faerwin wrote:
Skin color is absolutely NOT a culture .

I heard in the state it is. Some whiteys can t even have dread locks because of the stupid cultural appropriation idea they have there.

They forget the white tribes also had locks like Celts and Saxons but hey school system will not teach you that there.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Jan 13, 2018, 9:04:46 AM
Head_Less wrote:

However from a diplomatic point of view this kind of suck using such words with people in the room not from your political views. See Trump need to be smarter and stop giving weapons to butt-hurts libs all around him.

Trump does it on purpose, to allow liberals, who constantly refer to these same countries As hell holes no one should be forced to live in, to make hypocritical fools of themselves.

The entire premise of the liberals on DACA, is That no child should ever be forced to live in one of these countries. The liberals just destroyed their own position by complaining about the alleged shit hole comment.
Last edited by Kamchatka on Jan 13, 2018, 9:49:32 AM
Kamchatka wrote:

Trump does it on purpose, to allow liberals, who constantly refer to these same countries As hell holes no one should be forced to live in, to make hypocritical fools of themselves.

The entire premise of the liberals on DACA, is That no child should ever be forced to live in one of these countries. The liberals just destroyed their own position by complaining about the alleged shit hole comment.

I thought Trump want to make a bipartisan deal. The idea isn't to piss them off unless it is just a cover to blow up the party. So Trump don't want their votes, he just want to troll. The failure to get things done will fall on Trump.
Last edited by deathflower on Jan 13, 2018, 10:53:02 AM
deathflower wrote:
Kamchatka wrote:

Trump does it on purpose, to allow liberals, who constantly refer to these same countries As hell holes no one should be forced to live in, to make hypocritical fools of themselves.

The entire premise of the liberals on DACA, is That no child should ever be forced to live in one of these countries. The liberals just destroyed their own position by complaining about the alleged shit hole comment.

I thought Trump want to make a bipartisan deal. The idea isn't to piss them off unless it is just a cover to blow up the party. So Trump don't want their votes, he just want to troll. The failure to get things done will fall on Trump.

Of course he should not want any deal with amnesty. This has been covered previously in this thread.
faerwin wrote:

There's a huge difference between calling a place a shithole and associating the population that come from it as shit because they were born there.

Denying entry because people come from an unfortunate place, with no actual personal reason is ridiculous. Especially if they don't represent a security risk.

We are trying to get our massive debt and spending under control. Providing welfare to the entire world is unreasonable and unsustainable. Perhaps you don't understand the term 'America first'? President Trump clearly stated, as a part of his campaign, that he wanted to bring the best people from around the world here. That doesn't mean everyone, but simply the best that places have to offer. Life is unfair and it's unfortunate that we can't provide welfare to everyone in the world, but it is what is is. There are plenty of individuals that live here in the states that go without assistance, but that's fine, because it's easier to virtue signal and blame President Trump. I am sure your country is not providing welfare to the entire world, but keep virtue signalling President Trump with your fake 'racism' rhetoric. At least it's entertaining to read.
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
Kamchatka wrote:
deathflower wrote:
Kamchatka wrote:

Trump does it on purpose, to allow liberals, who constantly refer to these same countries As hell holes no one should be forced to live in, to make hypocritical fools of themselves.

The entire premise of the liberals on DACA, is That no child should ever be forced to live in one of these countries. The liberals just destroyed their own position by complaining about the alleged shit hole comment.

I thought Trump want to make a bipartisan deal. The idea isn't to piss them off unless it is just a cover to blow up the party. So Trump don't want their votes, he just want to troll. The failure to get things done will fall on Trump.

Of course he should not want any deal with amnesty. This has been covered previously in this thread.

The president will need the Democrats, it is imprudent to burn the bridges. The president’s party typically loses seats. U.S. presidents often make policy choices that alienate blocs within the electorate. The party in power are usually blame for the nation’s problems. GOP would be unlikely to keep control of all level of government. Expecting GOP to lose the House of Representatives.

JNF wrote:
faerwin wrote:

There's a huge difference between calling a place a shithole and associating the population that come from it as shit because they were born there.

