[3.x][Super Heavy Heavy Strike] 2H HS Jug - All Content

What level should the precision gem be?
Rootsmann wrote:
A question to everybody who is investing themselves in the buil: what are the best/cool anointment you have in sight?

I still have work to do but I think these two are really interesting:

static blows
20% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
30% increased Effect of Shock
30% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently
40% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies

Tribal Fury
12% increased Melee Damage
Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy

You're spot on!
Tribal Fury was interesting for testing.
Static Blows however is a definitive choice with a starforge

AquariusLord wrote:
What level should the precision gem be?

Lv1 is enough, jug has tons of accuracy and gets good dmg boost from other auras like warbanner and pride, so it is hard to get a good tradeoff with a higher lv precision
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
What about Elder Exquisite blade (with "Socketed gems are supported wih level # Fortify") instead of Starforge?

I play Standard (yeah, with legacy gear:). Still can't decide between Starforge and this:

How much damage gives Starforge's shock in Elder/Shaper fight?

And what about corrupted Starforge with "Socketed gems are supported wih level # Fortify" corrupted implicit? Is it superior compared to Elder sword?

Also - is Sin's rebirh + Atziri promise combo better than Brutality?
Last edited by Voidstranger#2718 on Sep 15, 2019, 1:26:03 PM
ZaeN wrote:

You're spot on!
Tribal Fury was interesting for testing.
Static Blows however is a definitive choice with a starforge

And the great news is that Static blows is really cheap to craft.

A couple questions regarding the two anointments:

- During your testing, did you determine if "Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy" from Tribal Fury allow you to hit twice a single isolated ennemy (as Multistrike would do) or does it behave like ancestral call? I can't find the answer on online ressources.

- With your endgame gears, do you know how far you were to reach the maximum schock damage treshold (50% damage) on shaper? Just to know if the 30% from static blows will help further.

Provided that Bligh uniques in red maps have much more life than the shaper, the 30% from static blow probably be of great help there.

Then I have one more sem-question/semi-comment, as I get a better grisp of the fine relations between the different mechanics involved in the build:

- Maim does not stack, the strongest maim source overwrites the others. It means than with Maim support in stone and flesh, the Maim supporting HS does not apply it's own "increased damage taken". Ruthless is significantly better except if you one- or two-shot everything (in which case Ruthless is useless). Even Fortify has more "more damage" than Maim. And even in a defensive setup angainst a boss in the sand stance, it's still better to put Maim in the totem and use Ruthless or Crit or Fortify in HS links, right? It seems to me that Maim in the main skill is only good for map speed farming where everythings dies in oneshots.

I've also tried to see if the new IC (which gives elemental mitigation too now) would be better than Molten Shell (which only prevents hits attacks/spells) but as soon as you have The Brass Dome and the Jugg ascendy, Molten Shell seems to easily win.
Last edited by Rootsmann#7961 on Sep 16, 2019, 8:58:34 AM
I prefer molten shell. Much better against elemental damage. And with molten shell you will also have endurance charges!
Voidstranger wrote:
Much better against elemental damage

Could you elaborate on that? IC lvl 3 has 26% elemental mitigation, which works not only on hits like molten shell does.

Voidstranger wrote:
And with molten shell you will also have endurance charges!

Well about that, I currently have IC because I still have no Brass and a split second after IC gets triggered I have my 4 endurance charges back. That's on pack. On bosses I did not pay attention.

But I agree with you that molten shell seems better, and once I get a Brass I won't look back at IC.
Last edited by Rootsmann#7961 on Sep 16, 2019, 5:14:15 PM
Rootsmann wrote:

Could you elaborate on that? IC lvl 3 has 26% elemental mitigation, which works not only on hits like molten shell does.
Molten shell has 70 percent elemental and physical (and chaos!) mitigation, ic has 34 elemental mitigation. Molten shell duration is shorter than ic and molten shell doesn't give you physical immunity, but 70 percent elemental mitigation is huge. As jugg you already have good phys mitigation. Also, molten shell has better phys mitigation than 70 percent because of full endurance charges all the time.
Last edited by Voidstranger#2718 on Sep 16, 2019, 10:51:51 PM
Hi, thank you for the build, I like it, but can It farm labs, delve, and blight mechanics? I newbie and try find build which can farm all content. (Sry for the mistakes, eng it’s not my language)
Voidstranger wrote:
Molten shell has 70 percent elemental and physical (and chaos!) mitigation.

Yes but only for a flat amount equal to 20% of your armor. With my current 8K armor that's 1600 hit points. In red maps 1600 hit points are gone in a split second if you jump in a dangerous pack. Whereas IC gives me mitigation for 2 seconds no matter how hard I get hit.

Again with Brass (22K armour), the flat amout is 4400 hit points, which is much better. And the fact that it works agains chaos damage inflicted by hits is quite good too.

and molten shell doesn't give you physical immunity, but 70 percent elemental mitigation is huge

IC does not do that anymore anyway.

Thank you for your answer!

livefastdiewhenever wrote:
Hi, thank you for the build, I like it, but can It farm labs, delve, and blight mechanics? I newbie and try find build which can farm all content. (Sry for the mistakes, eng it’s not my language)

If you read the guide you'll see why this build is among the best lab farmer. There is part in the guide that is specifically for labs.

Blight in maps is fine. I'm in red maps and validated a 7 lanes yesterday. I don't have a Starforge, nor a Brass Dome, no Lion's Roar flask, the Totem in a 4 link and still missing one Sword Keynote in the passive tree. So I have quite a lot of room for improvment.
Can't say for blighted maps (where all monsters of the map are removed and spawn from 20 portals after 3.8.1 patch) as I haven't tried one yet.

For delve I can't tell yet for 300-400 depth but if you are a newbie you won't reach that anyway. What is sure is that you will be able to move in the depth where monsters start to be lvl 83 (max level in Delve) with no problem.
Last edited by Rootsmann#7961 on Sep 17, 2019, 3:24:17 AM

Thank you for answers! Sorry I’ll be inattentive, like many noobs :d try this build and write my impressions later, gl!
Last edited by livefastdiewhenever#2914 on Sep 17, 2019, 4:24:20 AM

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