[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)
" Hmm... if you need to ask this, then most likely you are new to the game, in which case, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the basics first before tackling a build guide not meant for new players. Also, you most likely will want someone else besides me to ask questions to, because I will make you work for the answers yourself instead giving them to you. You can start with Engineering Eternity on youtube. He has a great selection of playlists you can greatly benefit from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaFHfrY-6uGSAvmczp_7a6Q/playlists?shelf_id=3&view=1&sort=dd Either way, the answer to your question is right in front of you, if you just use some deductive power: Do you read in either of the boots anything that seems like a required stat both share? No, you don't Are there rare boots that can replace some of the stats in either of those boots? Yes, there are Last edited by corosou#7048 on Aug 30, 2017, 10:26:56 AM
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" This build is very solid, and very inexpensive. Damage is more than enough to handle all content. And a big advantage over many other boss-killer builds is that this build does not use Vaal Pact which makes life much easier at times especially in floor degen maps. I don't know which elemental blade flurry build you're looking at but it almost certainly uses Vaal Pact which for me would tip the scales heavily in favor of Scourgeflurry. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Aug 30, 2017, 11:08:31 AM
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" As OP suggests, that's a question best answered yourself. BUT, I have experience with multiple Blade Flurry builds. I initially started with Inquisitor. Damage is great, but the Ascendancy offers little in the way of defense. I played in Breach, so the 3.0 updates may have improved it. I ended up switching over to Ranger with HoWA, pre-ES nerf of course. The Frenzy charges made for much more consistent high damage against bosses, and with enough penetration, you go above and beyond the Inquisitors "ignore resistances". I've leveling this build now, but having run Berseker in the past, it's a great combination of offense and defense. Aspect of Carnage is basically a 7th gem link for 40% more damage. Cloaked in Savagery tree offer all the leech you'll need, and with Vaal Pact you're unkillable with enough HP to avoid the 1-shot. This build uses Bloodseeker which gives you the Vaal Pact effect without needing to take it on the tree. A lot of the damage comes from the Ascendancy and gems, which frees up space on the tree to take more life nodes. It may not have mirror-gear "kill Shaper in 10 seconds" DPS output, but it's strong enough offensively and defensively to do all content comfortably. " Depending on your budget and desires, you can go either way. Ultimately BotB will give you the most HP you can get. However on a budget, a well rolled rare can get you really close in HP to Belly, and offers more opportunity for resists. It was a lucky dual life roll on an Essence of Greed, but this armor puts me within about 300 HP of a perfect 40% Belly. Given the high number of life nodes taken on the tree, BotB is more of a luxury than a necessity. Grabbing a cheap non-corrupt 6L armor and spamming Essences of Greed is an easy way to get a strong armor on a budget. |
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Thanks guys! Really appreciate the detailed answers :)
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Thanks for your answers friends!
I already rolled a Marauder and should reach endgame tomorrow so i will give some feedback too! Btw what Essence would you recommend for the self crafting? Shrieking for 7c? |
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" I haven't crafted myself, but Shrieking or Deafening of greed depending on budget for body armour is what you probably want. |
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" I would do Shrieking because I'm cheap and you get more rolls of the dice. You could roll a up to 119 with Shrieking and as low as 120 with Deafening. I wouldn't pay more than double the price for at worst 16 less max life, and only 1 less life at best. The armor I linked was with rolled with a Shrieking Essence. Last edited by nEgativezEro89#1596 on Aug 30, 2017, 4:57:00 PM
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Hey man, just to say I love this build! I have wanted to do a Blade Flurry build at some point ever since I saw the skill, and I love the idea of The Scourge too!
Currently blitzing through leveling, and currently at 64. I was just wondering if you tried putting any support gems in The Scourge and noticed a marketable difference in the Wolves? I sort of think the CWDT + IC is a bit lacking without and endurance charges (especially with the Cloaked in Savagery ascendancy to counter any bit hits) so could be replaced. |
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" Glad to hear you're doing well lvling! And yeah, back in 2.6 I used to put Culling strike on the claws so the wolves would cull, it's a nice thing for sure, but not that big a thing. TBH, I just don't see that many other options for what to use. Mana is already at 25% so can't really pick up another aura or a curse. You can do what they call a "ghetto curse on hit" using CWDT + BV + CoH + Curse of Choice, but requires a 4slot. Besides doing CWDT, IC/Molten, what would you suggests? I looked all over reddit and skill combinations and there's just not much else to do. Back in 2.6 I used to do CWDT, Culling, Vortex, that's what I had in the claws. Vortex is nice, cuz like IC it's a visual alert you're taking damage, it works with Culling, and it slows down everything around you, which is kinda like a "ghetto temporal chains". It's a pretty nice combo if u wanna try that. What I used in 2.6: Let me know if you think of any other good combos to try, because yeah I agree, the CWDT taken setups are not that impressive. Someone else asked about what to do besides AW, which sort of fits with your question. One answer is a Spell Totem + Wither setup, which on PoB at 20 stacks is quite a nice DPS boost. Keeping the totem alive to 20 stacks is tricky though. What I used in 2.6: Last edited by corosou#7048 on Aug 30, 2017, 7:38:50 PM
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After trying out the build on SC, I can't seem to figure out how to scale the damage higher. I have similar gear and skill tree but the damage is way under. Am I scaling it wrong or something?
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