[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

I haven't played in forever and am having trouble figuring out where to go from here. I'm kinda getting wrecked in low tier maps does anyone have a suggestion on what gear to get next? Using arc atm instead of GC. I have about 1 exalt to spend currently.
Deceasd91 wrote:
I haven't played in forever and am having trouble figuring out where to go from here. I'm kinda getting wrecked in low tier maps does anyone have a suggestion on what gear to get next? Using arc atm instead of GC. I have about 1 exalt to spend currently.

you can get a bit of a damage boost if you respec some of the first nodes in your tree. if you plan on using Arc for a while it might be worth changing the first five passives to the ele damage nodes. but it will cost 10 refund points unless there's a trick to respeccing that i don't know about. it looks like that would get you another 2k per hit.

maybe switch out the granite or silver flask for a diamond flask. probably a good idea to get all your flasks to 20 quality too.
Last edited by qaizr#7884 on Dec 10, 2018, 5:37:33 PM
@ windz is it possible to give a poetrade link for how to search for verry good weapons,cause i don't realy seems to find big upgrades for my starter weapon
Anyone else having issues with this build? I switched over to GC when I strarted mapping and honestly it feels pretty underwhelming. I know I need a 5/6 link chest but I'm not sure where else to go from here. Considering respeccing.

Also, as a rather new player, the guide is pretty incomprehensible.
You should still use Arc well into maps. It's clear speed is much better than GC. I'm using Arc on tier 3 maps right now and no issues. I'll sometimes switch to GC for a tough boss, but Arc is usually plenty damage for early map bosses.
Is Curtain Call usable with this build?
shumi82 wrote:
@ windz is it possible to give a poetrade link for how to search for verry good weapons,cause i don't realy seems to find big upgrades for my starter weapon

I think you should craft the spell damage mod that gives damage as chaos.
35-42 spell damage and Gain 5% of non chaos damage as extra chaos damage.

If you don't have it I can craft it for you. I did for 3 ppl in windz stream. just a regret and 4alcs.
qaizr wrote:
You should still use Arc well into maps. It's clear speed is much better than GC. I'm using Arc on tier 3 maps right now and no issues. I'll sometimes switch to GC for a tough boss, but Arc is usually plenty damage for early map bosses.

This. I am on t13-15s and still using arc. No issues at all. Clear speed is as good as mines can be I guess. I'll probably do a LL GC switch at some point to move on to pure bossing, once i wrap up atlas.

absolutefury wrote:

I think you should craft the spell damage mod that gives damage as chaos.
35-42 spell damage and Gain 5% of non chaos damage as extra chaos damage.

Is 5% of chaos damage better than a higher spell damage roll? It's calculated after the spell damage bonus so it could be 10% bonus damage right? Are there other benefits to chaos damage?
Hi, I’ve not had much time to play yet, got to lvl 47 so far. Had to swap to arc, even I don’t like it! I like GC that’s why I’ve pick this build;) but just been thinking is that “tremor rod” any good for lvling? I mean If u get it as 4l it’s actually 5l and additional detonate mines could b good no? And up to 60 spell damage... Is it worth to use it? I won’t b home for next few days so I just thinking what I could do to ease my lvling once I get home;)
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