[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

sheeeeeeets wrote:
Looks like my "to do list" for this build is growing, but I check this off the list for 35 chaos!

Going to:

20% qual rest of gems
Replace Belly with Carcass
Buy Taste of Hate
Replace Bleed with Damage on Full

That should increase my damage QUITE a bit, especially since I can afford to lose SOME health (at 8k).

Debating on whether or not its worth replacing this belt with Belt of the Deciever:

Besides all that, which I hope to have nailed down this weekend, I feel I am ready for the Shaper. Already took down Chimera and Phoenix, just Hydra and Minotaur to go!

If you can keep your resistances capped, Belt of the Deceiver is a big DPS boost. Because it's "enemies take increased damage", that acts as multiplicative damage, not additive. Definitely worthwhile.
Is it worth for going a bringer and just go with belly/carcass and the stark helm?
RE Cyclone - Interesting. Could you post a full clear of something like Gorge to showcase the additional clearspeed?

RE Full Life - It's too bad that GGG doesn't provide a hit log or something. So it's really impossible to know in game if you're always at full life, nearly always at full life or are taking boss damage but healing so quickly that it doesn't show up on your character other than DPS loss. Glad to see you're so cautiously testing this to see if the Full Life gem is indeed an actual DPS boost in real-game conditions.

RE Hydra kill - very nice DPS. I should probably level to 95, pick up another jewel and craft a 2nd steel ring to up my DPS - but I've been lazy, LOL. Killing everthing with my current setup although I haven't tried Shaper/Uber Atziri yet - extra deeps for those encounters could help as I'm an average-ish player.
An interesting chest piece to possibly try is Ashrend - it gives you +10 added fire for a 7th link which gives you about 16% or so more DPS. It also comes with a bit of life and fire resistance and gives you immunity to ignites. The downside is loss of AOE versus CJ and 4R1G1B will take roughly 1600 chrome to color (not too bad though as this only 160c or so).
Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Sep 11, 2017, 8:59:53 PM
hankinsohl wrote:
RE Cyclone - Interesting. Could you post a full clear of something like Gorge to showcase the additional clearspeed?

RE Full Life - It's too bad that GGG doesn't provide a hit log or something. So it's really impossible to know in game if you're always at full life, nearly always at full life or are taking boss damage but healing so quickly that it doesn't show up on your character other than DPS loss. Glad to see you're so cautiously testing this to see if the Full Life gem is indeed an actual DPS boost in real-game conditions.

RE Hydra kill - very nice DPS. I should probably level to 95, pick up another jewel and craft a 2nd steel ring to up my DPS - but I've been lazy, LOL. Killing everthing with my current setup although I haven't tried Shaper/Uber Atziri yet - extra deeps for those encounters could help as I'm an average-ish player.
An interesting chest piece to possibly try is Ashrend - it gives you +10 added fire for a 7th link which gives you about 16% or so more DPS. It also comes with a bit of life and fire resistance and gives you immunity to ignites. The downside is loss of AOE versus CJ and 4R1G1B will take roughly 1600 chrome to color (not too bad though as this only 160c or so).

Yes, it's a shame that there's not real way to tell how much I'm actually taking advantage of full life. And adding a buff in the bar wouldn't help, specially with HH... it's impossible to see anything of value with icons moving around non-stop. I honestly don't even understand why there's a buff bar at all, it's a completely useless piece of information for the most part. I much rather rely on my mana pool to figure out if I have all my auras activated.

And as requested, here's a full Gorge run. Boss fight is kind of a joke... ;)

Youtube: ScourgeFlurryCyclone - T13 Gorge (Full Run - Cyclone Trash |
Blade Flurry Boss)
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 12, 2017, 12:07:03 AM
Just a question, which gods you have choosed cuase i cant find it in the guide?
I've heard some of you are struggling to figure out how to configure your keybindings.

Here's how I set mine up:

With this setup I keep 3 fingers on "234" and thumb on "Space", ready to spam my most used flasks.
I slide over my ring finger to "1" as necessary.

"1" = Overflowing/Kiara's. To refill flasks (overflowing) or if I got frozen (kiara's).
"Q" = Totem
"W" = Whirling Blades
"E" = Blood Rage
"S" = Vaal Lightning Trap
"D" = Vaal Haste
"A" = Unused


"LMB" = Move Only
"MMB" = Golem/Recast Auras
"RMB" = Blade Flurry/Cyclone

Yoshimitsu wrote:
Just a question, which gods you have choosed cuase i cant find it in the guide?

Please either join the #Slack community channel (details on the main post) or search over the thread pages. The question has been answered before.
I tried for a while it is good but i am not fan of blade flurry skill. it seems boring to me. but if you like blade flurry go for it with this build. it is awesome.
onlynewtr wrote:
I tried for a while it is good but i am not fan of blade flurry skill. it seems boring to me. but if you like blade flurry go for it with this build. it is awesome.

Simple solution for you, swap BF for Cyclone, Chance to Bleed for Knockback support, grab a pair of Empire's Grasp and go mapping.

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 12, 2017, 4:14:29 PM

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