ScrotieMcB wrote:
essemoni wrote:
That is pretty much economics 101 mate. More money in a system will lead to more spending, driving up prices.
Who said there would be more money in the system? Do you foresee governments printing lots of extra currency? Because that would lead to inflation.

This is what I get for being lazy and not explaining a post ago how rising prices for a specific good is NOT direct inflation. Inflation is the general rise in prices as money gets less overall purchasing power. It's a ratio where on one side you have the currency and on the other side you have everything else: labor, yes, but also other services and all types of goods.

Ok - got you now. Your certainly correct in saying that. Price increases in a single item are generally not inflationary.

ScrotieMcB wrote:

When you have a shortage of something -- as happens from time to time with all sorts of food crops -- the overall impact on inflation is mostly limited to that one thing there is a shortage of. That's because scarcity means the price of the scarcer commodity goes up relative to everything else. In an American labor shortage, there's a ratio where on one side you have American labor and on the other side you have everything else: currency, yes, but also other goods and all types of services.

What you do not see in shortages is everything rising x% in price just because some the scarce commodity rises x% in price. You do see things rise y% in price, where y<=x, dependent upon how much of the scarce ingredient goes into the product. In other words, unless a particular service is 100% American labor, it won't increase in price by the full percentage.

In other words, a labor shortage guarantees a real rise in wages -- that is, increased buying power for wage-earners after adjusting for inflation.

Businesses will solve this shortage on their end with technology. They've already plans in motion. For example, McDonald's is going big on self-order kiosks, a program it started rolling out in 2015. By relying not on many lowly-paid cashiers but instead a smaller number of trained kiosk techs, McDonald's has positioned itself to handle an upcoming labor shortage well. In a labor shortage, businesses can cut jobs (vacant positions) without lowering overall unemployment.

(Who is anti-illegal-immigration and started their presidential campaign in 2015? Coincidental timing on McDonald's part? You decide.)

You know, all of this doomsayer talk about labor shortages and inflation and screwing the economy, it's happened before. A long time ago. And it was Democrats back then, too. They just were so uncertain how their precious economy would function if their laborers would earn an a decent wage instead of a miserable pittance, and so they became apologists for the exploiters of labor. Technology saved the day back then, too.

Of course I'm talking about 19th century slavery.

I'm not an economist, but I can see greed and avarice on the part of big corps still screwing over the average worker. I'll agree that high-income earners could wear this (the 2000 boom in IT is an example) but for the unskilled Joe working two jobs I think it would be another matter. I mean, if there is no more people working the drive through's what are they supposed to do? All those kids now without an income. To finish ill add a caveat, ive never lived in a town or city where there were business that absolutely could not fill a vacant position.

There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
America is super left. Where are you from? Former USSR? Sweden?

Get off the plane in 90% of countries say Brazil, India, china or Mexico and ask for free welfare, school, health care that we give while stealing from tax payer to give it- let me know if they stop laughing before or after you get home.

We are just less left than the 10% of straight up commi countries.

Ronald Reagan, the so called right president you reference, was basically a socialist slaver and signed EMTALA which says doctors much serve people without paying. Hardly right wing or free market.

How would you like it gov telling you you must work for free (beyond the already ridiculous tax burden doctors pay like 40-50% depending on state)

I like current Russia. Top Marginal rate now is 12-13% I think they are more free market than we have become. We lost cold war in reality adopting their ideas too much.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jul 8, 2018, 11:30:03 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
America is super left. Where are you from? Former USSR? Sweden?

Get off the plane in 90% of countries say Brazil, India, china or Mexico and ask for free welfare, school, health care that we give while stealing from tax payer to give it- let me know if they stop laughing before or after you get home.

We are just less left than the 10% of straight up commi countries.

Ronald Reagan, the so called right president you reference, was basically a socialist slaver and signed EMTALA which says doctors much serve people without paying. Hardly right wing or free market.

How would you like it gov telling you you must work for free (beyond the already ridiculous tax burden doctors pay like 40-50% depending on state)

I like current Russia. Top Marginal rate now is 12-13% I think they are more free market than we have become. We lost cold war in reality adopting their ideas too much.

Russia isn't more free market than USA.

And did you just say USA lost the cold war in reality?

I hope I'm just reading all this wrong cuz it's too late to laugh.

Having said all this, I have to say I like Russia.

They have big problems like all nations have, but they overcame communism and are mostly Christian as a people and politically.

They are also rejecting further slides into the liberal culture abyss.


