[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

It's linked in place of BF. Usually with same gems, but you swap Multistrike in to make it more usable even though it's a DPS loss. I think EDWA is the gem you swap out for least DPS hit.
Bubalame wrote:
Why there is no linked reave in bf reave build jugg?

Because one of my main goals is to encourage players to figure things out on their own.

Plus I explained it in the main post:

Big 3.2 update!!

Several important changes!

I reached 93 and got a huge boost to DPS!:


How did I manage that?

+1 curse ammy (1 exalted)
Setup a search for 1c Tombfist to corrupt and got it in less than 10 tries! ;)
Since I have Elem Weakness on hit, I picked up Punishment on the Blasphemy. Can also do Frostbite, but it's a huge DPS diff, though more persistent DPS and a lot of freezing.

I'll need to recolor my tombfist so I can move blasphemy to there, so I won't lose the buff when swapping weapons.

My next upgrade goal will be ilvl 83 Abyss Jewels. Either crafting them myself or just buying them as they become more common.


Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 14, 2018, 4:18:57 PM
First of all great build having a lot of fun with it!
playing Tectonic Strike
Built my Character on PoB from xbox, I haven't played very much endgame in my career so it's probably just me.
But anyway
I play on xbox and the bosses feel reeal sluggish to kill, T11 is what I'm up too so far.
Item economy is a bit sparse so a lot of good stuff isn't available.

Is this PoB pretty decent with what gear i have available? I feel pretty tanky but seems my dps is kind of lacking.
any tips would be appreciated, I am trying to get the rest of the gear! So I know that would help a ton!
Last edited by Jairbear26#6659 on Mar 14, 2018, 4:35:52 PM
Jairbear26 wrote:
First of all great build having a lot of fun with it!
playing Tectonic Strike
Built my Character on PoB from xbox, I haven't played very much endgame in my career so it's probably just me.
But anyway
I play on xbox and the bosses feel reeal sluggish to kill, T11 is what I'm up too so far.
Item economy is a bit sparse so a lot of good stuff isn't available.

Is this PoB pretty decent with what gear i have available? I feel pretty tanky but seems my dps is kind of lacking.
any tips would be appreciated, I am trying to get the rest of the gear! So I know that would help a ton!

Sweet! Looking good :) glad you're enjoying it!

Yes, bosses are a bit of a struggle early on. Single target DPS with the skill is just not amazing... It won't ever compare to the same you can get out of BF, unfortunately, but I've been farming T15 bosses pretty easily.

Also, keep in mind figuring out a new skill + items + tree is a time consuming process and it takes a lot of tweaking to get it all worked out, but it's looking good! I did my first Corrupted T16 Hydra earlier today and completed it on my first attempt. It wasn't pretty, but I got it done. There's lots of room to improve, but that kill proves the viability of the build.

You've still got a ways to go... You still don't have Undeniable, so that's a huge boost to DPS. I grabbed that first and last Unbreakable, so you're more tanky, but less DPS.

You want x-y physical dmg on your jewelry, not x-y fire. that's a big DPS loss. I know it may sound counter-intuitive, but we're converting physical to elemental, so the more physical you have to convert, the better. Adding more elemental damage on top of low elemental damage doesn't help much.

Better Jewels will make a big diff too. Again, you want anything that boosts physical DPS. Just look at the stats I use on mine.

corosou wrote:
Jairbear26 wrote:
First of all great build having a lot of fun with it!
playing Tectonic Strike
Built my Character on PoB from xbox, I haven't played very much endgame in my career so it's probably just me.
But anyway
I play on xbox and the bosses feel reeal sluggish to kill, T11 is what I'm up too so far.
Item economy is a bit sparse so a lot of good stuff isn't available.

Is this PoB pretty decent with what gear i have available? I feel pretty tanky but seems my dps is kind of lacking.
any tips would be appreciated, I am trying to get the rest of the gear! So I know that would help a ton!

Sweet! Looking good :) glad you're enjoying it!

Yes, bosses are a bit of a struggle early on. Single target DPS with the skill is just not amazing... It won't ever compare to the same you can get out of BF, unfortunately, but I've been farming T15 bosses pretty easily.

Also, keep in mind figuring out a new skill + items + tree is a time consuming process and it takes a lot of tweaking to get it all worked out, but it's looking good! I did my first Corrupted T16 Hydra earlier today and completed it on my first attempt. It wasn't pretty, but I got it done. There's lots of room to improve, but that kill proves the viability of the build.

You've still got a ways to go... You still don't have Undeniable, so that's a huge boost to DPS. I grabbed that first and last Unbreakable, so you're more tanky, but less DPS.

You want x-y physical dmg on your jewelry, not x-y fire. that's a big DPS loss. I know it may sound counter-intuitive, but we're converting physical to elemental, so the more physical you have to convert, the better. Adding more elemental damage on top of low elemental damage doesn't help much.

Better Jewels will make a big diff too. Again, you want anything that boosts physical DPS. Just look at the stats I use on mine.


Thanks for the quick response!
The items on console are pretty skewed due to the low pop of players, but I'm tying to work my way up there. My Nebuloch cost me 1.5 ex lol
Will keep scouting out for better items!
If anyone out there is like me and doesn't like depending on Chill i went with a 310 pDPS 95%+ Doryani's with Ruthlessness replacing Hypo. Has worked out very well thanks for the build
tweeter7483 wrote:
If anyone out there is like me and doesn't like depending on Chill i went with a 310 pDPS 95%+ Doryani's with Ruthlessness replacing Hypo. Has worked out very well thanks for the build

Sweet! thanks for the info. Def will be looking to upgrade weapon at some point.
Quick video update..

A full run of Xoph's Domain with the new double-curse setup:

PoE 3.2: TectonicJuggernaut: Xoph's Domain (Double Curse, Full Run)

EDIT: few things of note..

1) I'm mostly only tapping once or twice per pack
2) I'm not using flasks for a bit to test the DPS without
3) I'm still not using a life flask
4) I'm not dropping Orbs of Storm during trash, because Lightpoacher does a pretty good job keeping EO up
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 14, 2018, 7:49:17 PM
tweeter7483 wrote:
If anyone out there is like me and doesn't like depending on Chill i went with a 310 pDPS 95%+ Doryani's with Ruthlessness replacing Hypo. Has worked out very well thanks for the build

What pdps weapon u use? I got few 300+ shaped dps axec maces and swords but not sure which base should i use. Btw i got sword 300 pdps with 40% phys as fire dtas good for tectonic i guess?

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