[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

This build viable in HC?
Senatar wrote:
This build viable in HC?

I can't really answer that, I don't have any experience with HC. Someone who is playing the build currently and has played hardcore may be able to answer.
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Aug 20, 2017, 1:48:18 AM
@corosou - grats on the 6-link belly. How many fuse did that take?
hankinsohl wrote:
@corosou - grats on the 6-link belly. How many fuse did that take?

Lol, I gave up on that bs, sold the 6s belly, bought something else I wanted, I forget what, and then just farmed uber lab to get the 500c to buy it
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Aug 20, 2017, 8:36:59 AM
at which level did you start to run uberlab?
daddyjay wrote:
at which level did you start to run uberlab?

I don't remember tbh, around 70 I'd imagine...
Quick update!

Finally scored these bad boys :) I had been looking for a pair since the start of 3.0 hoping they would be bad ass with the build and they do not disappoint!:

Here's my first test with them, a Rampage streak of 650+. Get's real good around 400...

Youtube: T12 Ivory Temple - Null and Void Rampage Streak

Shit is dope!

Now just need to score a good Bisco's and yum yum mapping ;)
@corosou - Thank you!!

Last edited by Kraighan#2780 on Aug 20, 2017, 11:09:14 AM
I have 70c to start this build, what should be my priority acquisition list?
but you still think it's an effective uberlab farmer? I hope so :)

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