[3.0] HC/SC Nowlech's Trickster Essence Drain (LifeMoM/CI/LL) ~Shaper and Uber Atziri! Videos!

But i'm playing SSF... no unique for me
You seem to prefer to complain than to do research: even a simple search on poe.trade for daggers and spell damage shows me a huge range of normal daggers with spell damage .. up to over 100%.

But I guess on SSF you will have to be patient. Can't have everything :)
I'm new to this game i don't know anything, otherwhise i'd play my proper builds.
Last edited by Lucilejtmbb on Aug 16, 2017, 6:01:14 AM
Do you know poe.trade? It's a website ... very useful and used by most. You can search for all sorts of items there and limit the results to stats you want etc ... very useful. Just check out http://poe.trade .. makes it easy to check what items do have for instance spell damage etc.
I will try Allelopathy gloves but im thinking about gems. Is it worth to drop one more support gem and use faster casting instead? I mean it will stack dots faster but with lesser dmg per dot. Anyone tried?
Haven't tried it myself ... probably because it does really good damage already anyway... at least up to the T6 maps I'm in atm. I have more trouble getting good life gear, as my Life/MoM build atm is squishy at just 2900 hp and 1500 mana for MoM. ES seems pretty far away for me due to costs for great gear.
Last edited by voonvoon on Aug 16, 2017, 6:22:11 AM
so im seing this item called broken faith and has a 0.4 chaos dmg leech.

what do you think about it?

rodown wrote:
so im seing this item called broken faith and has a 0.4 chaos dmg leech.

what do you think about it?


You can't leech Damage of time effects, only hit effects, and the hit part of Essence drain is very low. So it's not good.
ccarles wrote:
rodown wrote:
so im seing this item called broken faith and has a 0.4 chaos dmg leech.

what do you think about it?


You can't leech Damage of time effects, only hit effects, and the hit part of Essence drain is very low. So it's not good.

Thank you for the clarification, yet i have another question. i will use wand and given that the best movement skill is flame dash, would kindly tell me wich would be the best setup for flame dash?

im thinking of:

flame dash + faster casting + increased duration. amirite?

Also... this shield seems cool to run clarity and flame golem. geting good res. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Prism_Guardian what do you think?
Last edited by rodown on Aug 16, 2017, 3:08:51 PM
Nobody came to my rescue so I'll be bold and try again, but this time I'll expand my explanation a bit, to make it easier to understand my problem.

I have miraculously 6-linked my Lightning Coil, so I'll go ahead and assume that will be my armor for the rest of this league (and that I can't get better mitigation than I have now).

Damage, however, is still a problem. My damage over time (in HO) is at 8928, which is far below the screen shots provided my OP at 15k. Now those screenshot I believe were with LL, so we can subtract around 23% setting the damage at just under 12k. But that is still quite a bit more than I can muster.

Getting a level 4 Empower instead of my Piercing will probably add another 1000 dps, but I don't consider that a likely option on SSF - and it will still not bring me to the dps of the screenshot.

I am by no means an expert at game mechanics so I might be missing something obvious. Can anyone help?

sikker wrote:
Hey there. Thanks for the build.

I could use a few tips on how to progress. I am playing life-based on SSF so my options are very limited, and my gear isn't exactly impressive.

If you want to look at my character, it is the one in the SSF Harbinger named Kontagik.

My problem is that even with 6 links (tabula) my damage vs bosses is abysmal. I can barely kill a boss on t11+ maps (and usually end up dying if I try).

Armor-wise I have Tabula and Lightning Coil (which I can't 5-link for the life of me). So what should I focus on? I could also try getting a Death's Oath by farming cards (I think Shaped Phantasmagoria is my best bet according to the wiki).

I am using Tabula right now and my defenses are suffering from that.

So, in short: I have poor mitigation, and poor damage. What do I do on SSF?

Last edited by sikker on Aug 17, 2017, 9:49:13 AM

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