They like Trump way more than that sleazebag Hillary Clinton and her rapist husband, what's his name.


Better hurry up and buy Kleenex stock... the price will go way up after so many democrats use that stuff to cry and blow their noses.

haha lets hope RINOs like Collins or Flake don't screw up Trumps nominee - then we will be crying.

I believe an enormous storm is coming because the forces of the Deep State, MSM, popular culture, socialist K-12 and college education are all indoctrinating people against Republican party so we will lose senate. Basically it's now or long time away before court goes conservative.
Git R Dun!
vmt80 wrote:
America is corporatist through and through. Of course it's all relative, I'm finnish so my point of view might seem odd at points. Our politicians right now are doing their best to destroy this country. We've had a successful public health care system which is now under siege to be privatized bit by bit. Hopefully government won't get it's legislative projects done. It's utterly stupid -no sane western country is privatizing their public health care system exactly because they know how polarized and expensive it's in United States, where it's all centered around insurance companies. And now they are trying to pour that shit here over Finland.
I think it's funny that you can easily separate your nation's people from your nation's politicians, yet you fail to give Americans the same courtesy.

Regarding healthcare: I don't want to get too much into them, but there are arguments for a system with free market competition in (the vast majority of) the healthcare industry, and there are arguments for the type of single-payer healthcare you were used to in Finland. What there aren't any good reasons for, is a healthcare system where government writes the regulations in such a way to serve up patients to private oligopolies ran by their crony corporatist buddies. It's that old Deep State trick -- putting the fate of the people, with the power of law, in the hands of organizations that are unelected and unaccountable, then shrugging when such organizations predictably become thoroughly corrupt. In the US that meant politicians making fake leftwing arguments to justify greater government intervention; in your country it would mean making fake rightwing arguments to justify greater corporate intervention. Same destination, different starting points.

The key word there is "fake." When a government's propaganda sounds good to, say, that country's left wing, but the actual policies screw the vast majority of both the right and the left to benefit a tiny few, that's not left-wing policy. It's corruption in a leftwing disguise.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jul 9, 2018, 4:49:42 AM
vmt80 wrote:

Maybe I shouldn't have put my head inside the wasp nest here, hmmm. People have so vastly different perception of politics :)

Welcome to Off-Topic, where everything's made up and logic doesn't matter!

Nah. It's just the nature of discussing politics in general - people feel pretty deeply about these issues and a great many of them have less grounding in fact than they otherwise might desire. Myself included, though I at least try to keep up with the basics and admit where my knowledge may be faulty. Hang around threads like this long enough though, and you'll get a good idea of who's good for a meaty debate and who's just a screaming yayhoo. Scrotie's usually a good one to actually discuss things with; Aim is...less so. There's worse folks, though. Just ignore whatever spambot's taken over IMSilver's account entirely.

Anyways. Interesting, if in the morbid sense, to hear that Finland is pushing for privatized healthcare despite the horrible nightmare the U.S. has concretely demonstrated privatized healthcare to be. I mean shit, if we can't even serve as a harrowing warning to the rest of the world, what the hell good has any of this done?
vmt80 wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
America is super left. Where are you from? Former USSR? Sweden?

Get off the plane in 90% of countries say Brazil, India, china or Mexico and ask for free welfare, school, health care that we give while stealing from tax payer to give it- let me know if they stop laughing before or after you get home.

You know taxation isn't theft -it's only called as such in crackpot circles. Also there's a misconcept about what leftism is. I, however, most likely won't start lecturing here what leftism or socialism etymologically means. Why? Because it's not long ago I had to make a serious lecture on the internet what national socialism means. You see, in american crackpot circles they had recently invented that Hitler was a leftist. There are modern myths invented today and words are redefined according to each political stance, which is why I was crying after a sense of history.

Aim_Deep wrote:
We are just less left than the 10% of straight up commi countries.

Ronald Reagan, the so called right president you reference, was basically a socialist slaver and signed EMTALA which says doctors much serve people without paying. Hardly right wing or free market.

Sure. I've learnt my lesson not to start a debate there. It's basically pointless. Your conception, however, won't be shared by majority of western people, probably not even among americans. Most importantly, a true leftist would never call Reagan a socialist (which, by the way, equals a slaver only to right-wing people).

