ends up with 20 mirrors every season.. therefore if I find an exalt, I will sell it immediately. Chaos are for buying items, never would I use them for the intended purpose. The game turns into just picking up currency to buy better items to pick up currency faster. I will never be the guy who is level 100 the first week of a season, therfore in a trade league 99% of the items I find are already worthless. Oh a unique drops? Who cares it's 1 Alt on

SSF on the other hand.. I have found multiple exalts this league and I have used them on my own gear. I use Chaos constantly, for Xana mods and for rerolling rares trying to find upgrades. This is how they were intended to be used after all. Every unique I find I stash, or sell for alchs. Every item means more.

This is how I played Diablo 2 as well, because the online trade was ruined by duping early on and never recovered. I played SP /players 8 D2, and SSF POE is the same thing to me. After this season I will never play trade leagues again.


Domah wrote:
dieh wrote:
Char: SilenceDoesDelve

Can someone look at my gear and give me some pointers in which direction to head with my gear.. how to get upgrades? This is my first season playing SSF, and my goal is to kill Shaper, which I have never done since he came out.

I feel like my dmg is still good with my gear/build, but I feel really squishy even with charges up, fortify, and flasks. I am at delve 160 or so, and just breaking into red maps. I am having problems sustaining them right now but i'm working on that. I have a large stockpile of yellow but everytime I get a few red maps and run them nothing drops. My atlas bonus is about 110%.

I also haven't been leveling for a bit because now I die enough that with the level of maps i'm running I don't get enough xp to counter-act the deaths.

I feel like my gear flatout doesn't have enough life on it, but i've burned a ton of currency trying to craft better and with very marginal luck. I still do the chaos recipe, to use for zana and to reroll gear.

I've had 4 exalts drop so far on this char and used them all, with shit results on all of them.

Any advice is appreciated

Your build seems OK.
The only things I think you can upgrade is :
- moar life, many pieces of your gear are at 40-50 life or even less, for a melee char it's a bit low.
- use enfeeble with your immortal call setup. And you can up your increased duration, it does not enter in the IC level cap
- upgrade your gems to 20/20 and try to get 21/20
- get a frost immune flask
- improve your gameplay, many deaths are due to a lack of good positioning or just dumbs error.

Thief torment is god-like for survivability with molten strike ! Try to find one.

Thanks so much for taking the time to give advice. :)

I may or may not end up following any of it.. because at this point i've realized I am not going to reach my goal of killing Shaper without more massive time investment, and i'm probably just going to write this season off now, take a break and come back fresh with a new build next season. This was my first SSF season after all I I feel like I learned a LOT.
Last edited by dieh#7401 on Oct 11, 2018, 11:58:27 PM
PelicanOfWar wrote:
dlabersd wrote:
Ive only tried SSF for a very short period of time, but man this is way beyond me, I can't really understand how people choose to play an online game but decide to play it alone for a long time:P

I did feel quite lucky there, kind of like it was dropping way more currency there but I guess that was nothing more but rng:D
I'm thinking about maybe giving it one more shot after reading all your guys' comments, but first I gotta find the right build that's great for playing solo and provides enough fun

Many of us grew up playing ARPGs offline, if POE was available as a offline single player experience it would compare. No such thing exists so SSF is the closest thing we have.

This. I also made a therad about PoE as offline game. I suggested that it would be nice and etc.

Also trading is lest say shit here and very time consuming. I want PLAY a game not sit on trade.
Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Oct 12, 2018, 12:39:14 AM

3rd pen drop.

I guess i can now play with ball lightning !
Well, how it goes? Well, I´m having a hard time finding the items I actually needs to get better Damage dealing and equipment in general.

Got a Claw though, that does +50 Life gain on per hit rather than +46 Life gain on per hit, so that make a little nice difference, and also got a Gem on it that does Gain +42 life per hit. So that make a nice difference.

But everything else I needs to replace now, which means Boots, Gloves, Armour, my off-hand Dual Weapon etc, etc.. So gonna have to grind for X couple of hours to get X certain of items I guess.
After vaaling and ripping my Hybrid Chest I transitioned to CI and it works really good. Tried Uber Elder today and brought them to 50% hp. I don't think I'll kill them this league but it's nice to know that with some tweaking it's possible for me to kill Uber Elder in SSF.
But I'm probably done with delve, 600 will take way too long and I'll never find a key anyway.
Firestorm666 wrote:
After vaaling and ripping my Hybrid Chest I transitioned to CI and it works really good. Tried Uber Elder today and brought them to 50% hp. I don't think I'll kill them this league but it's nice to know that with some tweaking it's possible for me to kill Uber Elder in SSF.
But I'm probably done with delve, 600 will take way too long and I'll never find a key anyway.

At least get your 24th Challenge done before you say goodbye from Delve.
Kinda got the Elder but failed to get into Zanas forcefield as it was my first time getting to this stage,the exit appeared so I thought it was finished then boom dead by his final attack.Seeing all the loot drop but no tps left was a bit depressing.

Afterwards this dropped so cheered me up a bit (Palace map)

First time this version (old version won't divine into this).Maybe a bit of fun.

Also after got a t13 fragment map appear that I actually had a map for so lost p
Last edited by Kavlor#3571 on Oct 17, 2018, 10:33:14 AM

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