[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Alright boys and girls still tuning in...


Just ran about 10 Oba's with it... So dope!!

Videos to come soon...
corosou wrote:
Alright boys and girls still tuning in...


Just ran about 10 Oba's with it... So dope!!

Videos to come soon...

Vaal or no balls =D
Laue wrote:
So far I'm having trouble capping my resists while having reasonable health. Rings and amulets with such high resist rolls AND life are insanely expensive, and I'm not talking about the ones with phys damage. I could drop Kaom's Roots for Two-Toned, but I will lose a lot of health. Belly also doesn't seem do add that much health, thinking about switching it for a rare for more resists and life. Or maybe dropping Belt of the Deceiver?

What am I missing?

You must be missing something my man. I dont know what is reasonable health to you but 6k for budget and crazy dps seems fine to me. I dont see why u have problems with resists, you have a lot of resist from tree. I have self found jewelery with crafted added pdps, only bought amulet for 3c with 70+life, resists and added phys dmg, and 6link crappy body aromour with 100+ life and resists (temporary budget option) for 65c. You can also put some life and resists in jewels, if u can search it should not cost u less than few chaos. Im only 66 lvl and my gear is far from graet but i have no problem having capped res and reasonable life pool. If you are on budget i recomend searching for some cheap 6link armour or putting some res and life in jewels. Dropping Kaoms would be last option imo.
Having troubles getting damage up. Currnetly level 80 with 2k tooltip in a bringer of rain. Jewels are weak but otherwise it's all the same. What do I need to do to get 19k tooltip like in the POB?
Also i have few questions:

Why my avg damage shown above my skill looks so low if i feel its realy great? I played cyclone before and it showed around 20k when i was lvl 66, and this one shows only 2k, even if i know its stronger? POB also shows a lot more.

Maybe it was already answered before but do i need kiara's determination if im using kaoms? I know kaoms prevent stunes but "cannot be slowed to below base speed" means you cant be frozen also? So we can drop Kiara for life flask with bleed immunity?

If we are searching for jewels can we use the ones that have stats that applies to minions for example "+%8 to minion life"? since we are using scourge and "Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you"? Also does "area damage" good stat for jewel?

Thanks for answer op!
Last edited by Yuu07#5301 on Sep 4, 2017, 6:22:49 PM
Kwanzaa246 wrote:
Having troubles getting damage up. Currnetly level 80 with 2k tooltip in a bringer of rain. Jewels are weak but otherwise it's all the same. What do I need to do to get 19k tooltip like in the POB?

I dont know why you are using bringer since its not in thgis build lol. And i also have 2k tooltip above my skill but i definatelly feel that is much stronger than 20k tooltip i played last time so i dont know maybe something is broken xD Plus you need good jewels for this build they should not cost more than 5-10c if u can serach
Last edited by Yuu07#5301 on Sep 4, 2017, 6:28:46 PM
I dont know why you are using bringer since its not in thgis build lol

its blatantly on the front page so I dunno what you're talking about

even with absolutely no gems and flasks just the skill tree gear you get 7k avg damage and I'm at 2k so sometihngs missing.
Last edited by Kwanzaa246#4746 on Sep 4, 2017, 6:46:23 PM
Kwanzaa246 wrote:
I dont know why you are using bringer since its not in thgis build lol

its blatantly on the front page so I dunno what you're talking about

even with absolutely no gems and flasks just the skill tree gear you get 7k avg damage and I'm at 2k so sometihngs missing.

Ok you are right with bringer, i guess author must added this option 1-2 days ago :D
Kwanzaa246 wrote:
Having troubles getting damage up. Currnetly level 80 with 2k tooltip in a bringer of rain. Jewels are weak but otherwise it's all the same. What do I need to do to get 19k tooltip like in the POB?

My man, in-game tooltip is not going to match PoB EVER.

2-4k in-game is perfectly normal.


You MUST use Path of Building if you want to figure out DPS.

I dunno how many times I must say that. I very very clearly state it in the main post.

There's a reason I don't show in-game screenshots.

This is me right now with GG gear, Bisco's, a Headhunter, and IAoE instead of Conc.:

With Hatred:

Without Hatred:
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 4, 2017, 7:26:41 PM
Yuu07 wrote:

Ok you are right with bringer, i guess author must added this option 1-2 days ago :D

quit slackin imo... fallin behind the times bro ;)

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