Aim_Deep wrote:

How would you like it gov telling you you must work for free (beyond the already ridiculous tax burden doctors pay like 40-50% depending on state)

It depends. We have a general conscription here. Males are expected to serve their country at least six months, unpaid. Some of those folks actually choose to serve a whole year. Some women take up service voluntary. Some would call that patriotism, but there's a deeper question of serving your community. In older days, it was considered an honor for the individual to participate and serve his fellow man. Personally I find ethical reasons to detest the attitude that paying one's taxes equals theft -maybe it's because you americans spend more money than any nation just to heighten your military, there is a sentiment that government is stealing your money. You do know that those tax money are also spend on actually paying salary for the public workers?
There have been made surveys in my country, regarding taxation. Majority still feels they'd be willing to pay more taxes to get better public services. I'm personally tolstoyan enough to have a bad conscience about our generation's tendency of playing video games. It was a free market system which gave rise to our generation and its perverted idea that serving your community equals slavery. People call themselves christian but don't give a fuck about their fellow man in broader sense.

It is thoroughly a rightist idea to say public services suck. It's also a choice you make politically to make them suck.

Aim_Deep wrote:

I like current Russia. Top Marginal rate now is 12-13% I think they are more free market than we have become. We lost cold war in reality adopting their ideas too much.

It wasn't their idea, socialisms philosophical idead are older than Marx and Marx was a german jew. You could also argue, Soviet Union was never a socialist state but namely. It's only a rightist idea that all your political opponents are for slavery if they call themselves socialist, or that any state calling themselves socialist is such. Is North Korea democratic? They call their state such.

What gave rise to socialist ideas in the first place was the sort of laissez-faire capitalism that resulted in abysmal working conditions for an average factory worker during 1800's. People started organizing. It was capitalist system itself and its flaws which gave rise to the left, historically speaking.

If you like current Russia, it's quite telling. [Removed by Support]

Nice name calling. Why did the Americans stand up to the British originally? Taxes which were low by today's standard like 3%. Our founding fathers would be embarrassed with us and our willingness to sit and accept what our government is doing to us with hugely overreaching regulations and taxation on our lifestyles, person, and businesses. This is America founded and practiced liberty unknown to world at the time. Last thing we need is adopt EU standards on what constitutes good gov when most people are escapees descendants from those failed and repressive systems.

Nice trick calling slavery "service" - Orwell much? service is voluntary not forced.

How about leave us "crack pots" alone. There is enough places to go practice socialism. America is supposed to be land of the free.

We've existed longer than all you guys as a contiguous gov because we stayed away, until recent times, from deleterious socialism and democracy which are nation destroyers.

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Allen_GGG on Jul 9, 2018, 3:51:09 PM
1453R wrote:
vmt80 wrote:

Maybe I shouldn't have put my head inside the wasp nest here, hmmm. People have so vastly different perception of politics :)

Welcome to Off-Topic, where everything's made up and logic doesn't matter!

Nah. It's just the nature of discussing politics in general - people feel pretty deeply about these issues and a great many of them have less grounding in fact than they otherwise might desire. Myself included, though I at least try to keep up with the basics and admit where my knowledge may be faulty. Hang around threads like this long enough though, and you'll get a good idea of who's good for a meaty debate and who's just a screaming yayhoo. Scrotie's usually a good one to actually discuss things with; Aim is...less so. There's worse folks, though. Just ignore whatever spambot's taken over IMSilver's account entirely.

Anyways. Interesting, if in the morbid sense, to hear that Finland is pushing for privatized healthcare despite the horrible nightmare the U.S. has concretely demonstrated privatized healthcare to be. I mean shit, if we can't even serve as a harrowing warning to the rest of the world, what the hell good has any of this done?

When we had truly privatized HC doctors came to your house, was cheap AF, and no one died in the streets. It wasnt until gov got involved shit got crazy consuming like 15% of GDP and you cant get an appointment.

This is always a socialists response though. More socialism to patch up previous fails.

Sorry I cant debate to your liking I work 60 hrs a week - 20 for deadbeats - and don't have time.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jul 9, 2018, 3:34:33 PM
Must watch video What happens when democrats/socialists run your state into the ground.

In 20 years since dems took over cali - 1 tillion in debt, cities bankrupt, went from 5th largest economy in world to 7th because businesses and money GTFO.

This will happen to entire nation (as is to a degree) if we let them run things.

As many of you know I don't agree 100% with republicans - like their immigration policy or they never saw a military expenditure they didnt like but they are 10x less worse than the socialists due to some libertarian leanings and maybe we can survive least for 80 years until im gone haha.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jul 9, 2018, 5:13:07 PM
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