[3.0] HC/SC Nowlech's Trickster Essence Drain (LifeMoM/CI/LL) ~Shaper and Uber Atziri! Videos!

enjoying the build a lot, one question though. Everyone takes the node for an extra curse but I only see people running one curse( either enfeeble or temp chain with blasphemy). What's the second curse and how is it being applied?

edit second question. If i'm using shield charge for move skill I should use wand instead of dagger?
Poe wiki says shield charge is unaffected by weapon base atk speed. wand can get much better % spell damage, is the 6% block worth it for the dagger?
Last edited by kasiraka on Aug 11, 2017, 3:35:55 PM
kasiraka wrote:
enjoying the build a lot, one question though. Everyone takes the node for an extra curse but I only see people running one curse( either enfeeble or temp chain with blasphemy). What's the second curse and how is it being applied?

edit second question. If i'm using shield charge for move skill I should use wand instead of dagger?
Poe wiki says shield charge is unaffected by weapon base atk speed. wand can get much better % spell damage, is the 6% block worth it for the dagger?

The second curse is from Witchfire Brew Flask that grants lvl 21 vulnerability. As for your second question, no shield charge is an attack and can't be used with wands neither can whirling blades. Most wand builds tend to use flame dash instead.
I cant choose whatever to play tricksters or occultist can i get some general explanation whats the main differences in these 2?
I cant choose whatever to play tricksters or occultist can i get some general explanation whats the main differences in these 2?

Occultist is better for chaos and Energy shield for sure, might do more damage in the endgame

Trickster is easier to gear, easier to start off and a better mapper for sure.
guess il play occultist then but i cant find any occultist ed guide
level 34 atm, just running the essence drain + contagion combo and its super slow..

am i missing something?
Really happy to see someone consider Allelopathy and Spreading Rot !
I'm waiting eagerly for the new version of your guide and I'll probably reroll a new character !
will there be an update sooner or later ?
all in all a really nice safe build :D
Why you take so many inc area nodes? ;) I recently transition to CI ended up with 9.3k, I'm lacking a lot of dmg still as no 6l and my gems arent lvl20, did adjust tree a little to my needs. Overall as always ED rox ;) (doing variance of the build every league)

maladeth wrote:
A summary after the 4th day with this build:

"Considering that bosses actually drop loot now, I feel like they're worth the hassle."

Am I missing aomething>? supposedly harder bosses - which i can see....actually frop loot - utter balls......Still the same level of low level worthless crap......dont even talk about maps...i have 400 map boss kills and still cant get a sustainable tier 8+

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