Denying entry because people come from an unfortunate place, with no actual personal reason is ridiculous. Especially if they don't represent a security risk.

We are trying to get our massive debt and spending under control. Providing welfare to the entire world is unreasonable and unsustainable. Perhaps you don't understand the term 'America first'? President Trump clearly stated, as a part of his campaign, that he wanted to bring the best people from around the world here. That doesn't mean everyone, but simply the best that places have to offer. Life is unfair and it's unfortunate that we can't provide welfare to everyone in the world, but it is what is is. There are plenty of individuals that live here in the states that go without assistance, but that's fine, because it's easier to virtue signal and blame President Trump. I am sure your country is not providing welfare to the entire world, but keep virtue signalling President Trump with your fake 'racism' rhetoric. At least it's entertaining to read.

Hypocrisy isn't it? Complaining to be broke but giving its corporate donors and citizens a massive tax break. Doesn't matter if you are broke as long as you can borrow on credit. As long as the economy is booming, things don't come crashing down.
Last edited by deathflower on Jan 13, 2018, 12:38:01 PM
Increasing the amount of cash circulating through the US workforce has nothing to do with giving welfare to the entire world. If we taxed corporations 90% we could still not give the entire world welfare to bring everyone up to a US standard of living.

The only way the USA could truly help the 3rd world countries would be colonization, but no one has the stomach for that.
Kamchatka wrote:
Increasing the amount of cash circulating through the US workforce has nothing to do with giving welfare to the entire world. If we taxed corporations 90% we could still not give the entire world welfare to bring everyone up to a US standard of living.

The only way the USA could truly help the 3rd world countries would be colonization, but no one has the stomach for that.

How does US taking in immigrants benefit its country of original? It doesn't. It decrease the country of original population and productivity. It is like milking immigrants, but you want the best cows.

PS: Why does non shithole countries want to move to America when their country is paradise? They usually don't... Shithole countries is usually where you get most of the immigrants because they probably want to leave to look for better opportunities. That is pretty normal.

Last edited by deathflower on Jan 13, 2018, 1:46:34 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Hm how does one call such a "zone"?
Something with s...

In all seriousness, the isn't even 4D chess, it's just the normal kind. Trump was willing to negotiate on DACA because the polls show most Americans (~55%) want a DACA solution. The Dems weren't willing to negotiate even with GOP control of House and Senate. This "shithole" stuff is such obvious torpedoing of the DACA deal, using a politically incorrect point that the vast majority of Americans agree with to generate massive virtue-signalling outrage that'll go over like a lead baloon with the people and get Dems to talk about how great immigrant home countries are. It's amazing how Trump is playing the media like a fiddle with obvious self-leaks.

I mean fucking hell, lefty MSM, how many times are you going to let Trump run the Trojan Story move on you before you learn?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jan 13, 2018, 3:09:52 PM
deathflower wrote:

JNF wrote:

We are trying to get our massive debt and spending under control. Providing welfare to the entire world is unreasonable and unsustainable. Perhaps you don't understand the term 'America first'? President Trump clearly stated, as a part of his campaign, that he wanted to bring the best people from around the world here. That doesn't mean everyone, but simply the best that places have to offer. Life is unfair and it's unfortunate that we can't provide welfare to everyone in the world, but it is what is is. There are plenty of individuals that live here in the states that go without assistance, but that's fine, because it's easier to virtue signal and blame President Trump. I am sure your country is not providing welfare to the entire world, but keep virtue signalling President Trump with your fake 'racism' rhetoric. At least it's entertaining to read.

Hypocrisy isn't it? Complaining to be broke but giving its corporate donors and citizens a massive tax break. Doesn't matter if you are broke as long as you can borrow on credit. As long as the economy is booming, things don't come crashing down.

Thanks for taking the bait. This will be an easy one. It's called 'economics' and I suggest you do some more research before bringing this failed argument to the table. You reduce the taxes on corporations, so that they hire more people and expand their business operations to new areas. Economic growth is necessary to reduce our deficit. It's about as hypocritical as paying someone more money, so that they can afford to drive their car to work. Nice try though.
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:

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