[3.7] Oro's Flicker Berserker | 3M DPS | Teleport Through Maps In Seconds

Malphai wrote:
How is this build in HC?
Isn't berserker dangerous with the extra damage taken? Since flickerstrike is very unpredictable in of it self, adding extra damage taken is dangerous?

I plan on doing maps, not endgame bosses on HC (Not shaper ect), would this build then be a good pick?
Or is champion or slayer better classes on HC?
IF they are, would you be so kind and make a passive tree for that? Or do we lose to much damage by not being berserker then?

Thank you @Oroboro

Don't do it on HC, you can die quite often with it for various reasons
IGN gubert
Here is my shaper kill:

Got a huge bug at the beginning of the video, but you get the idea


POB link: https://pastebin.com/EnV1NRGH

My links on Molten Strike are Ele damage with attack skills + immolation + conc effect + multistrike + fire pen
IGN gubert
Last edited by Gubert#1144 on Sep 6, 2017, 10:54:52 PM
how are you guys faring without Kaom's Heart and 2x The Taming? 8-900c for the 3 is a bit out of my range.
For anti-freeze on the helmet, might want to link motlen shield into your cwdt set up.
how are you guys faring without Kaom's Heart and 2x The Taming? 8-900c for the 3 is a bit out of my range.

I only have 1 The Taming so far and im doing just fine without Kaom's. Can clear everything up to T15 and Uber Izaro without problems. Probably gonna farm up my Kaom's before attempting Guardians/Shaper though. I just specced into some more life so i could reach 6k life without Kaom's.
Oro- first, thanks for making this unique. I've used it many times, played Oro flicker on at least 4 ascendancies!

I would say The Taming in 3.0 isnt great, at least not with changes to emberwake. This build one shots everything except bosses.

I think in general two opal rings crafted with essence of anger and having EDWA ideally (25% ele dmg from implicit, 34% fire from essence and potentially 40+ % EDWA is like 95-100%+ fire damage from 1 slot), and fire damage to attacks in the ultimate scenario, are just going to provide that up front damage so you can one-shot and keep moving.

IMHO flicker is best played not as a bosser,but as a quick mapper.
Last edited by Samir316#3220 on Sep 7, 2017, 8:43:12 AM
ZeyonMairo wrote:
Oroboro wrote:
ZeyonMairo wrote:
Is Sin's Rebirth a viable flask for the build?

Sin's Rebirth gives you Unholy Might, which converts our physical to chaos damage. Unfortunately we have 0 physical damage so you get absolutely nothing from it, so definitely don't use it on this build.

How about a Rumi's - for additional survivability? I'm still getting the occasional one-shot on 6,5k life.

Rumi's wouldn't be a bad choice for defense at all. Taste of Hate even for just the defensive purposes would be much better, but also more expensive.

vankronen wrote:
Really fun build and crazy clearspeed, but I'm having the same issue with one-shots. Map bosses are out of the question as I get one-shotted by level 5 bosses and above. Yellow reflect mobs will also end me before I can react. I'm currently level 76

You really shouldn't have any problems with reflect at all. Do you have immortal call setup with vaal pact and the less reflect damage soul? If you keep getting one shotted you just need better gear/more life nodes and this build can grab them all. I have 6k life without Kaom's and I haven't been one shotted since I got my Oro's.

slagmas wrote:
Hello, Oro what enchantments are needed for gloves / helmet?

No enchantments are needed, but recommended would be either 9% Flicker Damage per Frenzy Charge if your focus is mapping/clear speed or +2-3 additional molten strike projectiles for single target/end game boss killing.

Malphai wrote:
How is this build in HC?
Isn't berserker dangerous with the extra damage taken? Since flickerstrike is very unpredictable in of it self, adding extra damage taken is dangerous?

I plan on doing maps, not endgame bosses on HC (Not shaper ect), would this build then be a good pick?
Or is champion or slayer better classes on HC?
IF they are, would you be so kind and make a passive tree for that? Or do we lose to much damage by not being berserker then?

Thank you @Oroboro

This build is extremely dangerous in HC and honestly I wouldn't recommend it. Flicker can put you in situations that you might regret getting into very quickly. However it can be done and if you want to do it I'd recommend going Champion for the permanent Fortify. Much tanker, much less damage, but at least you won't die. You'll still be able to clear maps extremely quickly. I'd take the attack speed nodes, then the evasion/life nodes to exit the tree and everything else should be the same. Hope that helps!

Ocdgaming wrote:
Hey do you think daresso's defiance is a viable chest piece to use instead of belly of the beast? im using daresso's right now at lvl 80 with 4.8k life

Most definitely! The endurance charges gained can help mitigate those big hits that seem to be the bane of this build. I think Belly may be a better option in the long run once you level/gear up.

leonlllu wrote:
Is xoph's a huge upgrade compare to ngh

It's a stupid huge upgrade. Covering enemies in Ash is straight up broken, it's our biggest damage boost from gear.

vankronen wrote:
how are you guys faring without Kaom's Heart and 2x The Taming? 8-900c for the 3 is a bit out of my range.

This build works just fine without any of the luxury items. I don't have any of them and my character just rips through Racecourses in seconds and deletes the bosses with Molten Strike, mapping has never felt so good. It really only costs about 11 chaos for everything needed to get the build started. I made the guide because I knew it would be a great, cheap starter build for many players.

cyuansheng wrote:
For anti-freeze on the helmet, might want to link motlen shield into your cwdt set up.

I had thought about this, but honestly it's probably better to just grab a freeze flask than miss out on Vaal Haste, lots of damage lost if we get rid of it. Still a great option!

And to everyone else, thanks for all the kind words! It took a lot of time and effort to write this guide and theorycraft the build so I'm really glad you guys enjoy it! Also, really nice Shaper kills! I'm excited to give him a go once I get a bit more currency for Kaom's!
Last edited by Oroboro#4729 on Sep 7, 2017, 4:17:39 PM
What would you say would be the most important upgrades when choosing between the big ticket luxury things for this build, as in a 6L Oro's for Molten Strike (you really don't need it for map clearing, so get that boss kill speed up), a Kaom's, Xoph's Blood, and The Taming rings? IE if I can only afford one or two of those things, what would be the order of priority?
Oroboro, have you seen my shaper kill video? Want me to link this thread as the build guide? The only reason i didn't is because it's not really the same because im using molten strike and devoto's devotion but i can surely link this thread, dont wanna take credit for something that i got like 80% from here. Lemme know.
IGN gubert

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