How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Doomstryver wrote:
satanttin wrote:
yeah just noticed i got a lot more unique drops kinda insane xd and my first
was long long over do xD

Grats! Go hand it in and see what you get ;)

I managed to find my first two over the weekend too, notably on a new character. Clearly my first toon had cursed RNG. Nothing to write home about though...

almost forgot that xD
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
MonstaMunch wrote:
Ded again at 63 thanks to a trap in cruel lab. Not much I can do about it as I play with high latency (around 200-300). Just have to reroll and try again. Ugh. Going to make another bv bezerker as I was enjoying it a lot.

Traps frustrate me for this very reason. I can build around my latency with choice of skill gems and build style, but traps punish shit internet no matter what you build.

Playing with 200-300 latency in hardcore? That seems.. like a genuinely bad idea.
Cataca wrote:
Playing with 200-300 latency in hardcore? That seems.. like a genuinely bad idea

I live in Cambodia and happen to only enjoy HC. Gotta work with what I have ;)

In other news, I finally found something useful for what I'm building.
Finally got everything in order for my SRS necromancer to finally spec into CI. 7.5k ES should be enough to start mapping (T6+ as I grinded Dried Lake to 81 hunting for jewellers).

6 link two and three of the league!


ikr. Well, since i am playing HC my plan is to rise a EQ slayer and MF with that chest. Then die horribly, then do it again. Couldnt care less if i wreck those two toons.

Getting a slayer to merc takes about 4-5 hours for me with twink gear, so its not a really big time investment. Marohis drop like candy, and kaoms roots are super easy with the divi cards.

Still regret going HC this league, i would have had more fun if i played softcore i feel. *shrug*
Nerf to map chest frequency in lab? Had much better luck(?) some leagues ago. 51 runs, 2 chests, one today:

Also got but not planning on using it:

And first non-Tabula 6l this league, probably a Divine if I need one:
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Mixed emotions this morning. Got the final fuses needed for my FIRST 5-link (Vorici) of the league (yay!) but all I got after using all my alts and a regal was this:

*sigh* Whatever POS I end up with after grinding for alts tonight and re-crafting will be it.

EDIT: Actually you know what I'll try some alch/scour/chaos spam. Not too many. But a few. Bugger it I don't need 100+ life on chest.

EDIT2: Success! I basked in Kuduku's glory, soaking up his magic sparks - and upon applying 1 x orb of alchemy, he granted me this perfectly useable chest! Praise Kuduku!
Timezone: GMT +10 (Australia). CASUAL player but I play whenever I can.
Last edited by systemdown#7535 on Mar 28, 2017, 9:48:22 PM
systemdown wrote:
Mixed emotions this morning. Got the final fuses needed for my FIRST 5-link (Vorici) of the league (yay!) but all I got after using all my alts and a regal was this:

*sigh* Whatever POS I end up with after grinding for alts tonight and re-crafting will be it.

EDIT: Actually you know what I'll try some alch/scour/chaos spam. Not too many. But a few. Bugger it I don't need 100+ life on chest.

Ahhh -- that awful feeling when you're trying to use Orbs of Alteration to craft an item for some slot, and you run out without getting anything decent.

There are stages:
1. Disappointment (which you had been anticipating as your last few Orbs dwindled to nada).
2. Acceptance. ("No big deal, I'll just do other things in-game when I play and forget my Orb shortage.")
3. Realization. (While mapping, everything's hunky-dory until you suddenly realize you can't craft the items you need to progress.)
4. Actual acceptance. ("I WILL JUST GRIND FOREVER!")
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
Last edited by bwam#7637 on Mar 28, 2017, 9:46:52 PM
bwam wrote:
There are stages:
1. Disappointment (which you had been anticipating as your last few Orbs dwindled to nada).
2. Acceptance. ("No big deal, I'll just do other things in-game when I play and forget my Orb shortage.")
3. Realization. (While mapping, everything's hunky-dory until you suddenly realize you can't craft the items you need to progress.)
4. Actual acceptance. ("I WILL JUST GRIND FOREVER!")

Haha true. But you know what, sometimes YOLO just works out. See my second edit =)
Timezone: GMT +10 (Australia). CASUAL player but I play whenever I can.
Last edited by systemdown#7535 on Mar 28, 2017, 9:49:34 PM
Just died to a trap again. That's 5 chars lost this league, and 4 of them to traps. Getting pretty pissed off about it, but again, with high latency there is nothing you can do to build around them.

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