[3.1] TRICKSTER Scorching Ray + Righteous Fire MoM Boss farmer 1.8mil trash DPS

ARollingStone wrote:
Anyone with this build that is already semi geared? So I can look at his character. THanks

I started out with Balefire for now, can do any maps/bosses right now pretty easily. You can check out my character.

I noticed no Kaom's Roots.

Any issue at all with stuns?

No major issues yet. Occasional stun yes but nothing too noticeable.
Anyone with this build that is already semi geared? So I can look at his character. THanks

I started out with Balefire for now, can do any maps/bosses right now pretty easily. You can check out my character.

Look very good! Except I will probably go Kaoms since the little mini knockbacks drive me insane.

What tier of maps/contentt are you doing?

Also, is it worth instead of other life nodes, getting the marauder ones? Since one of them gives +1% Max fire res.

How many life and mana do you have with Kaoms? Would you switch to Scepter/6L belly or do you lose too much defense. Thanks a lot!
4 link belly total disaster ~~~ TOTAL , idk how many currence you need to put into it.
ARollingStone wrote:
Anyone with this build that is already semi geared? So I can look at his character. THanks

I started out with Balefire for now, can do any maps/bosses right now pretty easily. You can check out my character.

I noticed no Kaom's Roots.

Any issue at all with stuns?

I took out Kaom's roots too since it was way too slow to map with. I dont really have an issue unless its against things that purposely stun/knock you back, which doesn't happen all that often
Anyone with this build that is already semi geared? So I can look at his character. THanks

I started out with Balefire for now, can do any maps/bosses right now pretty easily. You can check out my character.

How do you have enough regen to support RF or am I missing something in your gear/tree?
Korrikalari wrote:
Anyone with this build that is already semi geared? So I can look at his character. THanks

I started out with Balefire for now, can do any maps/bosses right now pretty easily. You can check out my character.

Look very good! Except I will probably go Kaoms since the little mini knockbacks drive me insane.

What tier of maps/contentt are you doing?

Also, is it worth instead of other life nodes, getting the marauder ones? Since one of them gives +1% Max fire res.

How many life and mana do you have with Kaoms? Would you switch to Scepter/6L belly or do you lose too much defense. Thanks a lot!

Highest I've done is T14s so far - don't have too much of a problem with those bosses either.
TheBigNasty wrote:
Anyone with this build that is already semi geared? So I can look at his character. THanks

I started out with Balefire for now, can do any maps/bosses right now pretty easily. You can check out my character.

How do you have enough regen to support RF or am I missing something in your gear/tree?

I don't - for now relying on the Balefire % life/mana on kill and the Patient Reaper node from Trickster Ascendancy. I'm almost at the regen but not quite.
Does RF always toggle off when you change zones?
Damn I switched from a normal 4L to a Balefire 3L and what a damage boost, damage literally quadrupled. Pretty nice and easy leveling, having 0 problems so far with shit gear and only the first ascendancy!

Also I have been leveling without a shield this last 3 levels since I cant equip RotP xd
It's a fun build but dealing with mana regen/MoM in red maps is quite a pain.

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